OK. My good friend The Traveler asked me to speak to everyone about mega doses so I‘m taking out the time to write the following testament, which will include both benefits and dangers or consequences of taking such large doses. The Traveler has known me for over 4 years now and the support and advice The Traveler gave me early on with my experimentation was absolutely priceless to my spiritual development and the development of the relationship that I have with The Spice so I feel this is the least I can do.
If you want to skip strait to the advice section about massive doses then you can go down to the bold print and start reading from there but if you are curious or if you are considering any large or mega doses then I encourage you to read this in full.
Let me start at the beginning. In February of ’08 I began a relationship with DMT that would last to this day and will probably continue until the day I die. Even from the start I took doses larger than what was recommended. Typically it is recommended to start at about 20mg. In general, I would have to agree. MOST PEOPLE SHOULD NOT DO MORE THAN 20mg THE FIRST TIME. But I’m not most people and I didn’t heed that advice. You can read about it here:
Posted : Thursday, February 07, 2008 5:13:14 PM
65 milligrams for the very first time smoking DMT... HOLY SHIT!!!https://www.dmt-nexus.me/forum/default.aspx?g=posts&t=1042After that experience I had a few more experiences that were similar and I began to feel more comfortable in hyperspace. I had also read quite a bit about the harmala freebase and fumahuasca and pharmahuasca. So I then decided to try fumahuasca. After some self education and an extraction process I then had the following experience:
Posted : Tuesday, March 04, 2008 9:43:04 PM
A Bizarre First: Freebase Harmaloids + Spice = ANGELIC POSSESSIONhttps://www.dmt-nexus.me/forum/default.aspx?g=posts&t=1143If you have actually taken the time to read that post you will notice how completely bizarre the experience ended. Since then, I have had many trips into hyperspace that make both of these experiences seem almost normal. I’ll speak more about that later.
Over the next few months my doses seemed to get larger and larger. Obviously there was a certain amount of resistance and tolerance that built up but given the right time between dosing the resistance diminishes. Eventually, I found that regardless of taking time enough between doses to eliminate tolerance build up I still did larger than normal doses. I became curious and I posted the following:
Posted : Sunday, August 31, 2008 9:51:27 PM
Does anyone else do this Fume-a-huasca? 800mg+ DMT + 200mg+ Freebase Harmaloidhttps://www.dmt-nexus.me/forum/default.aspx?g=posts&t=2105Art, you posted:
Uncle Knucles wrote:Oh my god. This is what you get when one full of shit nincompoop posts a ridiculous fish story - a pissing contest from every other full of shit nincompoop reading it.
No pissing contests, nincompoops. Take them over to the shroomery.
Now, try to understand that, first of all, there is no comparison. When it comes to dosing DMT, it is a very personal thing and it is DIFFERENT FOR EVERY INDIVIDUAL. While you might prefer 20-35mg I have known more than a couple of people who prefer 100-150mg and a very large number of people who enjoy 50-70mg. When I initially posted this in 2008, it was because I wanted to know if this was normal. I CERTAINLY WAS NOT BOASTING and I still do not boast. I continued to do mega doses and they still got larger. Eventually, still in search of some reassurance of normalcy, I posted the following:
Posted : Sunday, October 25, 2009 10:16:41 AM
Am I A Psychedelic Hyperspace Anomaly?https://www.dmt-nexus.me/forum/default.aspx?g=posts&t=7335gibran2, you posted:
gibran2 wrote:Your experience seems “typical” for a 25-30mg dose. It’s very wasteful to use 1000mg to achieve what can be easily achieved with 30mg.
Spend some time on technique and you’ll see that you can go as far as you’ve gone and much, much further on considerably less.
I would say that although there is certainly some waste, and even more when you are new, especially when new to mega doses, it does not hold consistent. I have used a vaporizer, which is without a doubt the most efficient way to smoke the freebase, and it does not keep me from doing mega doses in excess of 2 grams. If anything, it makes it easier.
