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do you leave for an eternity and forget when you come back? Options
#1 Posted : 2/8/2012 5:10:49 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Hello Nexus, I have never done DMT and I have a question. People who do DMT speak to experience eternity. Is it possible that when you do DMT that you are actually gone for an eternity but are not able to retain the memory of this when you re-enter the body.

This is one of the main reasons that concerns me because seemingly people are not able to retain / translate the knowledge of their experiences due to the limitations of the brain.

I have read of heavenly experiences and I have read of hellish experiences. It sure would suck to experience an eternal hell thats all I know. I guess the question is, are we sure about what we're doing here lol.

Thanks in advance for all feedback.
All of my post are fictional in nature for the purpose of self entertainment.

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 2/8/2012 7:42:15 PM

I Eat Plant Magic

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majesticnature wrote:

This is one of the main reasons that concerns me because seemingly people are not able to retain / translate the knowledge of their experiences due to the limitations of the brain.

I would say people are not able to translate the knowledge of their experiences due to the limitations of language, not the brain!

And on the issue of eternity, it's tricky, because "eternity" is still a chronological concept describing an unending amount of time-- the experience rather removes you from the field of time.


#3 Posted : 2/8/2012 8:35:34 PM

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This is correct- time is essentially the single- stream chronological unfolding of events along a one-dimensional axis; to someone who has not experienced eternity for themselves, it would be easy to misinterpret "eternity" as being a single axis of time going on ad infinitum. In reality, eternity is freedom from that single-axis constraint. Events, thoughts, etc are able to unfold in many directions simultaneously. This may sound bizarre, but the even crazier thing is that, while in that state, it completely makes sense- you'll say to yourself, "of course, of course! Why cant I normally understand things from this angle?" ...it's that brief step outside the normal 3D temporal experience that allows for this perspective.

It may sound contradictory, but hyperspace is a place where contradictions meet, and get along just fine.
#4 Posted : 2/8/2012 11:54:48 PM

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Imagine a blind person who had lived their entire life in a jungle community. They had never even heard of things like skyscrapers, cars, movies ect, let alone seen them. Now imagine that for five minutes you were able to let them see a 3d movie, a laser light show, the downtown of a big city ect. How much of it do you think they would be able to describe to fellow jungle community members after/remember? The first few times you go to hyperspace, its so intense and mind boggling its like its a brain overload and you can only stare in amazement.
#5 Posted : 2/9/2012 12:58:29 AM

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It seems that not all is remembered consistently. Probably it's just difficult for the sober brain to "re-create" the dmt influenced mindset in order to remember exactly.
On the other hand maybe its just like dreaming? Maybe one could train oneself to remember.
within I divinity
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I respect I eternally

Member of the "wants Federer to win everything for 2012" club
#6 Posted : 2/9/2012 4:14:28 AM

The Rhythmic Dúnedain

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I call it Narnia Time. If you subscribe to the idea that DMT may be showing you some other dimension or realm then then these dimensions would most likely have their own flow of time, just like in Narnia you can live 50 years and come back home and only 30 seconds have past. Come my friend, the wood between the worlds awaits.
What are we but stupefied dancers to a discordant stystem, we believe - so we're mislead
we assume - so we're played
we confide - so we're deceived
we trust - so we're betrayed

#7 Posted : 2/9/2012 6:08:14 AM

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When I broke through and focused on time, it seemed that I was able to observe the invention/creation of time. I was not experiencing any time-axioms since I was not associating myself with it.

By the by, I had access to presumably all contents of my current life's 'time-line.'
within I divinity
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I respect I eternally

Member of the "wants Federer to win everything for 2012" club
#8 Posted : 2/9/2012 6:47:49 PM

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I have been into this channeler for a while, daryll anka, who claims to be channeling an extradimensional extraterestial humanoid from the future. He's been doing it for about 30 years.

Whenever I bring this up a lot of people become reasonably doubtful and I definetly was too when i first watched this guy on youtube.

That being said I can't emphasize enough how this guy's explanations of reality coincide very strongly with alot of the things that people are describing on the nexus.

The concepts he talks about are the ideas that
-linear time is an illusion
-all things are one
-the relationship between vibration and your experience of life
-What you put out is what you get back.
-There is actually only one moment in Creation. Everything you experience is the same moment from a different point of view.
-You are an eternal being and while you may change your form, you cannot cease to exist.
-we can permanently shift ourselves into different dimensionality

If anyone is interested you can check him out at bashar.org
All of my post are fictional in nature for the purpose of self entertainment.
#9 Posted : 2/9/2012 7:17:32 PM

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There are some great analogies here , the blind jungle man
Visiting a city is really good.

I have been left speechless by what I,ve been
Presented with so many times I,ve lost count .

I Like to think there are perhaps simpler ways of attempting
To understand the hyperspacial realms .
Much of what we experience as we know is beyond human language
This is not surprising to me. The fact that we don't even
Have the words to desribe it is a testament to its depth of possibilities.
And its true alieness.

