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I have "HPPD" Options
Sky Motion
#1 Posted : 2/23/2012 6:09:23 PM


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Anyway, yeah I'm aware that psychedelics re-wire people and there's really no need to put a medical term on this particular phenomenon, but, I do have HPPD.

How many of you experience this too? I'd say I've only had about 60-70 psychedelic experiences total, all in the last year and a half. Things I have partaken in are N-N DMT, LSD and mushrooms.

Oh and I know I have HPPD and not just think I have it. It wasn't due to any prior medical condition, and was directly triggered by hallucinogen use.

So..anyone else?

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#2 Posted : 2/23/2012 6:12:55 PM


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#3 Posted : 2/23/2012 6:16:35 PM

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What do you mean by HPPD in your case and how does it affect your daily life?

Is it a formal diagnostic or self-diagnostic?
Sky Motion
#4 Posted : 2/23/2012 6:36:36 PM


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Self, but I know it would be formal if I went to see a professional, if I cared enough about it to go. I don't believe it's a bad thing or effecting me in any negative way.

I DO see shimmering around objects, sometimes slight breathing in anything, halos, and patterns in the carpet or any other texture that I can form this particular pattern in. (It is the same pattern I see when in any psychedelic state, a re-occurring hallucination of what looks like Mayan imagery).

Also, I don't have to per say, TRY, to see these things, and it occurs every day.
#5 Posted : 2/23/2012 6:39:38 PM


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this, and,

I have had lots of hypnagogic imagery and patterning since I was a small child. When I was little I could directly influence this, changing the color and drawing up images of everyone I knew smiling brightly at me just by *feeling* differently. This phenomenon has been directly influenced by my hallucinogen use, particularly DXM at an earlier point in my life and Pharmahuasca/Anahuasca as of now. I have also been able to intermittently "talk" to the Mushroom Voices ever since contemplating their existence during an early mushroom experience.

I don't know if any of that relates, but I just thought I'd share
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"whenever he drank ayahuasca, he had such beautiful visions that he used to put his hands over his eyes for fear somebody might steal them."
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#6 Posted : 2/23/2012 6:47:09 PM

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Sky Motion wrote:
I don't believe it's a bad thing or effecting me in any negative way.

If you dont think its bad or affects you in a negative way, why call it hppD(isorder) ?
#7 Posted : 2/23/2012 6:47:26 PM


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I saw trippier stuff as a kid than I do nowadays as a heavy psychedelic user.
Sky Motion
#8 Posted : 2/23/2012 7:21:05 PM


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endlessness wrote:
Sky Motion wrote:
I don't believe it's a bad thing or effecting me in any negative way.

If you dont think its bad or affects you in a negative way, why call it hppD(isorder) ?

It's just what people know the phenomena by, that's why I put it in quotes in the title.
Hyperdimensional Cuttlefish
#9 Posted : 2/24/2012 12:01:34 AM

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I see bright white shining ,swirly snake looking things when I stare in one spot at a bright blue sky now. I didn't before DMT usage. I don't consider it a disorder, just a small reorganization of some of the image processing stuff in my occipital cortex.

I think it's kinda neat, doesn't bother me a bit.
All these posts are on behalf of Stimpy, my yellow bullhead. He is an adventurous fish, and I feel his exploits are worth sharing...so much so, I occasionally forget that HE is the one who does these things. Sometimes I get caught in the moment and write of his experiences in the first person; this is a mistake, for I am an upstanding citizen who never does wrong. Stimpy is the degenerate.
#10 Posted : 2/24/2012 4:56:49 PM

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Have you read the topic about the so-called "watermarks" on fabrics etc...? I'd be curious if the patterns described there are what you are seeing.

If so, I may be just a little jealous.
#11 Posted : 2/24/2012 5:18:07 PM
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Yah i have exactly was described above, mild psychedelic use over the past few years. Stuff shimmers with energy, or ill see very mild tracers, or sometimes light patterns.

Nothing that hinders me from every day life or even higher order math etc.
I quite enjoy it sometimes Razz
(that being said ive always seen an odd snow/see through bug thingys when i look at a clear blue sky :/)

Quite confusing with the disorders and theres some overlap but what you really dont want is HPPD with dysphoria :/

My friend has more intense visual aspects of hppd as i do but has horrible dysphoria after having a Very bad salvia trip.
#12 Posted : 2/24/2012 8:15:40 PM

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Sky Motion wrote:
Anyway, yeah I'm aware that psychedelics re-wire people and there's really no need to put a medical term on this particular phenomenon, but, I do have HPPD.

How many of you experience this too? I'd say I've only had about 60-70 psychedelic experiences total, all in the last year and a half. Things I have partaken in are N-N DMT, LSD and mushrooms.

Oh and I know I have HPPD and not just think I have it. It wasn't due to any prior medical condition, and was directly triggered by hallucinogen use.

So..anyone else?

Not sure via the above post if you are bragging or complaining, but just for the record I think I've had a touch of the following in my jaded past:

SAD ( seasonal affective disorder)
PTSD ( post traumatic stress disorder)
ADHD ( attention defficient hyperactive disorder)
CTD ( cyclo thymic disorder)
GAD ( Generalised anxiety disorder)
SD ( Somatoform disorder)
OCD ( obsessive -compulsive disorder)
SAB ( substance abuse disorder)

But HPPD? alas no. Few if any of the above listed "disorders" existed before the second world war, just makes me wonder if big pharma might have anything to do with
with the proliferation of "disorders"

Bill Cipher
#13 Posted : 2/24/2012 8:32:42 PM

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Take a look at this photo. Can you spot the hidden dolphin? You can't see it until you do, but once you have, you will always see it.

