A message from Master BassFace:(this is my last time logging into this forum, out of due respect to Traveller and Uncle Knucles and everyone else who has more control of it, then the rest of us. This is meant to inspire learning, sharing and expanding.)
Everyone please listen to vovin. I appreciate what vovin and others like EZ4U2SHOOT
have done for the community since my first post.
Thank you all for your wonderful comments and schooling in proper delivery within
this forum. I am very flattered and entertained. I owe you all further explanation.
The tone I used was meant to convey the overwhelming emotions and attitude I gained
from the experience. Perhaps if someone else had the same experience, they would
recognize my style of rant and power. I acted challenging because I knew that people
would respond the way I predicted from my post, just as they had done to Toppy when
he claimed to discover that the visuals in dmt are actually dna. My prediction came
true. I recommended users be deleted, a user was deleted.
Please note, this is not a fish story, this is a water bearing story. I know how to
vape DMT and I know what a breakthrough is and I know what you experienced when you
explain your trip. I've done well over 100 hits of the previously mentioned liquid
LSD at a time. I've done thousands and thousands of hits of LSD over time. I've
combined dmt and lsd and all sorts of other combos. I've developed schizophrenia and
cured it on LSD over an entire year! I've done hundreds of regular DMT doses, dozens
types with many hardcore trippers. The only other person that has had a trip that I
didn't understand was another Aquarius with a birth chart concentrated to sag, cap,
aqua and pisces, almost the same as mine. I am communicating to you through my
Gemini moon that has spent 27 years of intensive research and experiment to finally
connect with my eternal self to pass on these notes from hyperspace that I am
presenting to you. This has been my family's work since before I was born. This is
the start of the age of aquarius and from my few posts you will have the key. My
theories will begin to be proved around the planet.
Concerning EZ4U2: When I first started with DMT I could not handle more than 50mg
without being terrified, but I worked my way up. I keep smoking as much as I can and
I go catatonic and leave my body and have had many mind shattering breakthroughs
dancing through the cosmos and playing music with the planets. Then as soon as I
remember my body, I smoke more and more. But ez4u2 have you ever had that stop in an
instant and it all gets sucked out of you and you're physically awake instantly but
the world is leaving you, getting sucked out of you, where you're in the center of
all time and struggling to find your way back???? That question was my purpose for
the original post. We all need to know. Vovin knows what I'm talking about. One second i'm catatonic and out of my body, the next second everything gets sucked away and im running around my house trying to find my way back to reality. And everything is literally four dimensional. That other Aquarius who had a trip I didn't understand, later explained that it was the same as mine, he was being sucked into the blackness after going into his throat and shrunk a cancerous growth that had been escalating.
I have had a tumor under my right nipple for ten years. From back in the meth
smoking days. The foam I spat out on my worm hole trip has been confirmed as
Does anyone know the significance of this??? This is unheard of!! Unless someone
else knows different. Pneumonia is called Captain of The Men of Death. I defeated
him. this can cure ANYTHING if your soul wants it too! but how do I prove this
without getting arrested?
So, basically my trip with the codon angel, (I'll interptet as such) was a worker
that was using my spiritual beliefs thoughts and emotions, and could amplify the
results while i was in there, on DMT. When I was united with my eternal self I
remembered the battle between my self and the creator of this reality, Belief
(Death, Hell, Cancer, third dimension god, etc.) as soon as I won is when the
instant trip change happened. The entity was sucked through a DNA wormhole and the
un- harmonious vibrations of this world of decay and recycle were sucked out while I
was in the 4th dimension because they can't exist there, suffering doesn't exist
there because all of our perceptions are aligned because we can KNOW instead of
BELIEVE, this is the start of the age of Aquarius! LISTEN UP! we can get there in
this body, if you die before then, Great! You'll get a better body. In this reality
our individual perceptions are so different that they form in the collective
unconscious a still combination of our own unique points of view. When we all align
our knowledge and agree on a decision we can combine our perceptions of this reality
and control the infinity of it. We will discover how the quantum physics holographic
frequency view of reality is a direct extension of our DNA. We can now turn new
codons on with this method and our bodies will vibrate in harmony.
The virgin mother gave birth to dual fish that created an electric ocean that the
lion can now go swimming in when we remember who the king of this jungle is, the
seventh seal will break when the game of chess on the beach with death is won. The
Earth will resonate at 8hz with the 8th overtone at 64hz. The geometry
contemplators can expand on that. The earth will change and this is the chance to
have our bodies change with it, we must be clear and pure or we will not make it, we
must be Ying AND Yang or you will have to wait until next time.
Try to imagine to back when the original human's pineal glands were the size of an
eyeball and they were constantly on DMT. You can either consider my information to
be from the same source as them, the information they used to built society into
what it is now. Or you can consider it to be the same mumbo jumbo intangible
bullshit that they left for us to figure out until NOW.