(Additionally, I will just add that one of the most common replies that I have heard beyond difficulty of belief is “your DMT must not be very pure”. Just to bring that to attention, I can assure you that the quality is of the utmost purest extraction. I have even gone as far as to discuss my process of extraction of both DMT and harmaloid freebase with a family member who is a professional chemist for a large corporation that I will only say got purchased by an Indian company. Basically, after the discussion, he stated that the only way someone could really hope to pull a more pure and clean DMT extraction is if you do it in a controlled laboratory environment, and even then, the gains would not be drastic. As for the harmaloid extract, it could be made quite a bit more pure in the proper laboratory, but for what I do it should be fine. Additionally, I will add that I have given some of my batches away and it is quite pure and potent and still nobody that I have given it to would do more than 40mg.)
Art, you also posted:
Uncle Knucles wrote:I find it extremely dangerous. I find it to be in every likelihood a complete and utter lie, and one that someone else may believe and then try to emulate to their detriment.
While I will address some of the dangers shortly, I must first say that, of this, I do not lie. There is no reason to lie about it. The Traveler, among some others, seemed to understand back then that lying about such a thing would defeat the purpose. I assure you, THERE IS NO REASON FOR ME TO LIE OR BOAST about the doses that I take, especially when I spent so much time trying to find out if it was normal or not. Granted, after spending more than a year trying to find someone else who does mega doses to the extreme that I do I realized that I am far beyond normal.
You see, it seems that I suffer from some kind of “condition”. I didn’t realize it until quite some time later, but it was evident from the very first time I tried DMT. When I smoke DMT and reach a ‘breakthrough’, my mind and spirit separate from my body and my body keeps on doing what ever it was doing when my mind separated from it. Basically, while my mind is off in hyperspace, my physical body just keeps on smoking. I didn’t realize this at first because once I break through the only experience that I am aware of is out of body.
For the longest time I measured everything but some experience I no longer feel the need to measure primarily because I’m not afraid of taking too much. Almost ritualistically, when I smoke I first take all my clothes off because they always make me feel extremely constricted and confined. I have discovered that if I fail to remove my clothing then I feel very uncomfortable and will take them off while in hyperspace and sometimes weird things happen to them. The next thing I do is start some music on auto-repeat. It’s usually Mike Oldfield and Enigma but what ever it is it is pleasant positive music. Trust me, heavy metal is a bad idea on mega doses. After that, I decide how much DMT to limit myself to and I dump a gram or two or three of DMT into my pyrex dish along with a gram or so of harmaloid freebase. I used to separate it all out into 75-100mg piles but I haven’t done that for a long time. Consistently, when I do this I smoke about 50-100mg of harmaloid and immediately begin smoking the DMT. When I do the harmaloid first it slows down the onset of the breakthrough and usually gives me 5 minutes or so before I break through. This allows me to continuously smoke 100mg hits. Doing it this way allows me to smoke at least 300 or 400 mg of DMT right away before I completely break through and no longer have control over my body. After I break through my mind separates from my body and I don’t even think about smoking more. But, consistently, at the end of the night when I finally come back to reality, the entire amount is gone.
So I got curious. I decided to set up a camera and record myself while I was doing the Spice. Sure enough, what ever I put in my pyrex dish, I smoked. The video showed that after my break through I would continue to smoke. Then I would refill the bowl and smoke some more. I kept doing it until all of the DMT was gone and then I would keep doing it even after the DMT was gone. I would go through the motions of filling the bowl and smoking it even if there wasn’t anything left to smoke. In between some of the bowls, sometimes my body goes into writhing “convulsions”. Not quite like an epileptic fit, but if there were onlookers they might think that I was having an epileptic seizure. It is more like what has been sometimes witnessed at some extreme religious revivals where people end up on the floor “filled with the holy spirit” writhing and shaking on the floor. There were tears rolling from my eyes but the grandest smile on my face. My eyes were wide open the whole time usually fixed up towards the ceiling and I was babbling and “talking in tongues”.
The third and last time I filmed myself I wanted to see how much I would go through and I measured 4 grams of pure white into my pyrex dish. I didn’t really expect to finish it, but, sure enough, I finished it in an 8 hour sitting. Now one thing that I have learned though, is that if I don't use a really good vaporizer then there is quite the coating left in the pipe at the end of the night and if I don’t start with a completely clean pipe it will get to a point that the melted DMT harmaloid mixture will go through and either clog the pipe or if it is hot enough it will flow until it hits the lips and it tastes nasty. In fact, it tastes nasty enough that a few times it has coated the entire inside of my mouth and drew me out of my trip. It also makes me throw up if it goes to the stomach.
