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P. Atlantis sclerotia - dosage? Options
#1 Posted : 2/6/2012 8:48:25 PM

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So, my trustworthy calculator doesn't include it on the list and finding information online is proving to be more difficult than expected - this can be either very good or very badLaughing

I'd like to ask if any of you has guidelines based on personal experience for dosing with P. Atlantis sclerotia.
In the shop website it says:

magictruffles.com wrote:

10 gram full psychedelic experience with much laughter and
15 gram mindblowing experience which will make you understand rocket science

To make matters worse, I don't own a precision scale, so the amount will be eyeballed. This is supposed to be more powerful than mexicana or tampanensis (only one I have experience with).

If you have info, do shareVery happy
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#2 Posted : 2/6/2012 10:19:38 PM

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As a rule of thumb, fresh sclerotia is around twice as potent as fresh mushrooms. That said, I think it largely depends on your experience and how you respond to the mushies. I know people that would need two 15g packs to have the experience they want.

I had 10g of atlantis sclerotia my absolute first time with psilocybin, and it was very pleasant, but I did not go as deep as I hoped. So if I wanted a deep experience, I'd certainly go for 15g. Again, that depends on how shrooms and you get along.

In any case, I wouldn't worry about not having a precision scale. I've always eyeballed with sclerotia, and the small imprecisions I might get that way do not make the difference between a pleasant and unpleasant experience for me.
#3 Posted : 2/7/2012 3:41:19 AM

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It all depends how deep you want to go and like Vodsel said, how you respond to mushrooms. For me, 20 grams of fresh sclerotia is a small to medium dose. I don't think I'd recommend taking any less than 15 grams though.

#4 Posted : 2/7/2012 3:29:03 PM

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15g wet sclerotia is like 30g wet cubes, or 3g dry cubes. That is a typical moderate dose for an average 150 lbs person. You'll need more than that for really interesting experiences, or take MAOIs.
#5 Posted : 2/7/2012 4:23:26 PM

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Keep in mind this is P. Atlantis, which is supposedly more potent than cubensis, mexicana or tampanensis.

I dunno, my track record with shrooms is a bit unusual. I've never tried Cubensis shrooms, just Tampanensis sclerotia, and they were a bit old so the potency might have suffered -- therefore I have no possible valid comparisson to make yet (and hence the thread)

From 7g tampanensis, I got visual auras in plants, strumming the same chord for 20 minutes completely amazed at the soundLaughing and some senses were greatly enhanced (visual as always with shrooms, but also the sense of smell. Oh, and taste, that apple was delicious:lolSmile

As usual with any psychedelic, I was very focused in the details, (metaphorically) whole universes in simple leafs etc.

In the magictruffles site, they list 10g of tampanensis as a mild trip, whereas for Atlantis they say 10g is a full-on trip.

With all this in mind, I ask you guys.. any personal experience with P. Atlantis specifically?

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#6 Posted : 2/7/2012 8:43:27 PM

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nexalizer wrote:
With all this in mind, I ask you guys.. any personal experience with P. Atlantis specifically?

Yes, as I said, 10g of p. atlantis sclerotia my first time ever delivered a medium experience. A first stage of very nice body high, boost of visual perception, physical prowess, vigor, completely killing my mild essential tremor symptoms. At T+1h, noticeable psychedelic immersion. Visuals with eyes closed (mostly roots, leaves, ivys) that lasted for two or three more hours. Very pleasant overall, slow comedown, bright and enjoyable aftermath. Overall, a quite good experience of around 6 hours. But certainly NOT full blown. I weighed some 160 lbs, and had zero previous experiences with psilocybin.

So, unless you are very sensitive to it, I say go for 15.
#7 Posted : 2/7/2012 9:09:58 PM

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nexalizer wrote:
With all this in mind, I ask you guys.. any personal experience with P. Atlantis specifically?

I've eaten cubensis many times and sclerotia a few times (all were atlantis), and overall I find that sclerotia seem alot friendlier and cleaner than normal Psilocybe mushrooms, but that's just me. I found consuming them as a tea made the experience even cleaner feeling, though I think it was a tad wasteful the way I made it.

