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Does your Cannabis use, eventuate with diminishing returns? Options
#1 Posted : 1/12/2012 10:21:30 AM

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I personally find, if I smoke too often (too often in my case being once daily for maybe a week) I no longer enjoy the high, almost as if the plant responds to my use as abuse and discourages the experience until I have something to gain from the level of perception Cannabis allows.

So I give it a few days and go again Very happy

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#2 Posted : 1/12/2012 10:35:02 AM

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I used to smoke alot and it gave same results like yours... Quitting it for good was one of the best things I have done to improve my health. When I was "hooked" to cannabis, in retrospect it would have been ideal to smoke once or twice a week. Daily smoking had only adverse and even addicting effects to me.
#3 Posted : 1/12/2012 10:48:03 AM

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I should consider myself lucky, then. I don't consider myself hooked or addicted in any way, more I see it as a useful tool for my consciousness exploration and betterment of life. Ofcourse, an addict would say anything rather than admit addiction.
#4 Posted : 1/12/2012 12:28:28 PM

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I remember running out of ganja, then tearing up butts in my ash tray and scraping the floor afterwards.

In case you didn't realise, that was gross!

I guess the main reason I used to smoke it, was I didn't have enough to do with my time and smoking weed isn't the way to go to get something going on.
#5 Posted : 1/12/2012 12:58:59 PM

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Voidwalk wrote:
I should consider myself lucky, then. I don't consider myself hooked or addicted in any way, more I see it as a useful tool for my consciousness exploration and betterment of life. Ofcourse, an addict would say anything rather than admit addiction.

I think addiction is something one can't stop if one wants to. Altough "I just don't want to stop" is the most common thing to hear from an addict when asking about quittingLaughing
#6 Posted : 1/12/2012 2:13:41 PM


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weed makes me idle, and when im idle i want weed. damn im addicted!! trying to stop completely but it's tough for me. frown upon me i am weak
as above, so below
#7 Posted : 1/12/2012 3:13:36 PM

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Hi, my name is PrimalWisdom and I am a Marijuana addict Razz

I smoke daily and have been doing so for nearly 11 years now. I still get just as baked though...I think. and never really notice any detrimental effects, apart from laughing at pretty silly movies, and getting lost in awesome music. I mean sure my lungs must be a bit buggered, but I have always held down my jobs, my wife is happy, and my life is in order enough for me to be happy.

I know it's habitual use, but tbh there's no reason for me to stop. And I only smoke 1/2 to 1 small joint every evening, after I've done everything I need to do. Sure on the weekends I might get high at 9am if I feel the need, but that's my "chill time" and my ps3 doesn't mind if I'm stoned when I play with her.

It's the same story with all substances, if you aren't enjoying it anymore, it's ruining your life, or it's harming you...STOP!

If not, light up, sit back and get stoned imo.


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#8 Posted : 1/12/2012 3:34:29 PM

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I've been using marijuana daily for about 10 years. Ironically, this day 3 of the first break I've had in quite sometime. I feel incredibly sharp! I still love it though, and will never escape its grace for good.

I agree with you voidwalk- all about regaining the respect. Then it gives gifts.
#9 Posted : 1/12/2012 7:13:53 PM

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aliendreamtime wrote:
I've been using marijuana daily for about 10 years. Ironically, this day 3 of the first break I've had in quite sometime. I feel incredibly sharp! I still love it though, and will never escape its grace for good.

I agree with you voidwalk- all about regaining the respect. Then it gives gifts.

10 years daily? That's some addictive grace right thereLaughing

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#10 Posted : 1/12/2012 7:35:05 PM

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I recognized 4-6 days not smoking produces the trip you want.
elusive illusion
#11 Posted : 1/12/2012 7:43:40 PM

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I smoke a small amount most nights, 1-3 small bowls spread out (yes, I am a bit habitual...) but if I do feel the need to get super stoned deep headspace I can just smoke a couple more bowls than usual and I will be as stoned as I would want to be. You could always sprinkle some harmalas onto the bowl as well for a rather nice potentiation Very happy
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#12 Posted : 1/12/2012 8:49:09 PM


