^ I have drunk fermented brews..especially one very fermented brew of rue, mimosa, chalipong and caapi leaf..and it seemed stronger when fermented..very strong although it was already strong to begin with..dunno what that is about. I did not however find the taste more appealing as compared to it unfermented..I dont think caapi has ever fermented on me so maybe it is different. This brew that fermented was like many months old.
In the future I am going to try doing a cold water extraction. So I dont need to use more mimosa than normal when I do this if I leave it for long enough? using more water is not so big of a problem because I can stick the brew into the food dehydrator on a low temp like I do for raw foods to evap it down.
I find that the nausea is conciderably reduced if the brew sits for at least a few days and is decanted, filtered and decanted again to get rid of the sediments. Those sediments produce nausea for me, but without them I dont get much nausea until the dose is high enough, and at that point I purge easily.
Long live the unwoke.