Why dont you use carbonate? Its tried and tested, and it can be easily made by putting bicarb in a pot on the stove for some minutes or on the oven for an hour or so, till it loses about a third of its weight.
As for 1) , I agree that in a way it defeats the purpose to do plain distilled water washes after sodium carb, and I think some people might have small yield loss there. But also from experience I know that after you do one wash, when youre doing the second wash, there will be some remains of the first wash so there will still be a bit of sodium carb that will then mix with your plain water and raise a bit it's pH. A second plain water wash would be more dangerous ...
Notice that DMT freebase isnt really soluble in water, but one thing is to try to dissolve dmt crystals in water, another thing is when DMT is dissolved, it will be more exposed to the water, and potentially more easily dissolved under certain conditions (if the water is warm, if pH isnt purpousely made higher, etc). So better if water of wash is colder, and if pH is raised. If pH is raised with sodium bicarb, probably better than just plain water, but if its sodium carb is better than both
as for 2), there's a limit to how high sodium bicarb can take, even if you saturate the water with it (IIRC, somewhere around ph 9 ?), so no..
Lastly, you would do a good favor to the comunity if you would just experiment with side by side and let us know.. So for example do half your batch with pure water wash, half with sodium carb.. or half bicarb half carb.. or whatever else you want to compare, and tell us
Hope that helped.