I'd like to write my first trip report. I've done a myriad of drugs before, though I've never felt the need to report it as the web is already saturated with experiences, stories and information. I do however now feel complied to repay my information debt (hopefully you understand what I mean, I doubt that's actually a word) to this beautiful little community. I've been creeping these forums for over two years now.
Anyways, here's my report. I know there are a few ''no-no's'' so to speak that I have committed during this experience. I've since then learned. Trial by fire.
I prepared a normal dose of mimosahuasca, boiling the bark down to a drinkable size. I mixed the rue, and quickly gulped it down. I was convinced it was the foulest tasting thing in existence, until I gulped down the mimosa (tea?). I continued watching my favorite show which at the time was
house md, thinking that by relaxing my mind, i would be able to avoid any pre trip anxiety and therefore a bad experience. I continues watching and waiting until I decided to get up to urinate. At that moment, I felt something..a strange presence. I look around my room and thoughts of the jungle take over.. I knew this one was going to be it. I turned off my tv, and laid down in my bed waiting.
I felt a gentle spinning in my head and realized it was time.. I was facing death, or at-least something equally mysterious and powerful. As my eyes closed, I notice smily faces dancing around.. The imagery awkwardly stuck between being 2D and 3D, almost like a low budget illusion book. The smile faces came like waves, the were alternating between the colors yellow,blue,green and red.. ''Jesus! what did I get myself into'' I think. That split second of hesitation and of fear was enough to change the dynamic of the experience.
The smiley faces then cease dancing and I felt myself falling.. (note, this is probably the most vivid part of the experience, even if it only lasted 5 minutes). I almost saw myself in third person. I didn't but I was simultaneously a 3rd party watching me, and myself experiencing me. I was in a white room, with only one window.. Inside the window was a group of scientists, pushing buttons.. Green lights flashed and I felt myself getting cancer. I was unable to escape despite my pleading.. I floated upwards where I was met with a spirit type entity, translucent gray with a malevolent face, he floated around me seeming pleased with my demise.
My eyes bolted open, it was too much to handle. As much as you read about ''letting go'' and think it's an easy task, when faced with the manifestations of all your fears,insecurities, weakness and secrets, the ego tends to recoil in horror.. To see your own mind work against you in this manner is nothing short of terrifying. I look at my clock, trying to determine how much longer I will be trapped in this space. The clock reads 10:45 though the numbers hold no meaning.. They might have as well been in crylic or Arabic. It took a great deal of concentration to deduct the meaning and even then, i only hit the surface of what it means to be 10:45. I closed my eyes again to be greeted once again to the world of awkward2d/3d beings.. They would both move forward in a wave towards me and sideways patronymically. The scene would change constantly. At this point the details are impossible to remember, but I recall seeing tree's.. Upon closer inspection, the tree's branches had elephants of them hanging like apples.. The apples then split open revealing testicles, a penis and various shapes.. It was chaotic.. My mind was intentionally creating scenes as detached from reality, as obscene as possible. Though I'm ashamed to admit it, I was deeply bothered and annoyed by this. I just wanted reality back.
I woke up the next day, both disappointed this strange reality was gone, though happy I no longer had to deal with the chaos. Despite my experience, I don't regard it as a ''bad trip''. I feel as though vaporizing, and going in deeper would totally change the dynamic of things. Also, having my bearings in this ''deep space'' environment will certainly be an asset in future experiences. Though I didn't learn nearly as much as I did with my mushroom experiences (don't be an asshole was a prevailing theme) it was definitely the most fascinating thing I've ever partook in. Whether this molecule will teach me things, I do not know but what's certain is that I intend to find out