When I was young I used to have these strange sensations right before falling asleep. I would go into almost a trance like sensation, I could feel my energy growing past my physical body. It felt as if I was severely obese all over, yet i could also feel as though I was extremely thin, like my entire body was just sticks.
My minds voice would increase in speed of thought and tone. It was almost as if I could think more quickly. I would lay there and try to observe it best I could. It would only last at most, 10 minutes. I think.
The first time this ever happened, was when I was about 8 yrs old I think. Directly following afterwards I went into what I now believe was the hyperspace. I remember seeing, and being a part of, a vast collection of piping that "something" traveled through or along. I could essentially become part of it and travel along it myself. They were made of many types of something, different colors and sizes and they all were just like a network of plumbing underground. The "me" that I was was not a body of any kind. i just was there and thats all I know.
So my memory fades slightly during this, mainly cause it was so long ago and I rarely spoke of it to anyone. Afterwards though, the very last part I do remember was being in an immense open space. It reminded me of being in space when I was a child, but empty space, with out stars or planetary bodies in view at all. In the very center of this was what I am now realizing, I believe, to be The Central Light, I found the description in the Lexicon.
I tried to go into this light. I felt as if thats what i was suppose to do. When i got close it would pulse, which would cause me to fly away from it. Every time I did this the same thing would happen. Over and over again I tried, and finally I almost was in the very center of this thing and it imploded or exploded or something and sent me very far away. That's all I remember.
I just now realized all this after reading your post. I believe what I had was a DMT experience in my sleep/trance when I was young. My mind is BLOWN right now. i have always wondered what it was, and later in life I had spoken to many "out there" people about it hoping to get some kind of clarity. Now i have it. OMG I am freaking out right now.
Ok, so the physical sensation I would feel before falling asleep still happened to me many time between then and now, but it hasnt happened for a few years now, and before that several. It kind of stopped i think.
Has anyone experienced anything like this before? What are your thoughts on my experience I had? Do you think thats what happened, that i had a DMT experience?
This is nuts!
"Energy flows where attention goes"
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