so i log in to the dmt nexus for the first time in a little while and the home screen picture at the top is on the right a dmt molecule, and on the left it's like a zetsu/tobi style being rife with uzumaki clan symbols...
i just had a couple of tabs of acid and it's possibly just started to kick in...
so this was an extremely lovely surprise and i just wanted to say i love the dmt nexus and thank you for bettering my life with your awesomeness, and add to that the beautiful art.
my name, is nobody.
*Gantz Grof is a fictional character created as part of an interactive experimental hyperreal novel concept
Gantz Grof exists within "Meta-Novel" which you are currently reading, and therefore a part of.
As one critique of Meta-Novel said:
"if Meta-Novel is fiction, then what is reality?"
As nein critiques said:
"Genius" "Fresh" "the new IN!"
Meta-Novel draws its inspiration from the likes of Kaufman, Jarmusch and others, who coincidentally stole the idea from the creator of Gantz Grof and Meta-Novel.
Meta-Novel is all rights reserved, Once existing within Metaverse, one is owned and belongs to Meta-Novel itself, and therefore also the creator of Meta-Novel