Name: Ryusaki or Ryo
Location: Mostly in my own world, but it happends occasionally that i reside in this sack of water and organs, crawling around in a small town named Berlin in the middle of a country called Germany.
Age: around 30, but i have a distant feeling that i might be much, much older (still only a child)
Hobbys/Interest: drawing/painting, creating 3D animations/images, philosophy/religion/esotheric, everything related to perception and reality, annoying fellow humans with confusing concepts of reality for the purpose of learning and demonstrations.
Experience with psychedelics: LSD, Psylocybine, Ketamine, Marihuana
People who ultimatly led me here: Phillip K. Dick, William Burroughs, Terrence McKenna, Alan Watts, John Marco Allegro, Carlos Castaneda, Christian Rätsch, Rick Strassman
Reasons why i am here: Since i was a little kid, i was always interesting in things other (ordinary) people would ignore or scoff about: the invisible landscape, the unthinkable things behind ordinary reality. One of my oldest memories is lying in my bed as a baby, in complete darkness, hallucinating colors. I was always very sensitive and perceptive, and as a child i often would have very frightning dreams about dying and leaving the body. Sleep paralysis was also a very common phenomenom i experienced.
It is my understanding that these things led to an strong imagination and an creative mind. When i grew older i heard stories about the Hippies and psychedelic drugs, and my parents would always gush about this free lifestyle. Mind you, i was born in Eastern Germany, from your perspective: behind the iron wall, trappend in a country which would imprison its residents. While my parents never had the chance to live this livestyle (and sure they had a limited and warped perspective of it), i decided to try it out, at least the part with the mind-altering substances
Which i did, with somewhat positive effects. But Life showed its ugly teeth, and now several years later, i have become disenchanted, depressive, dissapointed, disconnected with other people and selfdestructive. Which is all to a degree my fault. Life can be a harsh teacher, and i didn't listen.
Now i stand at a crossroad at my life: stay the lazy, boring ineffective kind of guy, or finally learn the lesson AND APPLY IT and become the one i can be (and already am).
I've been lurking in the shadows here for quite some time, i know what to do, but procrastination is my usual way of (not)doing things.
Things will change. And if i need one final ultimate bitch slapping from the universe to get things started; so be it, i gladly embrace it.
Next month i will order me some fine ingridents to cook some ayahuasca (or analog). I will prepare it. I will drink it. The medicine will do its thing. Then we'll see.
I am looking forward to have some interesting conversations with you guys, you don't know me (yet) but i feel like i know you
The Nexus seems like a fine place to hang around with like minded souls.
Below you'll find some examples of my psychedelic related paintings. After a strong dose of shrooms i felt very compelled to draw some impressions of the spirit world. These are only the beginning. I sure will do some more. I hope you like them. Maybe you've already met those guys on your voyages?
PS: These paintings are difficult to photograph, since i use silver and copper/gold varnish which highly reflects light (which is kind of the concept behind it).
PPS: Please forgive me my bad grammar and spelling.