Now keep in mind that, after the initial breakthrough, my mind separates from my body and I do not have any significant recollection of further smoking. Occasionally, I do have some realization of smoking but it is minimal but not significant. I also have some realization of my body writhing and shaking and vibrating but it is absolutely beautiful and wonderful; not scary like some might think. In fact, every time I smoke, I hope to get to that writhing point because it is in that state which I have the most beautiful and wonderful experiences.
While every experience is different there are some things that are similar among my experiences with mega doses. The experience is always very spiritually mind struck. Visual, auditory, tactile, and mental senses combine in such a way that there are no words that could ever describe it efficiently. Time becomes irrelevant. A second becomes a year. An hour becomes a century. In a short time I experience a millennium and then when it is all done an eon passes within a second.
It doesn’t matter if my eyes are open or closed because my eyes are gone. My body is gone. I can taste the sound of the music and hear the colors of the rainbow. I can feel the thoughts of whispers that ripple across the galaxies and I see the taste of ambrosia. Only “I” exist and I exist everywhere and everywhen. I both witness and experience the creation of the universe. I witness the birth of life and every living creature. I hold for a moment every newborn to ever exist. I inhale every spore and when I exhale I spread the spores across the galaxies and they flourish into life. I am the universe and I am the creation of the universe. I am everything and I am nothing. I hold within my heart all that is pure and good. The emotional joy overwhelms my entire soul and spirit and my eyes pour like waterfalls. I fly with angels and talk to gods, not with wings or voice, but only with thought and desire, wish and whim. I bask in the light of heaven and make love with angels. Orgasm resonates through my entire body consuming every inch of my flesh vibrating to the core of my bones sustained in an endless climax. I spend an eternity in heaven and heaven spends an eternity in me.
I have also experienced the other end of the spectrum. It was only one time and I don’t think I ever really posted it but when it was over I wrote the following:
“For as many times as I have seen the face of evil, I have seen the same of death and so too have I seen my own portrait. Another visage in the mirror, but those were not my eyes. And as I spoke so, too, did he. But with echoing voice his lips neither moved nor twitched. The horrid cries of torture resonated from within. But within what, I did not know. For such pain filled screams of terror bore tones of which were far beyond the physical limitations of man, beast, or machine. And as I sat there in a cold dark room I stared at the wall while shadows climbed upon it. With a sigh of disbelief and a flicker of a candle, the shadows were no more. But what, pray tell, was that which was before me then? I saw demons dancing on the wall. I heard dead men digging from under the floor. I smelled the rotting flesh of a murdered corpse. I felt the cold hand upon my shoulder and the frigid blade piercing my heart. My soul was flowing, not unlike the blood from my throat. The spirits of my past had returned to haunt me forever more. I became death incarnate and death overcame me. I witnessed the burning of a billion newborns impaled upon the spears of injustice. I felt the hatred of every putrid heart that has ever beaten. I was filled with the fear of every child as the monsters crawled out from beneath their beds. It was but a single moment in time yet I experienced an eternity in hell. Madness took hold and sanity was lost.
Only by the grace of The Spice was I pulled out of hell. The hand of an angel reached down and lifted me up. My mind was still lost and insanity was my state of mind. But then the angel kissed me upon the forehead and laid me down upon the bed. Caressing my hair, the angel showed me again the wonders of life and they were so much more beautiful than ever have they been before. The angel told me that only by experiencing hell can one truly appreciate heaven.”Ok, so now for what everyone should know before considering mega doses of DMT. First of all, mega doses are not for everyone. In fact they are not for most people. It is generally better and safer to start small and then, only if you are completely comfortable, work your way up. Do not just jump up to a mega dose right away. Also keep in mind that a tolerance builds up the more often you do it, so what might not be too much today, might be more than you can handle if you go clean for a month or two and don’t do anything.
In general, the most important thing to keep in mind when doing The Spice is your set and setting. This is 10,000 times more important when doing mega doses.
