Well, i had dmt waiting for me for a while. The only thing is that i was too anxious to try it. I had been confronted to overwhelmingly bad psylo. experiences in the last 6 months and i didnt know if i was ready or not. I had tried the Dmt once or twice before but only a little bit not even a dose, i only got a racing hearbeat and almost no visuals. My smoking technique was really poor. So i build a DMT pipe with a lightbulb, 2 straw and a pepsi bottle cap. It works really well i tell you. So on the 11 of july, i loaded the pipe with not even a pencil eraser amount. It was tiny. Then, with the aid of a candle, i vaporized almost all of the DMT in my getho pipe. The smoke was really dense, yet no smoke was finding it<s way out of my pipe. I inhaled all the smoke at once. I used to be a pot and tobacco smoker so the harsness was not so terrible. I only had the time to put the pipe on the bedside desk. I knew that this was going to be somehow strong. Within seconds, i had really strong psychedelic visual/mind eye distortion everywhere in my room. I didnt even see the smoke coming out of my mouth because the '' visuals '' were too much overwhelming. I then closed my eyes and laid on my bed. I felt that i was kind of expanding. I was kinda scared but not too much. I retained self awareness. I had no breakthrough. It was just STRONG energy fields visuals swirling everywhere. That was beatuyfull. On the coming up, ( more or less 1 minute who knows? ) my heart was racing, i told myself '' hu hu never again '', '' what the fuck am i doing to me '', '' please, no entity contact this time''. But at the same time, having done lots of trips before, i said to myslef '' i'll emerge of this fine, i have to pay attention NOW, i'm doing this for a purpose. '' After this coming up, expendaing, ultra-intense period, I felt the greatest ectsasy i have ever felt. Visuals swirling eveywhre like a landscape. Things were getting less and less intense. But still, less and less intense means, like a strong acid trip haha! I then opened my eyes but stayed in bed. I could have talked, walked and anything, but i have confused in a psychedelic way and having color visuals and space distortions again ( [u:a19dc449d4]STRONG[/u:a19dc449d4] distortion and colors ). for about half an hour i felt kind of depressed that life was kind of unreal?! And that i was not doing what i am supposed to do in life - weird toughts, but very insightful. I felt like i was coming back from the place of origin and that i was amnesic of this place again. This is so weird. But it is great. I now feel like i know everything about the psychedelic oneness ultimate reality and that i belong there. I used to investigate these states, now i investigate physical life from the perspective of the ultimate ' truth reality ''. Physical life is just so much stranger than hyperspace. héhé. Definitivly, i'll have to try it again, but a proper amount for a breakthrough. I know that it can be alot stronger and that i will be just fine 10 minutes after smoking. I had breakthough with mushrooms at very high dose with the setting of silent darkness, laying on a bed, eyes closed. So it cant be that different with DMT, i kind of feel that it's very much alike. Only, smoked DMT is rapid in it's action and feels like the upper peak of an insane amount of psylocibin. héhé!