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Ways to naturally control the release of our own DMT Options
#61 Posted : 1/12/2012 1:17:59 AM

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Looking forward to reading the articles lysergic linked above.

As far as breathing techniques, as I understand it, a number of techniques are effective in raising and lowering the pH levels of the blood by either starving or flooding it with oxygen. This as I see it, is why there are a variety of altered states and sensations. But either way you go, lower or higher on the pH level, you'll reach a threshold and the body responds by taking over; this is what is causing the common shakes that are often experienced that tend to precede an often trance-like state that can be analogous with a psychedelic experience. I'd be willing to bet there is soup of chemicals responsible for these states, and they probably aren't the same every time, depending on how you got into said state. Though serotonin and oxytocin are fairly easy to recognize when active.

The only hell for a warrior is peace.

The warm fuzzy side of the cold hard truth.

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Jef Harvey
#62 Posted : 1/13/2012 12:37:40 AM

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[quote=vardlokkur]Wow that Shiva Neural Stimulation thing is a trip.

I am posting some of my session log results from the 16 coil Shiva System for reference. It is my "opinion" that the Shiva System stimulates DMT production in the brain due to the complexity of the signals used. Just a thought. The following are two of the log entries I mentioned.

20100120 16 Coil Session #1
Persinger Session (build psy abilities, not designed for in session results)
Pre-session Prep (not necessary, I am just including the info for consideration)
Organic sulfur sublingual (drive oxygen to the brain)
Earplugs and a dark cloth over the eyes in a dark room at night
2358 session began
The first thing I saw behind my eyelids was an image of the binding wave rolling through my brain from the front to back. A few anomalous facial images I did not recognize. Some large dark and indistinguishable shapes went through from right to left. There was no presence felt during the session.
When the images subsided I became bored after a few minutes and decided to do a consciousness projection experiment while in session. It went exceedingly well as I saw myself on the asteroid belt above the earth jumping from asteroid to asteroid while alternately being able to translocate to a position above and off to the side of my body and watch as I jumped from rock to rock. Quite an effect! When that stopped I lay in bed and noticed a hyperawareness of my senses of smell and hearing. I fell asleep towards the end of the session.

20100404 16 Coil Session #8
Persinger Session (build psy abilities, not designed for in session results)
Pre-session Prep – None
0230 session start
The first half of the session I had some of the light spots appearing behind my eyes that I'm accustomed (in various brain states) to but instead of the usual white they were a beautiful rich blue and a little bit larger than normal. In the second phase of the session there were many interesting faces, mostly with eyes watching me.
0340 BTS
0415 when I awoke my vision was vibrating. In my left ear I heard a loud scream from one or two young women as though they were in some sort of catastrophe. I remember thinking it seemed like there was a car accident or something. Once the scream stopped I heard nothing more. The dream I had awoken from was a vague dream and I was going to make notes when a powerful vibratory state engulfed me and the familiar high frequency of an imminent out of body experience (OBE) rang loudly in my ears. My feet began to feel a gentle pressure and were rotating without my help. I realized they were being massaged so I sat up and saw nothing. I reached down to my feet and felt hands, so I did what any red-blooded male would do so we had sex. Her kisses were lush and her body firm with a very athletic figure that was almost amazonish. It ended when I changed positions.
0445 BTS
0625 I awoke from a bass fishing dream that morphed into a very positive dream with me driving a delivery truck into a big town. While driving the truck off to my left a monstrous sized log was being delivered in chunks via a high wire just about tree level to the different homes. The other fellow in the truck with me reminded me of a backpacking and fishing pal of mine. We talked about reading books by camp fire light and how nice it was to be able to get away from work and relax from time to time. The whole thing was exceptionally long and detailed.
0642 BTS
0755 I awoke from a dream where I was lost and in a city with my friend Andy's BMW. We had swapped vehicles.
0804 for BTS
0930 I woke from a dream where I was lost in a mall and I was flying in the dream.

I am posting some of my session log results from the 16 coil Shiva System as I was asked to test the tech for a client of mine and the results were so good I later became a distributor of the tech among the other brain/mind technologies I use. As you can see, the effects of the 16 coil are impressive! The 64 coil is as well.

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Hyperspace Fool
#63 Posted : 1/13/2012 5:41:05 PM

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Thank you @ Jef Harvey

I have been interested in Persinger's "God Helmet" stuff since first seeing it on a documentary years back. I have since watched with some trepidation as the technology became commercialized with the Shiva Headbands and whatnot.

