Greetings, all...
The best thing about this forum is exactly what its name holds it out as: a common place where many people with different pasts and stories can coalesce and influence one another into beginning new paths which might had otherwise not been blazed.
I got into drugs early; smoking marijuana as a preteen led to multiple summers washed away in a lysergic haze. I then tried (and by “tried” I mean “used liberally”) cocaine, benzodiazepines, all kinds of opiates and opioids, DXM, MDMA, ketamine, GHB, methamphetamines, NO2, and finally I ate psilocybin mushrooms at the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam. That rocked.
Erowid was always my guide, and that is the site that peaked my interest in DMT. As a connoisseur of hallucinogens (my all-time favorite,) I was always interested in that “next level” trip that was completely dissociative and made me see things that were not there. I wanted this out of a primal adolescent desire to find, and then breach, the boundaries of my conscious ego, and I read about such an experience that could be had with DMT.
Now, I am interested in the spirit molecule for somewhat different reasons. I am a secular humanist lawyer who strives to find logic and reasonability in all things; I do not entertain ideas that I cannot explain rationally. I am, however, infinitely intrigued by the untapped areas of the human psyche and the seemingly endless plane of what we call consciousness. I want to journey deep within myself to see what is there.
My first DMT experience was at a Tool concert. Two kids sitting next to me passed me a joint and told me it was laced with DMT. I had been wanting to try this for a very long time. I hit it twice, holding it in as long as possible both times. Unfortunately my borderline asthma and the harshness of the marijuana made it almost untenable. Still, I felt effects more massive than I ever had in my life. I had to sit down during one of my favorite songs to take in the entire arena. Everything and everyone around me turned a deep shade of red, almost crimson. I could hear every note perfectly even though it seemed to be coming from light years away.
What stuck out most of all was that it seemed as though I could hear every word of every conversation between each of the eighteen thousand people around me. It was very, very intense. I regained some semblance of sobriety about ten minutes later but (even though it was an outstanding rock show) all I could think about was how incredible an experience I just had.
Not too long after that, I extracted what I could out of about 50 grams of mimosa tenuiflora using a hasty A/B technique that I found on Mycotopia. The yield, quality and most importantly the experience were subpar at best.
Then I found this forum.
I am about to perform a more professional extraction on a larger scale, and I want to contribute what I can as a full member of this nexus.
I want to do this in order to share what I have learned from lurking, reading, and inquiring from this site. I want to perfect a method of attaining spice and post an experience report for the benefit of those who are soon to be in my shoes. Most importantly, I want to become a full member so that I may contribute, more completely, to this community of ideas which utilizes a wonderful entheogen to evolve our species into (hopefully) something better than what we are in our current state.
Thank you for reading.
Turn your gaze inward and you will see the face of God.