Greetings my fellow mind-travellers.
I have been here before, but I lost my password due to an email account disappearing.
I never made a great impression here, though, which is exactly how I want it here..I learn a lot, share a fair amount, but an impression I don't want to make...
My eyes have been opened, and I think I can help others open theirs, but finding a responsible and kind tactful way of doing it is the next part of my journey.
Big love to you all, and may we help turn on our fellow homo sapiens so we may evolve as a collective consciousness, before we destroy this place.
I have started on my jounrney again to be the shamn of my does not work if not done ritualistically, too many variables to go out of control, so I shall be taking tentative steps from here on.
PS what's all this "" I see when people post links?!