At some point I will probably get up the nerve to just buy one, since waiting for a friend to acquire one to let me try it out hasn't shown results as of yet. As a fan of light & sound brain machines (not to mention entheogenic substances) it seems kind of odd that I would be overly cautious or concerned about this kind of magnetic stimulation. Somehow, the idea of warping the brain's magnetic field makes me a tad squeamish. The idea that one might permanently alter one's grey matter (at least disrupt the pathways and whatnot)... always conjures images of patients with various types of brain damage or temporal lobe epilepsy. No one wants to end up with some kind of early onset alzheimers.

Clearly, hammering one's head with chemicals isn't probably any safer of an idea... but at least people have been taking entheogens for millennia already. Pleased Who can say why certain things touch a nerve for us. Like I said before, I love my mind machines... but am adverse to subliminal hypnosis (unless I record the message for myself). Truthfully, I am adverse to all hypnosis.

Anyway, thanks again for posting that. If you have any more comments about the technology I am sure that I am not the only one who would love to hear about it. You could even start a thread specifically about this.

"Curiouser and curiouser..." ~ Alice

"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it." ~ Buddha
Jef Harvey
#64 Posted : 9/28/2012 10:01:46 PM

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Sorry it took so long to respond. There is now a new and far more advanced version of this technology and it can be seen here

There are also a few session reports to see what kind of results are had by those who actually use the technology.
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Hyperspace Fool
#65 Posted : 9/29/2012 7:54:00 PM

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Jef Harvey wrote:
Sorry it took so long to respond. There is now a new and far more advanced version of this technology and it can be seen here

There are also a few session reports to see what kind of results are had by those who actually use the technology.

Nice to hear back from you. Thanks for the link.

As I understand, the Shiva & Shakti headsets use magnetic fields that are comparable to headphones on medium volume, so I don't worry about that. However, I am concerned about long term effects on cognition or the triggering of epilepsy. Any thoughts about that?

I see you are selling the units, so perhaps you are not completely impartial, but I trust that you have a good deal of knowledge about this technology. So...

A few questions if I may:

Have you had anyone react negatively to treatment with this machine?

Has anyone been pushed into a seizure through use of this technology?

Is there a substantial difference between the Shiva, Shakti and the 16 - 64 coil models?

If so, which do you find to be most effective at generating vision, simulating spiritual experiences, tuning up the higher brain functions, mood elevation and the like?

Does stimulation of the Amygdala cause fear in some people?

It is my understanding that fear is centered in the Amygala, and as such it seems that stimulating that region improperly could produce panic or freak outs. Of course, I am no expert.

Was there any thought to creating magnetic patterns for other brain patterns?

Would it be possible to make one for the Pineal gland or possibly other non brain areas of the body, like the thyroid?

Does the Shiva come with more than one CD? Could other CDs be generated easily?

What would happen if you hooked up your Shakti to music... or theta waves or whatever?

How about playing the Hippocampus & Amygdala patterns CD through normal headphones (if the noise would be annoying it could be turned down) because headphones are also magnetic coils, no?

Anyway, this subject is fascinating. I still have yet to get my hands on one, but I will probably break down and grab one sooner or later. I would love it if someone I knew had one I could try out, as I hate to get into anything without a test drive so to speak... but there is something to be said for being the first kid on the block with a new toy as well.

Besides, I am a huge fan of my other brain machine toys. ;-)
"Curiouser and curiouser..." ~ Alice

"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it." ~ Buddha
#66 Posted : 9/29/2012 9:33:57 PM

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vardlokkur wrote:
I'm interested in learning if anyone here has had any personal success in releasing their brains natural supply of DMT in large quantities. I guess it would be analogous with having skill in lucid dreaming, but I'm not sure. I've been reading into diets that help cultivate the production of melatonin and serotonin in the pineal and pituitary, and have been practicing the activation of the para-sympathetic nervous system which I would imagine to be necessary in the attainment of a deep trance state. But since I'm still a beginner concerning states of deep relaxation/self-hynosis, I feel that I'm still a far ways off from being able to attain anything like genuine visions. I'm also working around a full-time school schedule, so it's difficult to synchronize this with the other usual methods of fasting and self deprivation (hopefully with regular practice until spring break, I may be able to attain a sober breakthrough then). I've heard that the pineal gland can become highly active after a prolonged period in total darkness, something like 72 hours or more. Anyone else have preferred methods? For me it seems that physical exhaustion followed by extreme relaxation works best to attain the euphoric state at least.