I suppose everyone is different, but I can't imagine 10 grams of fresh sclerotia doing a whole lot other than enhancing one's mood and a slight change in mindset. I've never taken any less than 20 grams which I found to be a pretty moderate dose and I'm quite a lightweight when it comes to mushrooms. But again, it all depends what you're going for.
#8 Posted : 2/7/2012 9:38:05 PM

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Well, I honestly don't know from personal experience what these little guys are really capable of.

If, for instance, we take the descriptions at The Shroomery, I've never really went beyond level 2, however never with any short-term memory anomalies.

I'd like to find out what shrooms are really capable of, but nothing very extreme (level 5) just yet, as I plan to be outside in Nature (and have to drive back later when the effects subdue - there are better places but I don't want it to be a long drive back), but the place I'm aiming for, altough it has a river and some woods nearby, isn't too far away from civilization.

So I can't be totally out of it Razz - If we take the shroomery descriptions again, I'd say I'm aiming towards a level 3 experience.

Guesstimating from your input, this would be about 25 grams fresh?

I know it varies from person to person, body weight etc.. nevertheless, having a rough idea would tremendously help.

Thanks everyone for all the input and clarifications so farSmile

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#9 Posted : 2/7/2012 9:48:01 PM

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If 2,5-3 dry cubensis take you to level 3, I would go with 15g atlantis sclerotia the first try. If you plan to take them in a pleasant nature environment, that will contribute to make the experience more pleasant and less introspective. In any case, I wouldn't eat more than a 15g pack the first time, unless you know that you need more than 3g of cubes to get you where you want.
#10 Posted : 2/7/2012 10:13:58 PM

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Vodsel wrote:
If 2,5-3 dry cubensis take you to level 3, I would go with 15g atlantis sclerotia the first try. If you plan to take them in a pleasant nature environment, that will contribute to make the experience more pleasant and less introspective. In any case, I wouldn't eat more than a 15g pack the first time, unless you know that you need more than 3g of cubes to get you where you want.

7g of dry tampanensis took me to level 2, at least when conforming to the descriptions we're using. Certainly no trees talking to me, no new colors (just enhanced-and-beautiful normal colors).. as I wrote before, "just" each different plant having a different aura, vibrating in a different color, some senses greatly enhanced, and a lot of attention to detail.. also a tremendous inner peace.. sort of like what I felt with Ayahuasca, but without any nausea.

There was no time distortion at all, oh and sometimes it seemed like trees had just moved way, way closer - I knew this wasn't so and lolled about it in the momentSurprised

Also I was perfectly able to maintain a conversation and answer questions if needed. I suspect this won't be true anymore on higher doses.

I suppose the experience would be a lot more intense alone in silent darkness (the mythical heroic dose setting.. will get thereVery happy).. for now it's a curious situation, I've always done acid alone & indoors and shrooms outside & with a sitter, so I don't know how acid feels outdoors or shrooms indoors.

Anyway, if it feels like I'm being a bit cautious here it's because I am, my usual sitter is a dutch friend who's not around right now, my main concern is dosing waaay too high and losing it in public.

Eh well, there's a beach nearby.. so if it comes to that, it's just a random dude enjoying the sea and the wind in the winter, nothing strange about it Razz
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#11 Posted : 2/7/2012 11:22:15 PM

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Been there Smile

What about a little snorkeling? Have twenty at hand. Take ten, wait for an hour and a half or so, until they reasonably kick in. If you are not where you want to be, take another five. Repeat. I did something similar once and it worked.

Or simply be conservative and have a first moderate try, so you can relax. It will be enjoyable for sure. And then you can face a second time having some experience to keep into account.

In any case, I'm sure they will be nice to you.
#12 Posted : 2/12/2012 2:09:20 PM

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Just to let you guys know that I went with 20gr, 10g at first.

The setting was a natural park with the ocean and a river nearby. I went solo, armed with some water, some fruit, and an ukulele.

It was quite an interesting experience. The buildup took a lot more time than Tampanensis sclerotia (just yesterday I sat for a friend and it also took ~1h for him - with tampanensis I usually notice something changing at around half an hour).. at some point I sat down on the beach for awhile playing ukulele - something was different, but I couldn't quite tell what. Looking at the clock and noticing this was T +50m, I decided to not wait the 10 extra minutes and take the booster.

