I am an rookie poster too, just arrived here recently. While more experienced user can give you more precice answers, i think i can give you some advice. Even if i myself didn't take the voyage i know a thing or two from lurking on this side for some time. But still take it with a grain of doubt and read some more sources.
It is highly recommended to start your first voyage with an experienced trip sitter. Not that you need one, but i think its better to be fully prepared for every possibility and it might be a good think to have somebody around who grounds you in reality (and to immidiatly share your experience).
Music seems to have an effect on the voyage ( or at least on your mood), while it may be percieved highly distorted. I think it might be better to do it first without any external input.
Smoking the spice is one popular way of administering it, drinking Ayahuasce is the more traditional way of consuming it. Both have its pro and cons. Smoking is easy and fast, it gives a 5-10 min trip which can be very hard on the mind, drinking Aya can be very unconfortable for the body (vomiting) and it lasts 2-3 hours. Then there is Changa but i am not so sure about the duration of such an trip. But i've heard only good things about it. Since you smoke it like an blunt, you can control the dosage much better than the other two ways. Best to try all 3 possibilities, you sure find a confortable solution for yourself.