Hi all, after quite some time of stumbling around forums directed towards entheogens, spirituality, and evolving, DMT nexus seemed like a good home base to register with. =)
I recently turned 18, this last december. My birthday is Dec 31 1993.
I dont know when i started my journey to gain awareness, but i do know the seeds were planted long ago. I could not be more gracious of the family I have been given to assist me. I have found leaders and guides all around me, but one of the most prominent has been my uncle. As a growing kid I immediately saw the grace to his loving way of living, and so i believe him to be one of my first guides.
Each year that has passed i have found more ways to delve into this path, and yet I know the greatness of the distance that must still be reached.
Even though the drugs I used in high-school greatly benefited myself, i still consider those years to be a rut. MDMA was greatly beneficial but looking back I am still a little sickened by the idea of taking drugs without knowing or trusting the source. While i also was not aware of the source for my mushrooms, they were even more beneficial. Relative to other users in my life, I have always considered my drug use to be peculiar compared to friends and acquaintances. With the exception of cannabis, i have put much effort into spacing entheogens for different chapters of my life, and i consider myself to be pretty successful in that regard, however there has always been some recreation to my use. Due to the language barrier between entheogens, science, spirit, and feelings i cannot go into more depth except to outline my use of drugs. (in order of first trying)
-cannabis, DXM (regret), alcohol(never abused or that into it), mdma, psilocybin, LSD & suspected DOB sold as LSD, kratom, and kava kava. I am currently in the process of an LSA extraction which once accepted as a member i will upload that process due to some findings that i feel could be of use to journeyers. Also i have just recently ordered my supplies for my DMT extraction of which has been in plans for quite some time now.
Now aside from drugs i can explain some things about myself. My parents raised me without any guidance on specific religion, except for my moms criticism of the way christianity has thus far been lead. Now i find myself very spiritual with a great interest in eastern mysticism-specifically buddhism and taoism with a great interest in hinduism- and have found great interest in synchronizing eastern teachings with teachings in christianity.
Being in tune with nature is of huge value to me, and so i have much passion for growing and cultivating plants.
Thus far i have mostly described what my ego holds on to, and so i feel due to explain the care i have for humanities path upward. I try to find and inspire as much hope as possible for the future i see to be quite better. Recently i watched the movie Thrive. I highly recommend watching that ASAp considering countries are already taking measures to censorship to ban it. All i can say about that movie is that it has correlated with just about everything i have found interest in over the past 2 years. Only previously i had been a bit more pessismistic towards that sort of thing, Thrive however i feel has gently guided me towards a more optimistic view
As for some conclusion I will just add a few more thoughts:
-I see everything in western society to be a distraction, and i spend my time looking for worthwhile distractions.
-I do have pride in myself, my views, and my ability to be balanced. Yet i try my best to diminish my ego, and i try to not just work for myself but for humanity.
-I wish i didn't have to go to college due to the timeframe i find myself living in, however it looks like i will be going to school for alternative energy, organic farming, philosophy, and leadership skills.
-I have huge interest in sustainable permaculture s sprouting up over our globe.
-I do not see drugs to be fundamental in spiritual growth, infact i find drug abstinence to possibly be the longer, and more spiritual path. However for my place in this western society they have helped me a lot. And for that reason i try to hold on to my respectful use for them.
Thanks for anyone who choose to actually go through this. I don't know how much value a kid's personal rant could be to others, but it said this was a good start to getting accepted.
I hope to be a small part of this forum in the future and look forward to hearing from fellow explorers!
Oh and I apologize for not going back and editing, so i hope i was mostly coherent.
If its possible i would like to delete this thread after i have access to posting throughout the site.
All postings are written fictitiously for the purpose of literary skills.