Hello all. I have been lurking the forums for quite a while, and I love the atmosphere of the forums.
I am about to crawl into bed (work early in the AM :/ ), so I don't have time to write a whole essay. My history of "Drug Use" goes back to 9th grade, which started about 7+ years ago. It started as just smoking pot, to being interested in other "drugs". I tried lots of things, but Psychedelics really stood out to me. At first, DXM was all I had access to (not proud of this), but after a few years I finally got around to trying different varieties of Mushrooms (Only different cube varieties), at doses from 1g-5g. I've also done LSD on two occasions, DOB (I wasn't aware until afterwards, because it was my first experience with supposed LSD. I was misled.), MDA, and the list goes on. I also have been experimenting with DMT in the past half year, and it is has been very interesting to say the least. I have only vaped it (n,n-DMT Freebase) using ash in layers, and have had mixed results like this. One of the main reasons I have been on the forums so much lately is my interest in other ROAs with this substance. I find myself with lots of "pre-launch" anxiety. I have a history of anxiety problems, and to top it my first experience with DMT led to me purging at the peak of the trip. I don't think I am ready for the Ayahuasca (oral) journey yet, but I have been reading up on the forums, and have become very interested in possibly creating a Changa blend with B. Caapi. I feel like with the extended amount of time that the trip lasts, I could take it a little bit slower rather than taking a lung full, and then trying to get 1 more before I am no longer able to work my equipment. I have heard that alone, B. Caapi can produce some wonderful effects, so I am very excited to learn about it.
Anyways I've been typing for about 25 minutes longer than I planned on (started about 25 min ago!), so I hope to see you all around.
Feel free to leave any links you think I may find helpful!