Firstly, i'd like to extend a very heartfelt and warm thank you to the wonderful organisers and contributors of an excellent forum. The wealth of knowledge, the quality of the posts, and the attitude of you all makes the nexus one of my favourite places to be enveloped in online.
As you may be able to tell I have been lurking for a little while now, but I have decided I would like to make a contribution to the nexus, in the hope I may receive guidance and support from the people here. I have been interested in several faucets of the psychedelic experience for some time and believe there is much to be gained, spiritually and emotionally, from the exploration of this other eden.
The past 8 years have led me closer to this moment; from my first experiences with altered states of consciousness through my exploration of alternative philosophies and what they proposed, to my initial contact with and subsequent adventures with LSD and psilocybin, DMT has hovered on the very periphery of my perception. I feel I have now reached a level of maturity and (hopefully) experience that will allow me to appreciate the spice and the lessons I will learn from it.
The road of excess shall lead to the palace of wisdom - William Blake
All content herein is the serene ramblings of Aman long since removed from this mortal plane, and should be regarded as not only pure bunkum, but also purely for illustration purposes only.