This is a delightful, intelligent and transformed man. I knew him for his interests in the hidden history of our world, with which he started this interview with. His work in that field is of enormous importance. And now, as he describes, he has moved onto an even greater mystery.
I made some quotes that are very close to my heart.
"If I as an individual am not sovereign over my own consciousness, if I cannot decide what to do with my consciousness which is the heart of my being, than I am not free. And I need not talk about freedom or living in a free society or such issues as democracy if my society will not allow me to explore my own consciousness."
If in an altered state of consciousness my behavior is disruptive in the public arena, than that behavior should rightly be controlled by society. But a personal and private exploration of our own consciousness is our own business in my view and is not the business of the state."
-- Grhama Hancock , Conscious Media Network Interview
"It's something strange about the human mind. We get locked into particular world views and mindsets, and once we get locked into a world view it is the hardest thing on earth to change it. I think it is harder than moving a mountain to change a scientists world view."
-- Graham Hancock, New Dawn No. 37
"Our society values alert problem solving consciousness. And it devalues all other states of consciousness. Any kind of consciousness that is not related to the production or consumption of material goods is stigmatized in our society today. Of course we accept drunkenness. We allow people some brief respite from the material grind.
A society that subscribes to that model is a society that is going to condemn the states of consciousness that have nothing to do with the allert problem solving mentality.
And if you go back to the 1960's when there was a tremendous upsurge of exploration of psychedelics , I would say that the huge backlash that followed that had to do with a fear on the part of the powers that be, that if enough people went into those realms and those experiences the very fabric of the society that we have today would be picked apart and most importantly, those in power at the top would not be in power at the top anymore."
-- Graham Hancock, interviewed in 'DMT: The Spirit Molecule' (documentary)
We need more people like him who are not afraid to openly explain the psychedelic experience and tie it in with culture, society, religion, economy, ideology and other such structures that we create around ourselves in order not to have to deal with our inner problems and in doing so denying the wondrous life we can have on this gem of a planet. He could be the next McKenna and it was McKenna and now Hancock who for me are hero's and examples on how to deal with the psychedelic experience.