vovin wrote:You know sometimes you just can feel that your at a critical point in history and the past year and what looks to be the next really seems to be that point where you see the history channel recalling where the world was on the brink...It just seems like we are at that pivotal point in history.
That´s definately true. The world is changing rapidly in many ways and what you said earlier; that we have become more or less addicted to the many artificial 'reward' signals, industrial society bombards our brains with, is also for a great deal shaping us in a rather negative way.
Nevertheless, this crisis will also pass and a new balance will be found. Any society is always in a state of equilibrium, economically, politically, socially, culturally and ethically. But the context of society always offers room for more than one possible equilibrium.
The chaos we´re in today is a sign that we´re in a state of transition.
No-one can predict where all of this will lead to.
But it will not be the end of freedom: The world is changing like it always has been. America has long been the place to go to, when you where looking for economic, political or religious freedom and within a few century´s a few hundred million people have moved there...
There will always be such places. No-one can control all of the world.
At this moment, staying in america or europe is mostly an economical choice for most of us.
So when the balance shifts and maybe america or europe are no longer the place to go to, who knows what will be economical for us then? But we will always keep making those choices. Especially people who truly love their freedom.
So i think freedom will always find a way. There will always be free places, and for those who truly apreciate freedom, there will always come a moment that moving or staying there becomes the most economical decission.