Aye, that is to say that a home extractor who's tried can have a decent outcome, like having to pay a good fine and given a prior notice for the future, as long as
1) he's got a good lawer
2) he's got no previous criminal record and he's not some kind of shady character (i.e. he's got a job, a life, contributes to the community. recycles, helps the elderly etc)
3) no intention to supply can be imposed on him by the prosecutor. Not sure how this could work in real life, but if you're found possessing 10 or less grams of dmt
at home can be deemed as "personal use stash". 10g of dmt on you when walking on the street can be more tricky and 100g of dmt + scales + ziplocks calls blatantly for "intention to supply".
Judges do not impose sentences according to the book. They are those who will decide the "best" punishment according to what the law says AND according to the specific situations under which the crime was commited. Otherwise there would be no trials; the policement would impose a sentence to arrested people just following a few simple guidelines.
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