I have learned quite a lot from these web pages within the last few weeks, and i cant thank this forum enough. I feel almost obligated to pay you all back in some way, but for now i can only make an introduction thread so that you all may acknowledge my existence. So for any who care to read into this thread, i thank you for not only taking your time to read about me, but also for any threads you may have contributed to this thread that have let me learn more about this very interesting spice.
I have been interested in the spirit molecule for a decent amount of time now, but i was always turned off by all of the chemicals used in the extraction teks that i read up on before. (Drain cleaner? Lye? These things cant be healthy!!!
). Despite the ingredients however, i was still always drawn to the mysteriousness of this spice, and also to all the experiences that i have read or viewed on the internet.
Recently, i discovered Q21Q21's tek, which allows me to extract this wondrous medicine without using any scary chemicals. Due to this new-found knowledge; i now feel comfortable enough with this spice to extract some myself, and i plan to do just that within the near future.
Hopefully, i can continue learning from you all, and i would be most grateful if some of you veterans could help guide me if i ever happen to fall of the path that the spirit molecule will have me travel!
All posts that have been written by me or any users using this account are not to be taken seriously. We, as a group, use this account solely to surf through this forum, and to see how others respond to us. We in no way take part of any illegal activity, and any posts that might hint otherwise are simply jokes and/or bold lies we posted to help start or further conversations that have already taken place. We are completely against all illegal substances, and the possession, distribution, and consumption of said substances.