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I find that after smoking for two or three weeks in a row, that i feel a little blah, and I kind of start to get a negative feeling towards being high. Not that I don't like it, but after a while, i just don't want that feeling anymore. Usually about a weeks worth is good for me to wait. Tolerance breaks are routinely incorporated for me. Boy am I high at the end of a tolerance break though! Very happy
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#13 Posted : 1/12/2012 9:30:41 PM


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Okay guys, I have smoked cannabis seldom for the past five years. I got to the point where it was everyday for a couple months but otherwise it has been a steady few times a month average. I recently started working with it again. It can be a powerful tool but I feel you have to possess the right mind state and intent then it will show you things you wouldn't necessarily expect. When used habitually or otherwise for a "good time" it seems to lose its appeal of introspection and consciousness expansion, if you will.

So anyway for the last couple weeks I have smoked nearly every other day and had quite an enlightening experience, only the first few times and after that it was a cloudy high with not much insight. So I will only try to smoke or possibly even eat it once a week or less to get the full spectrum of experience. It can offer very deep enlightening and introspective perceptions of reality. I guess the difference is some use it as a tool and some use it as entertainment and depending on where you want to drift to, that's where you will go.
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#14 Posted : 1/13/2012 1:05:05 AM

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looks like a lot of us smoke fairly habitually

ive smoked the last 4 years pretty much everyday, usually pipe hits from afternoon-evening.
weed and video games/movies can be a big entertaining loop of distractions

its just so damn seductive, when you have a bag of it you just gotta toke toke toke!

when you start abusing it overall and it becomes dull-entertainment and just a glazed over fog, you know its time to take a break.
River of Thoughts
#15 Posted : 1/13/2012 10:06:47 AM

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Weed is a habit forming plant:
Weed is a double edged sword, it can work to your advantage as an enhancer and enabler or it can work the opposite too and work as a disabler(forming bad habits). Its all about programming.
If you associate weed with bad habits like sitting on your ass, you get programmed to become a lazy bum.
If you associate weed to activities such as sports, when you smoke youd have the desire to do something active.
If you are a painter and smoke weed before you paint, you're going to have the desire to paint.

Its a beautiful plant. Take advantage of it and Respect it.
#16 Posted : 1/13/2012 10:28:37 AM

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River of Thoughts wrote:
Weed is a habit forming plant:
Weed is a double edged sword, it can work to your advantage as an enhancer and enabler or it can work the opposite too and work as a disabler(forming bad habits). Its all about programming.
If you associate weed with bad habits like sitting on your ass, you get programmed to become a lazy bum.
If you associate weed to activities such as sports, when you smoke youd have the desire to do something active.
If you are a painter and smoke weed before you paint, you're going to have the desire to paint.

Its a beautiful plant. Take advantage of it and Respect it.

I agree with most of what you've said here, though not completely, as you state it matter of fact.
Exception to your rule, when I smoke, it'll be after I'm home from work, have had a workout, maybe cleaned the house, then I get high, before or after preparing food, enjoy a healthy, generally raw meal, then proceed to laze about as I see fit, or get excited with the woman.
Cannabis does beautiful things to the sexual experience.
#17 Posted : 1/13/2012 3:16:48 PM

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I'm a little confused by the title of this thread. What do you mean by "Does your cannabis use, eventuate with diminishing returns"?

EDIT- nevermind, I just got it. The comma threw me off.Laughing

I will say that cannabis can be a useful tool, but for me it was far too "psychologically addictive", although once I saved up my emotional energy and focused my will to stop, it was easy to quit, and stay clean. I do plan to return to very infrequent use when I balance my life out a little more.

Moderation is good.Wink
Aetherius Rimor
#18 Posted : 1/13/2012 3:39:13 PM
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I know quite a few people that smoke constantly. Once every few hours.

Course those people also are extremely productive people and can afford it.

Just suprising to me, I don't understand it.
#19 Posted : 1/13/2012 9:14:03 PM

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i smoked daily for about 6years, then after this summer i quit for 4months straight.

Now i have smoked 3weekends in a row but have stopped this weekend, for me even every weekend is to much nowadays, it slowly get´s a grip on me that i don´t like.

Being high is great but being addicted is not, so i stop again before i go there.
#20 Posted : 6/25/2012 6:53:44 AM

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How To Give Up Cannabis

new-school harm reduction

this is so much more effective than those lame DARE programs...
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