I live in arid place, somewhere in Europe, where i have found phalaris arundinacea, aquatica, minor, paradoxa, canariensis, and peganum harmala is a native specie.
I cant find P. brachystachis because this specie grows in southern places of my country, where it is a weed of wheat crops.
I like so much botany, and I can distinguish Arundo donax from Arundo plinii, a poor known specie that I havent found any report of it about spice.
I can distingish Phragmites australis "chrysanthus" from P.A. "australis", two subspecies that perhaps they contains a so different chemical profiles.
I would like to get seeds of "peganum mexicanum" for growing, a cousin of peganum harmala, and native of South center of USA, and i think it would contain and interesting chemical profile.