Roughly 15 minutes later when it started coming on strong I knew I was in for a treat.. the classic mistakeShocked Shocked

So I was at the beach, rapidly losing it, I'd been there for some 5 minutes perhaps. A sense of impending threat/unease begun to wash over me. The best way I can describe it is like the mushroom was telling me that it could show me some stuff, but it would be so alien and different from what I'm used to that it would scare me.

Well at this exact time some 40+ kids appeared, you know, field trip (:lol) or something. I was hearing echoes like mad from their voices & the ocean in the background, all while trying to keep control because I didn't want to fully let go like that alone in the beach (what am I afraid of? insanity? I always get a feeling like this with higher doses.. anyone else?). Quickly packed my stuff and started walking - that must've been quite a sight, a grown man running away from a bunch of 10 year olds Laughing

At this point I was out of water and roughly 20 minutes away from civilization on foot. I resolved to get there asap while I still could make sense to buy some water. This period was very paranoid and I must've looked pretty scared. When I finally got some water and walked around to start heading back (from another angle) to the park via the river, things improved a lot. By then, I was tripping full on, I didn't care what anyone thought anymore (not trying to keep a straight face) and anyway couldn't help it - I was just utterly amazed at everything, the level of detail, the wind, the sun, the blue sky, all the different vegetation, the sound of water, etc. The look on my face was pure awe. This went on for a solid hour.

I realized a few things that I hadn't been aware before. In the end when the effects were fading, I played the uke and stayed around until it was almost sunset.

Can't help shake the feeling that if I didn't try to control it @ the beach, I would've learned something really important. While I was in that state, I recalled that this had happened before on acid as well, and again I distracted/grounded myself as much as I could in order to avoid confronting it.

Even so, it was a fantastic trip, learned/realized some new things, fantastic experienceCool

As a final note for anyone who cares - and I know this has been often repeated - do yourself and others a favor and don't drive right after a trip. I was very lucky, only in retrospect thinking about it that night did I realize I drove a couple hundred meters in the wrong direction on a one way street. Luckily there was no incoming traffic.

I thought it would be OK after about 1h, but I was wrong. For anyone who reads this later, please don't do what I did. It was irresponsible.
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#13 Posted : 2/12/2012 2:33:49 PM

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Nice report, nexalizer Smile I'm glad it turned out good, besides the little car incident.

Regarding the self-control built-in security device, I think we've all been there. I struggle with it myself, I guess at first is inevitable. We are maneuvering inside of a biological machine that, among many adaptation devices, has this thing searching for coherence, integration, self preservation.

When it comes out rushing, like an instinct, it is very difficult to counter. I guess that's why so many people stress the convenience of preparing your mindset, of getting previously as relaxed, undemanding, confident and open as possible. Because, once the trip begins, your ability to frame that mindset slowly disappears. It's like the scaffolding feels unstable, and it's never easy to close your eyes and walk on rubber.
#14 Posted : 2/12/2012 2:54:35 PM

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Vodsel wrote:

When it comes out rushing, like an instinct, it is very difficult to counter. I guess that's why so many people stress the convenience of preparing your mindset, of getting previously as relaxed, undemanding, confident and open as possible. Because, once the trip begins, your ability to frame that mindset slowly disappears. It's like the scaffolding feels unstable, and it's never easy to close your eyes and walk on rubber.

To me it seems to be the fear of going insane, of ceasing to exist (death).

This is something that's always been present in higher-dose (but not too high, I don't feel prepared yet) experiences. I usually fight that feeling off by moving around physically, going for a piss, holding something real tight, or talking to myself to try to stay coherent.

Some part of me always tells me not to fully let go like that. I'm not sure if it's some sort of psychological block or fear I must overcome, or if it's a genuine builtin thing that shouldn't be overriden.

In theory I know I should accept it and let go, but then whenever I'm there (and I'm usually on my own - I can't usually fully let go when someone else is around, something I need to work on too I think, because I notice the same thing when playing music for instance), I try to hold on and not let go. So far, always successfully.
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#15 Posted : 2/12/2012 3:16:51 PM

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nexalizer wrote:
To me it seems to be the fear of going insane, of ceasing to exist (death).