Have you considered the possibility that what you are experiencing is something along the same lines? You've tuned into a frequency (so to speak) that you weren't previously aware of. It's going to affect your awareness going forward and inform your various senses.

Does that make it HPPD? I guess it does if you want it to.

[Edit]: I'm not suggesting that HPPD is not a real condition; just that the brain is a tricky organ and not everything is so easily classifiable.
Bill Cipher attached the following image(s):
hidden5.jpg (12kb) downloaded 195 time(s).
#14 Posted : 2/24/2012 8:51:30 PM

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TheDarkPickle wrote:
(that being said ive always seen an odd snow/see through bug thingys when i look at a clear blue sky :/)

This can become quite pronounced with some meditation, it turns into something of a "warp-drive" tunnel with a dark center eventually. It's pretty cool, in my opinion, something to focus on, just remember to blink.

I used shroomahuasca for years and had slight visual disturbances that subsided after years of no psychedelics. Now that I'm practicing again, it came back somewhat, but still nothing more than what rubbing my eyes or a good hit of MJ would do. I don't consider what I have a disorder, but I do believe there are people with problems, caused by extreme trauma, which may or may not have visual components. It isn't as simple as putting a label on a set of symptoms. You can't blame the chemicals, because there is always a risk of trauma that varies from person to person. So once you sign up to expose yourself to potential traumatic experiences, you can only blame yourself for how you handle that trauma. Psychedelics are only as unpredictable as the person that is taking them.
#15 Posted : 2/24/2012 10:37:30 PM

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damon wrote:
TheDarkPickle wrote:
(that being said ive always seen an odd snow/see through bug thingys when i look at a clear blue sky :/)

This can become quite pronounced with some meditation, it turns into something of a "warp-drive" tunnel with a dark center eventually. It's pretty cool, in my opinion, something to focus on, just remember to blink.

I started seeing this, or maybe just noticing it, after I quit smoking cigarettes a couple of years ago. I would look at the sky and see a tunnel of white triangular-ish blobs spawning and shooting off to some dark point in the distance (or just the center of the circle that spawned them all along its circumference). I am glad to see that there are at least two other people who have experienced this very thing! At the time, I was paranoid and thought maybe there was something wrong with my optic nerve(s) or something.

Or, maybe all three of us have something wrong with our optic nerve(s) Sad
Hyperdimensional Cuttlefish
#16 Posted : 2/25/2012 2:17:33 AM

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Guyomech wrote:
Have you read the topic about the so-called "watermarks" on fabrics etc...? I'd be curious if the patterns described there are what you are seeing.

If so, I may be just a little jealous.

Not patterns, but moving swirling white light snaky-wormy things. Only works on bright blue skies, not grey skies either. I dunno. Perhaps it's the color.
All these posts are on behalf of Stimpy, my yellow bullhead. He is an adventurous fish, and I feel his exploits are worth sharing...so much so, I occasionally forget that HE is the one who does these things. Sometimes I get caught in the moment and write of his experiences in the first person; this is a mistake, for I am an upstanding citizen who never does wrong. Stimpy is the degenerate.
#17 Posted : 2/25/2012 2:51:25 AM

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Hyperdimensional Cuttlefish wrote:
Guyomech wrote:
Have you read the topic about the so-called "watermarks" on fabrics etc...? I'd be curious if the patterns described there are what you are seeing.

If so, I may be just a little jealous.

Not patterns, but moving swirling white light snaky-wormy things. Only works on bright blue skies, not grey skies either. I dunno. Perhaps it's the color.

Those have nothing to do with psychedelics. They’re called floaters.

Maybe you're just more aware of them now.
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#18 Posted : 2/25/2012 5:07:59 AM
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I've seen those "floaters" for as long as I can remember. at one point I thought it meant I was schizophrenic (being a paranoid teenager in psychology class) I've never tried to focus on them though. the only persisting effects I've had from any drug is the "energy/water spiders" I would see during a benadryl trip (which is one of the dumbest trips available) and drastic increases in hypnogogic imagery during meditation and before sleep since my first experience with shrooms but that could also just be that I've been more attentive to odd visuals since then. HPPD is hard for me to understand. I dont know whether its a chemical thing or if psychedelics just expose us to new things that our brains just consider those visual patterns to be part of life now.
#19 Posted : 2/25/2012 5:47:43 AM

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I sometimes get these squirmy white dots in my vision... Usually lasts about 5-10 seconds. Accompanies standing up suddenly, often right after smoking weed. I think it has something to do with blood flow to the retina or some related biological process.

Here's an experiment for you: look into a telescope eyepiece, but aim it at a piece of black sky, so only the rare stray photon is entering the lens. Stay put for a couple minutes so your sight can adjust to the dark. One eye will be closed. So you're getting the low-light input into only one eye.

After a while you'll start to see a network of what looks a little like an organic circuit board- you're seeing the layout of rods and cones in the focal point of your retina, where they are the densest. Watch for a while and you'll start seeing squirmy waves of brightness moving through this network- I believe this is the movement of blood flow through the retina's capillaries. The pattern of movement is very similar to the movement of the squirming white dots...
#20 Posted : 2/25/2012 2:59:30 PM

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To me colors while out in nature appear brighter and more alive, dream recall is improved and dreams appear to be way more complex;

Additionally, When I stop to notice it, the visual snow effect seems to be more pronounced - or maybe it was always there & never noticed it before. The patterns that usually form with eyes closed when trying to fall asleep are also more vivid.

At any rate, I don't see any of this as negative. For instance, I specifically go out EVERY DAY now to watch the sunset if weather permits.

Either this is not the real deal or HPPD is a misnomer.
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