I just procured a fresh sample of DMT. I have only done this previously a few times. It was infused onto some peace pipe smoking blend. An amount was weighed equal to 50mg. After taking just 2 small hits I sat back on the bed with my eyes closed. The only way I can describe it is that it is very much like salvia to me. I felt an extreme push to go somewhere but I was extremely tense and afraid to go wherever it was trying to take me.
I thought I was going to pass out (there was an extreme pressure on my brain that was almost unbearable and very scary) and kept on repeating to myself "you're going to be OK, you're going to be OK". I began to wonder if all the solvent used to infuse it to the leaf had completely evaporated. 70% rubbing alcohol was used. It was dried near a fan for 4 hours or so. I will let it dry openly for the next 6+hours.
The visuals were very much like salvia in that it was a geometric dome/room type place that seemed to be constantly constructing itself. There was sort of a hand type figure enmeshed within the vision/room/place. I almost made out a face of a sort of jester type thing, but not quite. I was much too overwhelmed.
This is a very potent drug for me. I will tread lightly and see what I can see a little at a time. Earlier (around 11pm)I had prepared a an oral dose of 40mg and 3g rue extract (bought online as 10X) I had taken the rue and waited 1.5 hours. I had the D dissolving in a shot glass of cranberry juice. I took the D and waited for 2 more hours with no effect.
I previously tried the rue extract and D another time with no effect either. The D I had was several months old so I thought it might be that. I do have some SR seeds that I will be extracting from in the coming week for another oral experiment. I think I got rooked on the rue extract bought offline. It is certainly not the potency of the mighty D!
Let me also add that there were some sort of people or something(s) in the far corners of my peripheral vision. They were flipping around in and out of the room like structure I was seeing. When I tried to turn my head to see them the vision(s) I was having moved with me and so did the thing/people/ whatever. The central part of my vision was a mass of hexagon like things constantly being "built/formed" into itself.
The colors were of iridescent rainbows. As the vision became weaker a wash of magenta, then blue, and then green took over the whole vision. There seemd to be a laughing mouth or something at the end before I opened my eyes.