First of all, your mind set is of the utmost importance. If there is even the slightest apprehension, then you might want to reconsider. Now, I can tell you that you absolutely cannot physically die from an overdose from smoking DMT, which is true, but you also must truly believe it as well. If you have even the slightest concern that you might be able to die from an overdose, then you might be in for a very uncomfortable trip because you will inevitably think that you did overdose. Although there are no cases that have been substantiated, theoretically you could potentially get so scared that you have a heart attack. There was supposed to have been one case of a schizophrenic woman that was injected with DMT that this happened to but when doing further research into it there were no medical records that suggested anyone ever died. There were only a few myths and urban legends. “A nurse who knew a nurse who worked for a doctor that led some of the studies back in the 80’s & 90’s who had a patient.”
Additionally, if you are experiencing difficulties in life, keep in mind that those problems and difficulties might be amplified greatly. If you are having difficulties with your partner, or if there has been a recent death in the family, I would probably recommend against doing mega doses. Keep in mind that once you begin your trip, you will have no choice but to ride it out. Also keep in mind that when you break through, your perception of time becomes so drastically altered that you may find yourself experiencing hell for what may seem to be years, decades, or even an eternity. This holds true to some degree even at normal or low doses, but at mega doses it can be amplified by the thousands.
I did do a mega dose shortly after my uncle died and it was the saddest experience that I have ever had in my life. But at the same time, it was also the most refreshing because it did allow me to quickly come to terms with it and recover from my uncles’ death. Even though it helped me through it, you need to understand that The Spice only brings out what your mind already knows and wants to do. In my case, I wanted to heal. If you subconsciously blame yourself, then that might make things very difficult. I am of the opinion that it will actually help you get beyond the situation but you have to want it to. I often say that The Spice will allow you to fly with the angels and talk to God, but sometimes, you might not like what God has to say to you. So keep that in mind.
Also, keep in mind that if you are not mentally and spiritually healthy and you experience true hell, there is the potential that you may be traumatized by the experience. There is that possibility that you could suffer from post traumatic stress syndrome. Again, it really relies on your personal mind set.
The other thing to make sure of is that you have a good setting. Your surroundings can change your mind set very quickly. If your setting becomes stressful then it will be reflected in your trip. If people are fighting around you or there is tension among people around and they argue it will affect your trip. Even if you are in your own room alone and there are a few people downstairs fighting you will hear it and your concern will be amplified. If there are sirens going off you could easily go into a panic. There have been a couple times that my dog started barking because she saw someone outside and that set my trip into a bad direction.
I recommend that you ALWAYS play music because the mood of the music will help guide your mood and keep you in a specific mindset. NEVER play music that is aggressive such as metal or hard rap. Don’t play music that is sad. Generally, I would recommend playing music that has very little to no words or playing Earthly World Music.
Following are some Albums that I recommend:
Mike Oldfield - The Songs Of Distant Earth
Mike Oldfield - Guitars
Mike Oldfield - Voyager
Enigma - A Posteriori
Enigma - M C M X a. D
Enigma - Voyageur
Mystica - Second Dive
Mystica - Age of Innocence
Satyricon - Late Nights and Early Mournings
Lesiëm - Mystic. Spirit. Voices.
Lesiëm - Illumination
Mythos - Iridescence
Mythos - Purity
Mythos - Eternity
And if you would like a really “Trippy” experience I recommend:
Autechre - Quaristice
Psykovsky - Da Budet
Psykovsky - Debut
Psykovsky - Tanetsveta
I realize this has become an extremely long post and for that I apologize. I will just conclude this by say this:
If you are going to do any substances in any amount do so intelligently. Make yourself an expert and research and educate yourself about them. Don’t take any one single persons word on it. Do further research and find out as much as you possibly can before experimenting. Then when you do experiment, start small and work your way up to a comfortable amount. Don’t worry about what is a big amount or the best amount. Just make sure what ever amount you do that it is safe and also that you are aware of the possible repercussions that may result. Make sure that you are confident and comfortable with any consequences that might arise. And finally, keep in mind, there is no sure thing. There is never a guarantee that you will always have a good experience. I have had a few uncomfortable experiences and even a terrorizing experience, but I continue because the vast majority of the experiences I have are absolutely heavenly and even what most would call a “bad” trip I would not. Even after spending eternity in hell, I found that it was what I needed spiritually at the time.
Good luck and may the light shine.
The Spice must flow.