I asked a mushroom a question and it told me that our enitre universe is actually a ''soul factory''. Like how nebulae in the cosmos are star factorys, the whole system arranges itself such a manner that it creates organic life, which is not the end of the line. Organic life creates soul/consciousness (not soul enters body like the way I think it works) but consciousness is created here, and each person/animal/bug, gives a different aspect to the ultimate ''thing''. Which is a massive object who appeared black/grey outlinines at the time. I can only explain it as a web type ''thing'' that every consciousness attaches itself and connects to, to become an ultimate being and that is purpose of life (which was the question I had asked this mushroom). Each soul brings something new weather it's love, hate, fear, passion etc which is what it feeds off of. this 'thing' keeps getting bigger and bigger. When ppl say that the purpose of life is love it actually is. The more love and kindness that gets entangled with this 'thing' the better off it is.
Anyway this is just something that a piece of food told me on newyears eve, its not a beleif lol.
This is the reason I like magic mushrooms so much. It seems to always have a space and universe type of theme for me.
Where as spice goes beyond that and actually takes you directly to this 'thing' ive been goin on about.