d-T-r wrote:It's quite beautiful. In liberating others will we truly liberate our selves.
Yup, I think so. And when we "liberate" ourselves, we're partially doing that for everybody else as well.
d-T-r wrote:When we realize there is no 'real' separation between us, in helping others and being of service in what ever way we can ( so long as it is for the 'greater good',) we're actually helping
Again, agreed. If we can help others experience those heavenly realities that lie beyond their wildest dreams, then we bring ourselves closer to the chance at abiding in those places more completely. But I do think that the separation is every bit as real as the unity. We're infinitely connected, but we're also infinitely unique. So when we go really deep, it affects others on various levels, but they still have to get themselves there if it's what they want.
"I have great faith in fools; self-confidence my friends call it."