One thing I will apologize for is my lack of adequacy in using English and religion,
science, psychedelia, DMT lingo and so forth to try and explain this, but there are
those who will decipher, my automated stream of conscious into all forms of
communication. So then the truth of the entire world's beliefs can amalgamate into
fact. This information is passing through the brilliant minds of the world just from
me typing it into my phone. We all know what the deal with the world is, we just
have to remember who we are. Going into DMT land for extended periods of time will
help you align with your godhead. My ego was already gone from the over-use of LSD,
now my fear has been conquered. The moment I won is when I realized the age of
Pisces is over and the age of Aquarius can begin. Then the wormhole was activated.
The exact same thing happened to my other wormhole friend. A guy who, like me has
been way higher on DMT then that particular time. But performed a deep inner healing
which allowed the gods of the codons to create a wormhole and flush the shit out.
Who cares whos dick is bigger, in the fourth dimension it's vibrantly changing in
all directions so there is no size difference.
To reiterate what I said in my last post. Anyone who argues with or insults another
humans DMT discoveries, has not gone far enough to know because of ego and fear
blockages. This ii know for sure because that same ego fear dissonance is what stems
competition and the incapability to believe. Precisely in the manner used by the
argumentative, jealous forum users who banned me arrogantly and ignorantly without
letting me say another word, depriving everyone else from the information that a
nexus like this is responsible for facilitating. The more enlightened users on the
forum made brilliant supportive comments full of information. while the controllers
of the nexus elite club, users who are actually exempt from the same rules which
initiated the whole explosion of attitude and wonder, gave nothing but attitude
competition and disbelief but with loving motherly concern and protection for it's
users because someone is sweeping their baby away. Well guys, the baby has grown up
and it's time to let her move out and get gang banged by a hockey team. You are
great parents who have done so much for us Little Travellers with this site and
getting us all together. And now to hear me speak. This is the one message of the 27
years I have spent synthesizing a method for ascension. We have the technology with
DMT. But you have to build up your intake! or wait for another method.
Even if I did recommend you to smoke a gram in one sitting, you wouldn't be able to
until you are able to! Theres no way someone can smoke that much without building up
to it. And the shit is so expensive so how many people have enough to do that much
constantly?! You dont need to!!! I needed to in order to heal! My mind is blown from
way less! But if you need to be healed, this is the way!!! Maybe these other users
haven't had serious healing to be done. Maybe that's why they havent had to fight
their way back through a rapid flushing violent blackhole in their own personal dna
and point of view.There is so much more to all of this but I can only put into your language so much
information in one post. And it may get deleted but I'm sure me and the forum
controllers can put aside our differences and jump on the same boat. And sail the
electric ocean of eternal creative consciousness.
Im sure if I met some of the people who question me, we'd be best friends! I will
not argue until I know that I am right. So bring on your arguments. I will get
aggressive if I have to. If you were about to rape my mother I would rip your cock
out and shove it up your ass! If you are going to destroy my mother earth, I will
get as aggressive as these few meaningless words. If your child was about to get hit
by a car, you too would scream, run and throw that child off the street, possibly
getting hit yourself. Get your head out of your ass and LISTEN UP! This is it
people! And I feel better than I knew existed! You cant kill me because I've already
done my work here, I will be there waiting for you to return. This is a message of
unconditional love. We are a beautiful advancing form of life that is ready for the
next step. Ayeeeeeeeeeeeee wadadadadadada prprprprprprprprprprprprp. Nonsense to
some, the LOGOS for others. Mark these words my friends. Life is gonna be so
fricking cool! DMT or not!
Yeah I'm coming off like some preacher ego maniac pyzcho god figure know-it-all, but
I just evolved humanity! Give me a break guys! I'm just some dude who got united
with his higher purpose and figured it out. You know I'm right. You know you're
right. This is not my work, this is the combined work of all of humanity. Watch the
proof start entering your computer screen tv newspapers etc etc etc.... Here we
Ps I would definitely prefer a much more comedic tone from everyone but I had to
start in such a way to keep up with the attitudes of all these forum users ;P I'm
joking I'm joking! Come on lighten up! We can all talk shit and win and lose fights
but we can't all live forever so let's figure out how at least good portion of us
can. I gave you all you need. When western scientists start using frequency to learn
about the "junk DNA" instead of splicing and cutting, we will learn how our DNA
controls the world in a way quantum physics will understand. Artists will gain
harmony and control of the frequency's effects on our body and will help to guide
our beliefs and feelings towards harmonious proportions of unconditional love. This
is Xenomorphosis. Supra-evolution will occur any time now...
This is a start. Here's a link to the song that started this whole fiasco and
allowed my inner moral struggles to be unfolded and dealt with. My attempt to
communicate with the codon worker. I recommend put headphones on, push play, take
your hit. Don't finish the song if it triggers a wormhole as described earlier. It
will communicate in frequency what your DNA needs and while on DMT allow your body
and the angel entities to know that they need to heal with a wormhole.
http://m.soundcloud.com/...ter-bassface-wins-in-dmtAlso I would like to thank all of you for portraying the imaginary characters in my
fictitious story of dimensional travel. It's all content for my next movie.
I'm sure you'll figure it out. Or email my pretend best friend at
Master Bassface (fictional character of a fictional author)