Indoril_Nerevar wrote:
That doesn't even make any sense. Nothing you say makes any sense really...the difference between the world we live in and some dude's imagination is that one is real (with matter and energy and all of that) while the dude's imagination is just electric signals in his brain that exist in the real world.
There is no "potential" for anything,I don't even know what you are trying to say here tbh. And you obviously don't know the meaning of the word scepticism...
Okay so apparently you understood nothing of what I said. Let me try to clarify this for you.
"The present experience is a product of the world of ideas"
This makes perfect sense. We live in a world right? You cannot deny that you experience things on a daily basis. So let me give you this example which might clarify this for you.
We experience "the chair" right? And a chair you and I would say is a piece of wood with four "legs" and a back to it. Well one day a man brings in a three legged chair. Does this fit in with the definition I just gave? No, but we still view it as a chair. What if it had no legs? Still a chair? Yes quiet so.
This is because the chair in the physical sense (the present experience) is a product of the IDEA called CHAIR. Or the perfect chair that resides in the world of ideas.
So you say the difference between the world we live in and a mans imaginary world is that the real one contains matter right? And his imagination is just produced by electricity passed between neurons?
This I am sorry but I will have to disagree with and let me explain myself.
So we have five senses with which we perceive the world. We can only perceive the world through these five HUMAN senses. And what are senses made up of? Electric currents passed between neurons. In fact I find no proof of matter because I as a consciousness am directly acting with "matter". The only way I perceive this thing you call "matter" is through my senses.
So what about dreaming? I see hear and feel stuff that aren't there as you would say, but in fact the way I perceive all of that stuff just so happens to be the way I perceive this reality as you call it. So there is no definite line between the imagination and "reality". In fact it is all the same because we perceive them the same way as we perceive anything else. This causes you to doubt the very foundation of the human experience because we are not intact with the REALITY of REALITY but we experience the HUMAN REALITY of REALITY.
Okay now moving on the "potential" apparently you don't know what potential means so let us take a closer look.
po·ten·tialโ โ[puh-ten-shuhl] Show IPA
possible, as opposed to actual: the potential uses of nuclear energy.
capable of being or becoming: a potential danger to safety.
Grammar . expressing possibility: the potential subjunctive in Latin; the potential use of can in I can go.
Archaic . potent1 .
possibility; potentiality: an investment that has little growth potential.
a latent excellence or ability that may or may not be developed.
Grammar .
a potential aspect, mood, construction, case, etc.
a form in the potential.
Electricity . electric potential ( def. 1 ) .
Mathematics, Physics . a type of function from which the intensity of a field may be derived, usually by differentiation.
So potential is the possibility of experience.
Referring to what started this conversation in the first place. You say that whatever that certain cult beliefs to be true is gibberish. Because is it not completely objective. It is an impossible idea that they belief that that stuff actually happened.
Okay before we move on to that lets define another word you said I didn't even know the meaning to.
skepticism [skep-tuh-siz-uhm] โ
skep·ti·cismโ โ[skep-tuh-siz-uhm] Show IPA
skeptical attitude or temper; doubt.
doubt or unbelief with regard to a religion, especially Christianity.
( initial capital letter ) the doctrines or opinions of philosophical Skeptics; universal doubt.
UNIVERSAL DOUBT, is what I am getting at here.
As I said before some open-mindedness and UNIVERSAL DOUBT can be healthy. You get to caught up in what you believe, and to stuck to it. Our human senses LIE TO US about the reality of things so I have to reason to EVER trust my human senses, or logic.
Okay so in being healthy skeptical of things you can accept that the reality you experience is not what it tells you.
So now back to potential. What ever that cult believes to be true is POTENTIALLY true due to the amount of SKEPTICISM our reality presents us.
What they believe happened could have happened who are you to judge such things. Your whole experience of existence is SO primitive as a human being. We are dealing with IN-HUMAN being and ideas when we talk of religion and cults.
It is beyond any human to understand something that is not human, BECAUSE we are HUMAN.
So you say it could not exist, but it has the direct potential for existence and therefor is already in existence. Because the idea lives perfects in the "world of ideas". When I write down "a bird flew" a bird really did fly due to the fact that the IDEA "bird" and "flew" at that moment made an action together called "a bird flew". It is in existence because the reality we live in is only a product of certain PERFECT IDEAS. Because as we both know our reality is not perfect in any way shape or form.
Okay and one more thing. Suppose our human senses create the imperfection in the world and through our human senses we indirectly perceive the world of ideas. So reality outside of human perception is completely perfect but due to our "being human" we can not help but subjectively create the three legged chair.
So basically what I am getting at is that you have no idea what reality is.
So who are you to judge what is real and what is not? Are you God? Nope just some human on planet flying through space.
The Unknown = A Place to Learn