the answer to THAT, my beautiful siSTAR, is an emphatic YES!
many here enjoy making what we call smoking blends or changas. changas contain an maoi leaf (like capii or passiflora) but the blends don't necessarily. one of my favorite blends for many years was blue lotus and dmt. cannibis and dmt is also exceptional. smoking dmt in the peak of a mushroom journey can change your life. smoking dmt and salvia together is....well....rewarding in it's own way but something you won't forget ever. definitely not for those just starting on this path.
so....YES....dmt in combination with other medicines is different. all of it illuminating. i tend to feel that, since dmt is a crystal (and what do crystals do if not amplify and direct energy?) whatever you pair it with is amplified to it's zenith. cannibis becomes ULTRA CANNIBIS. mushrooms become ULTRA MUSHROOMS, etc...
take your time experimenting with various combinations. i've tried them all and believe that if you are safe and in a good space mentally and emotionally, you will mine gold in all of them.
i would, personally, recommend you NOT combine dmt with things that take. cocaine, alcohol, dxm, meth....these are takers and dmt doesn't jive well with them.
welcome to the community siSTAR. i'm from the bay area myself so it's nice to see a homie. be well, stay safe, love a lot!
with the deepest love and gratitude!!
"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
wisdom today."