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Cleverly Human Options
Walter D. Roy
#1 Posted : 3/11/2012 4:34:44 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 417
Joined: 03-Jan-2012
Last visit: 24-Jan-2019
Last night I made a journey.

Time: If I remember correct it was about 9:30 or 10 p.m.

Setting: In the upstairs room of my friends house where we make the extractions. We had the lights turned off and some candles burning by our "smoke station".

Method of Administration: We used a gravity bong, which was our smoke station. There was a table thing which we set the bucket on containing water and had the bong inside. We made two bowls for the gravity bong. We did this because a couple days before we had each taken one hit out of the "grav" and our minds were blown. But a breakthrough was still to be achieved. So we all decided to take turned smoking two hits out of the grav.

Some background info: There were four of us. Three of us were taking turns smoking and another was loading and lighting the bowls for us. We would load a couple bowls of the dmt and cover then with some "Dream Herb". Then we would turn the lights of and take the hits by candle light. Before this all of us were pacing around the room/meditating if needed and breathing a lot. Preparing ourselves for the oncoming journey. We waited as the dmt dryed out and then prepared the room. We had a bed by the gravity bong so we could fall on it if need be. And for protection if taking the second hit was to hard.

What the DMT was: We were smoking DMT crystals. It was a new extraction that no had smoked yet. It was a good extraction Smile

Purpose: My purpose was to get a breakthrough experience as was my other friends. Before each time I smoke DMT I try to focus on the present moment and focus on "showing me what I need not want". My overall purpose is to gain higher awareness of my consciousness and meet entities. To further myself spiritually and reflect on what I have learned.

The Experience: My friend tripped before me as me and my other friends stood and watched he was taken into the world of his mind. This made me feel a bit nervous because I could see that the spice we had was potent. Once he was done he was confused but said he had enjoyed the experience. He wasn't sure at first if he had "gone places" but later concluded, due to the intensity of his trip, that he did.
We turned the light back on and loaded another two bowls. It was my turn now, and as I stood by the bong my friend kept whispering advice and encouragement into my ears. We had a bottle of water if we needed a little grounding after the first hit to be able to take the second. The water bottle was drained a couple of times. A laughed a little as I took the giant first hit of spice. I was a little nervous but due to some previous meditation I felt pretty calm. I closed my eyes as I held it in, my friend still whispering to me. I let the hit out and immediately felt the trip coming on, I could feel me trying to jump out of my body. I began to talk and jump up and down and drink water. Trying to stay for the second hit. He changed bowls and lit it. I took the second hit and by this time I was completely out of it. My friend told me to sit on the bed, and I did. I put my elbows on my knees and my forehead on my hands and ceased to move for the rest of the trip.
I let the second hit out, I cannot really remember this well. And I was transported to the usual grid of colors, but this time is was different. A little more sinister and a little more definite and intense. I opened my eyes, a little unprepared to face this sinister being. But it followed me to the real world. At first letters came up out of the carpet, giant clock like circles too. These were odd because they look light floating shadows.
At this point I dove back in, I closed my eyes and did not open them again. And if I need I saw no difference. I was in the color grids again, but all the sudden I blasted through. It stopped and became definite/indefinite shapes. It was a puzzle and I was a bit scared and uncomfortable due to how sinister it felt. I knew I was being tested as I moved about this part of hyperspace. Looking and solving puzzles that he presented me. I kept getting this sense that my "nature" my "core" as a human was just as sinister and corrupt.
I remember him taking me apart in little blocks and putting me back together in a different way. He seemed to ask "Hows that? Enjoyable? No? Yes? Well lets try again shall we?" Over and over for infinite amounts of time. I had lost sense of my self the trip seemed to completely envelope me. I also heard an old married couple laughing in the candle light to my left. It might have been my laughing though, for I would snicker here and there. I was being tickled almost.
After this I began to come back a little, I set my head down on my arms, relieved he had let me get off so easily. But he was not done she was not done, I began to move closer toward the "core" of him/her. And he began to unfold for me. I passed a green light that had a sphere of purple lines moving around it. And above me was a bright white light. I moved closer to the light thinking something like "heaven for me". But it turned to dark.
I got a PROFOUND sense that as a human, no matter the intentions, we will desecrate and take advantage of.
After this I saw the beings face, purple and made of blocks, as was his whole part of hyperspace. He finally took on definite form for me. Showing me himself. I felt greatly rewarded as if I had passed the test. He had tested my will and seemed to say "silly human, but I like this one, he did a good job" he rewarded me with a huge glow and the ability to retain his image.
I met the joker, the jester, the Clever-One.

Post-Experience: I came back not knowing what my body was, what anything was. I could not speak but what I did it was (excuse the language)something like "What the FUCK?" and I just kept combing my fingers through my hair and saying "What?!" over and over. I finally got around and told my friends what I saw, but I could not tell them all. Some of it I felt was too personal. So I sat there and breathed. I was extremely shaky and my hands were sweating. We turned on the light loaded a couple bowls and my last friend took his journey.

Analyses: The trip was amazing, the spice never ceases to surprise and comfort me. Taking me beyond my comfort zone. I feel very at peace right now.
The Unknown = A Place to Learn

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
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