Not so good with introductions so a story instead.
When tree and man first met the world was ruled by trees and forest. Upon first glance the trees were dismayed, they had never seen anything quite like man. The trees were under the impression they knew about all things that lived on the land. Needless to say they were impressed and very interested with man, but not afraid. Remember they are trees and back then had nothing to fear, except maybe the odd beaver. So, at first the trees just watched man. This was very humorous at first but after a while started to make the trees feel very bad. See, this new creature “man” was the weakest creature in all the forest on all the land. Man it seemed was very ill equipped to do even the most basic things like keep warm. So one day the trees decided to try to help man, but decided to keep their silence. By small unnoticed interventions they helped when they could. An apple dropping off a tree, pines making shelters with their lower branches, but no matter what they did it still was not enough.
After watching this go on long enough one tree, one very special tree decided to speak to man. As trees are not hasty beings this special tree waited, waited for the right human. After a while one came near, the special tree tried to get the attention of the human but no matter how loud it yelled it seemed the man could not hear. The tree quickly understood they do not speak the same language; this was also a first amongst the forests. The tree was very intrigued by this and commenced to find a way to communicate with the humans. A very long time was spent pondering this subject before the tree realized that man and tree have very little in common and in order to communicate with anything you need a “common ground” for both parties.
This very special tree had a brilliant idea, possibly the smartest idea ever conceived. In order to provide the common ground this tree decided to bear fruit. A very special fruit, one that contained all the desire the tree had to communicate with and understand man. All man had to do was eat the fruit and he would be able to understand the trees, and therefore all nature. Finally a long time after the trees first encounter with man another came. The man seemed to be hungry, as all humans always are, and could smell the fruit. It was almost like fate; the man just walked up, picked a piece of fruit, and sat down and ate it. After eating the fruit the man started to take a nap, while this pleased the tree greatly it was also worried. The tree thought the human would eat the fruit and instantly be able to communicate with nature. Instead the man slept and slept and slept. The tree started to become very worried and decided to wake up the human, not thinking the tree yelled “hey you”, “hey”. The man jumped very high, like he was hit by lightning, the tree found this very funny and started laughing. Suddenly the human turned around and asked who was laughing; this made the tree yell with joy but seemed to further frighten the human. After sometime of consoling and explanations the human came to understand the situation and was very pleased, see the humans it seems were very lonely not being able to communicate with the forest.
The tree and human spoke for many seasons trying to find a way that the trees could help man. After a while they came to the idea that the tree would speak to the entire plant kingdom and tell them how to communicate with man and ask them to help the humans. The human would speak to all man and show them how to communicate with the plants, this way they could live better lives. Both sides were very excited with the idea, plants were very curious about humans and the humans were tired of fighting against nature.
Sometime after this there seemed to be some type of accord struck, humans were caretakers of the forest and the forest was the caretaker for the humans. This was how things went for a very long time, and it was good. But, (there’s always a but huh) over time something was happening to the humans, they were growing discontent. You see life in the forest is very slow most of the time; this leads to boredom in humans something trees know nothing of. It seems when humans become bored with life their mind tends to do strange things. The humans started to do things that were not good for the forest, nothing too bad but not good. So the trees asked the humans what was going on, why they were doing these things. The humans gave a simple answer, if you are a human, but the trees still don’t understand it to this day. They said, “We need to control”. The trees did not understand this and asked for an explanation of this “control”, but no matter how the humans tried to explain it the trees could not understand.
It was slow but it still happened, the humans left the forest. The humans grew frustrated that every time they tried to “control” something the trees would endlessly ask them why, if it wasn’t the trees it was all the other plants. The humans got tired of explaining this to something that was never going to understand. After a time it seemed that the trees and humans never talked anymore, yeah there were a few but very few. Those few still taught the meanings of nature to other humans, but still very few. The trees started to think that the humans forgot; that they changed. When the humans came back they looked different very different. There were only a few at first and they seemed to be only visiting the forest but humans seemed to be larger than trees remembered and healthier. The forest was happy but it did seem strange at the time that no matter how hard they tried they could not find any way to communicate with them. Then for reasons known only to the newer version of man they started to destroy the forest. The trees could not understand why, they thought that maybe they offended man, why destroy the forest when it provides everything for all things on land.
Of the very few who still chose to dwell in the forest with the trees there was one who decided to leave the forest to find out why this was happening. This human was gone for many seasons before returning with an answer. But this answer was not very well understood by the forest because it was mostly just an explanation of the “modern” world. After a long discussion between human and tree there was only one question the forest had. “Does all of this come from the human idea of control”, the answer given by the human was a simple “yes”. When the tree finally spoke to the human again this is what was said: “the forest cannot bear a grudge against man for this, the forest will always be here to help man. After all it really is our fault, we trees talk too much”.
this story was told to a nameless shaman who almost existed by a special tree that is very real, thanks for reading
The problem with wisdom is that it cannot be taught, but ignorance can.