A friend of mine has severe fear of flying. Not me, I love flying.
When leaving some place by plane, you know that when you land, everything you know does not apply. You left your familiar hometown behind and are about to enter the unknown. I don't have a fear of flying, but experience some uncomfortable enthusiasm about entering the unknown. Learning from the unknown, getting acquainted with it, making it less unknown.
When you leave your culture, you'll often find yourself confronted with your views, the own views you took for granted are not valid anymore. Every view seems trivial. To overcome the triviality of viewpoints, there is only one way to go, to go back to the heart.
Lately I've been confronted with people who were dying. Actual physical dying. It confronted me with my own mortality and I found it hard to digest. We only know dying from watching other people die, it will always remain unknown to us. So there will always be some uncomfortability, anxiety if you wish.
I've had my share of psychedelics, always looking for ways to explore the unknown. But I still have to face this one unknown moment. The most difficult moment seems for me to be that moment when I am consciously leaving my life, leaving my living life the way I know it. It is not only my body, but the end of my consciousness in the way I know it.
I hope to learn about this with the spice. To leave the known world and come to terms with my own mortality. To accept it as a part of my life. But most of all to accept to let go, accepting where I'm going.
I've been extracting and will start brewing soon. No breakthroughs yet, but I have patience.
In my daily life I'm a philosopher of physics. I try to reconstruct the world as it is in itself, to see how the world looks like when we accept quantum mechanics but not allow any of the conflicting interpretations to tell us how the world is. Only look at the raw form of the world, uninterpreted. As when travelling and a worldview becomes one of the possible windows on reality, while I know it is possible to experience reality without a particular window
Instead of doing physics and philosophy, trying to understand the world, I'd rather travel, in all possible ways, to experience the world.