I don't recall how many years ago I learned about DMT, maybe about 5. I read The Spirit Molecule, and got into Mckenna, and I just fell in love with reading about DMT.
I never took the time to extract any, despite my serious curiosity. I had read that it's preferred that it not be bought or sold, and thats an idea I can get behind.
So years fly past. I have had plenty of experiences with LSD, microdots, and some mushrooms.
I admit to often using these in a recreational manner.
I was not and am not really interested in DMT for recreational use. At least not in the traditional sense.
So almost a month ago, an old friend who I hadn't seen or talked to in 13 years, posted on facebook that he had the week off and was wondering where he should go and what he should do.
I suggested he come visit, and he agreed.
He used to smoke, and be open to some psychedelics, but his facebook page was clean and I had no clue what he would be like now.
I was hoping he at least still smoked cannabis.
He shows up with a bunch of smoke, AND...DMT!
I didn't break through, but the experience was enough to astonish me to the core fill me with new and wonderful thoughts and ideas as to what we are, why we are, where we are, and what we are capable of.
I took 2 journeys. Here's what I can remember and describe.
SETTING: My music room. Sitting on recliner chair. Huge 67 HD tv, my computer, christmas lights, ambient lighting od reds, greens and blues. Dimly lit. I've always been a huge fan of atmosphere, and lighting is KEY!
MUSIC:Juno Reactor - Bible of Dreams (amazing album)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytOUuX5mvHwI remember sitting there for a long time, gathering the courage to spark it up. I don't remember the dosage, but we packed it on top of some cannabis.
I take my hit, and although my friend tells me to take 3 hits, all within a minute, I have huge mega lungs and am capable of miraculous hits. So I pretty much cleared it in one big hit, held it in, and let go. I didnt really taste anything, and at first there was nothing.
Then my friend said to hit it again, and his voice was fading away as he said it.
A strange sensation overcame my body and mind, and things started to get...different.
I was finally able to reply to my friend, and I remember saying this exactly "No, No, I'm not going to hit that pipe anymore" and then just relaxing back.
I kept my eyes open for this entire trip, I'm not sure why, but I did.
Air seemed non existent. The only thing I can equate this too is like being in an aquatic world all of a sudden, and you realize theres no air. I told myself I would be fine, just make sure I breathed. So I started breathing a little heavy, but this was just to ease my mind that I was actually breathing, because regular breathing did't seem existent.
After a couple deep breaths, I looked at the TV screen, and everything was fairly normal, only the words telling me what music was playing, we're not in english. they were in alien language. Like lines with dots and mirrored symbols, ALL crystal clear, in HD. English words had simply been replaced with alien writing.
Then I got stuck in a loop.
I leaned back again, and focused on a red light hanging above me, I then realized I wasnt relaxing and that I was stiff, so I relaxed, leaned forward, realized I had felt all of this before, laughed, leaned back, and went through that same process about 4 or 5 times.
I slowly came to realize things were normal again, with the most wonderful afterglow I have ever felt in my life.
The entire experience astonished me, and I thought I knew what to expect.
reading things, and experiencing them are 2 entirely different things!
I was a little to overwhelmed to try it again that evening. I wanted to soak it all up.
SETTING: Music Room, same chair. TV is OFF this time though,lol.
Music: I decided to play part of the psychedelic Salon podcast, where Terrance is talking about DMT and communicating with entities. This turned out to be very interesting.
I sat in that chair holding the pipe for at least 45 minutes. It's like getting on a rollercoaster, or just before you skydive. Very interesting feeling!
I did one hit again,and again, for some reason kept my eyes open. I closed them for a minute, but i dont recall anything happening at that time.
All sound fades except Terrances voice. It felt tunneled to ME, and all of a sudden, I was CERTAIN that Terrance was talking directly to me, and I became very confused. He said "they're trying to talk to you, they want to communicate with you, all you have to do is try" and just has he said that, something happened.
Picture my vision as a tv screen, in otherwords, you can see what I see through a tv screen.
On my right hand side of my vision, a caught a glimpse of a jester type entity knocking on my vision, like trying to get my attention, or pointing out that we arent quite on the same level yet. then almost the instant I realized he was there, he zig zagged backwrds away from me and was gone.
Then I saw more alien symbols.
So to the left of me is my acoustic guitar, and its covered in these holographic alein symbols, like thats what its made out of. I reached over to touch them, but couldnt. I remember my friend asking if I was alright, as I was leaning over the chair. I was able to reply I'm fine.
Then All of a sudden strange patterns started rising out of the carpet.
I can't describe them, but it was very real.
Then I felt A wave of information hit me, and I tried to gather and retain what I could, but it was gone so fast, and there was so much.
But it was all familiar, and that shocked me.
Then it was over and I had to sit there in silence for a while to digest it all.
My immediate thoughts were that this is where we come from, and where we go back to.
I dont know this for fact, and I cant prove it, but that's the feeling i got from all of it. I must admitt, that one of the things I was hoping to gain from the experience was life/death knowledge, among many other things. I'm not religious at all and have always remained open to the fact that I have no fucking clue what happens when we pass on.
Now at least, I might have a clue!
I have ordered some Caapi,Passion Flower, Mullein, and Blue Lotus.
I have to hit a Western Union for the Mimosa, but I'll do that this week.
Thats right, I think it's time for some new chapters in my life. I'm excited about the new possibilities and learning more about this reality and what it is and what is means.
I feel like most people don't seriously ponder why we are here, or what we are anymore.
I cant think of anything more important!
Thanks for reading, sorry if my writing skills aren't what they used to be. In the future I will try to fill out more detailed reports, and i'll use the Trip template too, sorry about that!
Much love and respect!