I,ve been feeling lately that's its an underpinning
Hidden force and code that makes all realites possible .

This universal force is a carrier wave of incomprehensible
Possibility .
This hidden force flows through everything and is something
That has not been necissary for us to percieve related to
Our monkey survival. This is a universal force that is simply
Not percievable with our present day senses .
Dmt changes the program and adds this force to our pallet of
Perceptable experience .

The real mind blower will come when it is discovered that this
Force aka hyperspace isn't just a force like electricity but a force that is also
A consciousness simultaneously . And intelligent knowing force.
threes no precident for that .
The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
Arthur C. Clarke

#10 Posted : 2/9/2012 7:35:52 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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"intelligent infinity has a rhythm or flow as of a giant heart beginning with the central sun, as you would think or conceive of this, the presence of the flow inevitable as a tide of beingness without polarity, without finity; the vast and silent all beating outward, outward, focusing outward and inward until the focuses are complete. The intelligence or consciousness of the foci have reached a state where their, shall we say, spiritual nature or mass calls them inward, inward, inward until all is coalesced. This is the rhythm of reality as you spoke."

Ra, an humble messenger of the law of one.
within I divinity
within all infinity
I respect I eternally

Member of the "wants Federer to win everything for 2012" club
#11 Posted : 2/9/2012 7:38:00 PM

"That Guy"

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emptymind wrote:
Imagine a blind person who had lived their entire life in a jungle community. They had never even heard of things like skyscrapers, cars, movies ect, let alone seen them. Now imagine that for five minutes you were able to let them see a 3d movie, a laser light show, the downtown of a big city ect. How much of it do you think they would be able to describe to fellow jungle community members after/remember? The first few times you go to hyperspace, its so intense and mind boggling its like its a brain overload and you can only stare in amazement.

This is an excellent analogy, however I disagree with the first few times into hyperspace thing. I'm up over the 200+ trips mark now, I can't count exactly but it never gets any less mind boggling or amazing. It always leaves me shaking my head saying WOW what the heck was that?.. No matter if it was a great trip or a horrible trip.

"I was going to make a machine, but after reading here in the Nexus, everyone makes it sound like trying to smoke spice without a VG is like trying to have sex without fully formed genitals..." -- Pup Tentacle.

**Believe this guy at your own risk**
#12 Posted : 2/9/2012 7:40:17 PM

"That Guy"

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DanceStream wrote:
"intelligent infinity has a rhythm or flow as of a giant heart beginning with the central sun, as you would think or conceive of this, the presence of the flow inevitable as a tide of beingness without polarity, without finity; the vast and silent all beating outward, outward, focusing outward and inward until the focuses are complete. The intelligence or consciousness of the foci have reached a state where their, shall we say, spiritual nature or mass calls them inward, inward, inward until all is coalesced. This is the rhythm of reality as you spoke."

Ra, an humble messenger of the law of one.

I'm glad to see I'm not the only one on this forum aware of the Law of One..

"I was going to make a machine, but after reading here in the Nexus, everyone makes it sound like trying to smoke spice without a VG is like trying to have sex without fully formed genitals..." -- Pup Tentacle.

**Believe this guy at your own risk**
#13 Posted : 2/9/2012 8:05:47 PM

I Eat Plant Magic

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majesticnature wrote:

The concepts he talks about are the ideas that
-linear time is an illusion
-all things are one
-the relationship between vibration and your experience of life
-What you put out is what you get back.
-There is actually only one moment in Creation. Everything you experience is the same moment from a different point of view.
-You are an eternal being and while you may change your form, you cannot cease to exist.
-we can permanently shift ourselves into different dimensionality

It's not just what we talk about on the Nexus, it becomes pretty clear once you really think about the concept of time as a dimension. From this standpoint, all moments along what we perceive as the flow of time are in fact our consciousnesses moving through a field of continuously existing points....


#14 Posted : 3/1/2012 11:20:42 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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BananaForeskin wrote:
majesticnature wrote:

The concepts he talks about are the ideas that
-linear time is an illusion
-all things are one
-the relationship between vibration and your experience of life
-What you put out is what you get back.
-There is actually only one moment in Creation. Everything you experience is the same moment from a different point of view.
-You are an eternal being and while you may change your form, you cannot cease to exist.
-we can permanently shift ourselves into different dimensionality

It's not just what we talk about on the Nexus, it becomes pretty clear once you really think about the concept of time as a dimension. From this standpoint, all moments along what we perceive as the flow of time are in fact our consciousnesses moving through a field of continuously existing points....

I agree. It's obvious that there is only ever "the now". If you could slow down time to the point where it stopped in a still a frame, this would be like one of the points of which you speak that our consiousness is moving through. Thats the idea, that our consiousness is moving through a linear set of points in time.
All of my post are fictional in nature for the purpose of self entertainment.
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