Speaking from experiance, this is all safe. Worse case scenario, you suffer for a longer period of time, you will always recover no matter how bad things seem.
Death is safe. it is ok to die. And after you "die" you will view the "living" as the dead. This "life" is as close to being dead we will ever be, Contracted and unaware with a seed of truth/awarness.
When you wake up from this life you will not only have this life experiance, you will have all life experiance, from the begining of time. In truth there is only one experiance.
This can feel a bit overwhelming in your curent point of view. What you need to focus on and trust is; it´s all good.
This is all safe, everybody will be all right.
There is only one.
What I have written so far is learned from my own near death experiance in 2003 and I am open to it being true.
The following I dont know, it is what my intuition keeps telling me:
There is only one. this one wants to do the imposible and make it´s self in to one more self.
it has been working with this from the begining of time and that is what is going on right here.
I dont know if this is true, but eventualy we will find out as we are all part of this, even after "life" =)
in love, with you /Raz
*I used to think I was thought, I was however, not in my right mind*
*This cluster is clearly in fuzzy bubblegum*