I've been visiting, reading, studying and learning here at the nexus for about a year now, it feels right to try to give back to the community here. Thank you to all who have shared your stories and knowledge, it has made my journey with these wonderful plant teachers easy, safe and fun. I would like to be a part of that, share my experiences and hopefully help anyone beginning their own journey. I know this is a very accepting, respectful, supportive place to share and help and I'm glad to finally feel a part of it.
my journey with dmt and ayahuasca started roughly a year ago, starting after my first extraction. I was so utterly enthralled and intrigued by my first few breakthroughs that I quickly found myself smoking far too much in such a short amount of time. I didn't fully understand integration at that point and was pretty depressed so I didn't think much if it as the experience allowed me to see things differently, and also things I couldn't really comprehend, which kept my mind busy. also was using psylosibin quite frequently. Needless to say, so many extremly powerful experiences began to "catch up with me" if you will. I stopped freebasing after my first pharma session. Those few hours I know I will never forget and will write a trip report in time. all I will say is when your brain literally feels like it has completely stopped functioning, the visions cease and youre not sure what time even is, it changes you. It certainly changed me for the better, I was soon after introduced to stephen buhner, I highly recommend his literature. I spent the remainder of the summer working on my communication with all the wonderfully useful plants that grow all around me. That in itself was a powerful experience, and still is.
I explored a bit more with ingestion methods which led me to changa and brewing caapi for pharma sessions. Nowadays I only low dose unless while under the spell of psylosibin. I find not being baseline and in that expanded state of consciousness to ease the pre flight anxiety that I strongly, regularly experience. it's just a bit heavy at times ya know?
for about the last 3 to 4 months ive been taking somewhat of a break from psychedelics and doing a lot of urban exploring, I think this has helped immensely in integrating a summer of far too much mind journeying. Anybody new to dmt reading this, I strongly stress the importance of integration, I learned that in not so much a bad way, but in a more difficult way. I do not regret my decisions, but certainly don't condone a reckless irresponsible approach to these extremly powerful plant teachers. I know these things have been said a million times, but it's what I have to offer here and now. I'm back here because I feel im ready, once again, to explore myself and whatever it is we call hyperspace. And I feel comfortable with the support this group has for eachother and feel that may be helpful. Now those globes just need to precipitate fully
As I'm now rambling ill let you continue on your life journey. Thank you for reading and I look forward to the future here with the nexus.
Be peaceful to one another