This is something that's always been present in higher-dose (but not too high, I don't feel prepared yet) experiences. I usually fight that feeling off by moving around physically, going for a piss, holding something real tight, or talking to myself to try to stay coherent.

Some part of me always tells me not to fully let go like that. I'm not sure if it's some sort of psychological block or fear I must overcome, or if it's a genuine builtin thing that shouldn't be overriden.

In theory I know I should accept it and let go, but then whenever I'm there (and I'm usually on my own - I can't usually fully let go when someone else is around, something I need to work on too I think, because I notice the same thing when playing music for instance), I try to hold on and not let go. So far, always successfully.

Yes, maybe I was too technical when expressing it but that is the idea. Loss of identity. Which can be synonymous for coherence, self, sanity.

I have some problems letting go in company too, in most cases. Some social anxiety, and I make myself over-responsible for the other people. I tend to take care of others, so it's not easy to let that responsibility go, even convincing myself it's just temporary. A bunch of times, the fear of ego death takes the shape of my need to take care of my daughter. Some might say that is just an "a posteriori" argument to justify irrational fear, but feels legit, and man it can be heavy.

In any case, this is a nice thread about the topic. I just was browsing it.
#16 Posted : 2/12/2012 4:16:22 PM
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These truffles are pretty mild, but very clean as well in that they lack side-effects. I´d say that they´re pretty expensive, but everything comes at a price these days.

15 grams seems a good dose if you´re not very experienced with shrooms but still want to have a powerfull and deep experience. At 20 grams, it starts becoming very DMT-like and with amounts of over 25 grams you can have experiences simmilar to what people call a DMT-breakthrough, depending on your sensitivity etc. But you´ll be in that place for over 4 hours and the total experience will last at least 6 hours when you take that much.
#17 Posted : 2/12/2012 4:57:05 PM

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20 is what I had polytrip. I'm a babe when it comes to DMT, the one experience being a 50/25 caapi/viridis brew, where I threw up most of the viridis.

It was enough to get a taste of DMT visuals, but nothing too fancy. I've never had anything remotely similar to what I saw that night with any other entheogen, though. The visuals were 3D and very fluid.

It's interesting to note that elsewhere on the intertubes a "very strong" dose of Atlantis sclerotia is set to 20g. Make no mistake, this was my trippiest sclerotia adventure yet, but compared to the trip level descriptions at the shroomery, it was at most a level 2, again without short-term memory disturbances.. also no CEV/OEVs, unless you count acid-like tracers. The echoes that I always get on acid were present as well, totally unexpected, but kinda cool.
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#18 Posted : 2/14/2012 3:05:16 PM

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By the way, I read somewhere that shrooms are 90% water. Is this the same for sclerotia? How does one go about adjusting dosage when the sclerotia is dried?
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#19 Posted : 2/14/2012 7:57:28 PM

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I copied this bit from erowid in another thread here on Truffles. Pasting again:

Erowid wrote:
Sclerotia is roughly 70% water by weight while mushrooms are around 90% water. Dry sclerotia is 2/3 as potent as dry cubensis fruits, while fresh sclerotia is twice as potent as fresh cubensis. This is due to the fact that sclerotia contain 3 times more dry matter per quantity of fresh material.
#20 Posted : 2/14/2012 9:03:13 PM

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Thanks Vodsel. I've been doing some more research in the meantime, other sources say (at least) Atlantis sclerotia is 50% water.

This fits nicely with what I have now (roughly half of the original weight after blowing a fan on them for quite some hours). The last 7 hours only decreased the weight by 1g, so I suspect that in Atlantis' case, the water content is indeed closer to 50%.

The texture is a lot different from the other sclerotia I'm familiar with (Tampanensis), as they are now they're not as hard. I'm sorry, but I lack the vocabulary to describe the texture any better than the following in English:

They look dry. With Tampanensis, I couldn't break them by pushing a finger against them (even chewing was hard), as these dried truffles are now, pressure will break them, but they won't sink in your finger like when they're fresh; While I've not tried chewing the dried material, it would appear they would crumble.. Maybe brittle (texture) is the word I'm looking for.

Feedback on whether this is how they're supposed to look/feel once dried would be fantastic, it would be a bad surprise to go check on them truffles in a month or so and find a colony.
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