A few points:
1) The tone and subject matter of this post is likely to get it some unwelcome gazes. You might have more luck with this if you use less absolute language when speaking about very subjective experiences... ones which many people (a majority) are
bound to take issue with no less.
2) Sadly, MXE, RC's, and Disso's generally are somewhat frowned upon by many senior people here at the Nexus. There is rationale to some of this, and either way, this is not the focus of the site. The fact that the "Discouraged Drug Policy" was scaled back to even allow discussion of MXE was a touch and go thing last year.
3) MXE
is quite variable in its effects, but IME there are some rather profound differences between each of the batches of the stuff I have come across. This is bourne out by the fact that within each batch (order) the experiences were very similar in their dissimilar range, and when a new batch would come around it was immediately noticeable to all who sampled it that something was different. This is kind of freaky when considering that this RC is marketed as being 99.9% pure or whatever, and should be nearly chemically identical every time it is ordered. The first time this batch change situation came around I contacted the vendor and was told that there is often a difference in texture consistency and reports from batch to batch and that the new one he sent was getting better reviews (less complaints) than the previous one... though I and my friends were torn on which we prefered. (the earlier one being noticeably more euphoric and mood-elevating, but having more annoying stimulation and increasing tinnitus the morning after)
This inconsistency in materials and effects draws one to induce that the actual chemical composition of this already untested substance is somewhat unlikely to be trustworthy. The fact that it is made in unaccountable labs in China & India also gives plenty of sketchy food for thought. As I said, every single batch I have seen of this stuff has been somewhat different (with the latest one coming back around again to the semblance and effects of the very first).
If the stuff wasn't so damn useful and fun, as well as being clearly easier on the mind and body than any of the other dissos I could compare it to (DXM, Ketamine etc.)... I might gravitate towards house's stance. But the fact remains, that this chemical (in spite of its diversity) has been amazingly helpful to a large number of people. It may be the most therapeutic substance around at the moment for people who are not actaully ready for the true psychedelic experience. People who repeatedly freak out when confronted with traditional psychs, and of whom one would be asking for trouble to give them spice, have time & again responded
extremely well to MXE and universally felt their experiences to have been very beneficial. Even for us old war horses who can handle heroic doses of Aya without any issue and only blissful journeys... MXE is profoundly useful. It simply is the easiest disso to deal with ATM, even edging out Nitrous, Iboga, Voacanga and others. Even if you consider harmalas to be dissociative at high doses (which I do), MXE doesn't run the risk of serious bodily harm when combined with relatively small amounts of the wrong thing, as even the safest RIMA's do.
To wrap this up, I would like to ask ۩ directly: What exactly is your problem with MXE other than the ones I discussed above?
This is not asked in a snide manner, but genuinely curious as to if you have some information about its negative physical or cognitive effects that the rest of us do not. It would be a service to all of us here who have & will play with this novel material if you enlightened us. If it is just your opinion, you might want to consider making that clear in the various threads and chat sessions I have seen you chime in ominously on. There are plenty of drugs that I don't personally like and recommend against (highly concentrated salvia extracts come to mind), but I tend to make it clear that this is just my opinion and that I have no evidence that the use of such substance will cause any irreparable damage to one's body or mind.
Be well all,
"Curiouser and curiouser..." ~ Alice
"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it." ~ Buddha