I would like to add that in my own experiences of meditation (somewhat new to it) I have felt what feels like the beginnings of a DMT trip, the early stages of vibrations and remembering the smell of DMT whilest meditating. Personally I believe that all states of psychedelics can be achieveved through meditation, this is what most meditating peoples spend the majority of their lives trying to achieve.

Meditation is the pathway to enlightenment, something which I believe DMT forces on to some people.

Since my own experiences with DMT, I can say I have never been able to think clearer in my life, I don't feel we need drugs to explore this space, it's something we do natually when we sleep. Personally, I think it's about training your mind to be aware of being in this space and then manipulating it.
One can drive himself to madness in the obsessing goal of reason, without the knowledge of love and laughter.
#67 Posted : 9/29/2012 9:51:20 PM

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Mystic0 wrote:
something which I believe DMT forces on to some people.

i'm willing to bet those people would be inclined to disagree.
enlightenment is one of those ambiguous concepts that many who're well-versed
with dmt never mention, they don't associate the two.
"Nothing is true, everything is permitted." ~ hassan i sabbah
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#68 Posted : 10/6/2012 5:00:43 AM

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oldtripper wrote:
How about this answer: you can get effects of like drunkeness from JUST taking an MAOi. So since the DMT would be in a water soluble state in the body (98% water), you would probably have to be pn an MAOi before meditating it to a concentration. Now this could be a problem...if your in a type of drunken state it would be hard to focus. To get the effects of DMT does it not have to be processed? When you ingest or smoke DMT it is processed by your body and expelled, otherwise people hat have taken DMT would show high levels months later..over the people in the sanitarum levels.

I am not a doctor or chemist, this is just logic

I would be cautious of using MAOI's to get intoxicating effects. One there are many MAOI's out there with varied durration and strength. Secondly, you may also be getting into a situation where the MAOI is toxic at those levels and you could be doing yourself some serious harm. MAOI's aren't harmless and shouldn't be taking unless you know exactly what the dose and combination (if any) should be for the desired application.
Just be cautious and careful Smilel
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#69 Posted : 10/6/2012 5:43:30 AM

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*oneironaut* wrote:
oldtripper wrote:
How about this answer: you can get effects of like drunkeness from JUST taking an MAOi. So since the DMT would be in a water soluble state in the body (98% water), you would probably have to be pn an MAOi before meditating it to a concentration. Now this could be a problem...if your in a type of drunken state it would be hard to focus. To get the effects of DMT does it not have to be processed? When you ingest or smoke DMT it is processed by your body and expelled, otherwise people hat have taken DMT would show high levels months later..over the people in the sanitarum levels.

I am not a doctor or chemist, this is just logic

I would be cautious of using MAOI's to get intoxicating effects. One there are many MAOI's out there with varied durration and strength. Secondly, you may also be getting into a situation where the MAOI is toxic at those levels and you could be doing yourself some serious harm. MAOI's aren't harmless and shouldn't be taking unless you know exactly what the dose and combination (if any) should be for the desired application.
Just be cautious and careful Smilel

Would you care to elaborate on why you think MAOI'S are harmful??

Would you also provide some sources to back that claim up please.
And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not percieve the plank in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, "brother let me remove the speck from your eye", when you yourself do not see the plank that is in your own eye?-Yeshua ben Yoseph
#70 Posted : 10/6/2012 6:44:00 AM

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Eliyahu wrote:
*oneironaut* wrote:
oldtripper wrote:
How about this answer: you can get effects of like drunkeness from JUST taking an MAOi. So since the DMT would be in a water soluble state in the body (98% water), you would probably have to be pn an MAOi before meditating it to a concentration. Now this could be a problem...if your in a type of drunken state it would be hard to focus. To get the effects of DMT does it not have to be processed? When you ingest or smoke DMT it is processed by your body and expelled, otherwise people hat have taken DMT would show high levels months later..over the people in the sanitarum levels.

I am not a doctor or chemist, this is just logic

I would be cautious of using MAOI's to get intoxicating effects. One there are many MAOI's out there with varied durration and strength. Secondly, you may also be getting into a situation where the MAOI is toxic at those levels and you could be doing yourself some serious harm. MAOI's aren't harmless and shouldn't be taking unless you know exactly what the dose and combination (if any) should be for the desired application.
Just be cautious and careful Smilel

Would you care to elaborate on why you think MAOI'S are harmful??

Would you also provide some sources to back that claim up please.

Of course, I'd be happy to...but really there are countless references regarding the use of MAOI's in combination with drugs and even basic foods that are VERY dangerous, as well as use by themselves to get intoxicating effects. Just do a search for Dangers of MAOI's or Dangers of Harmaline or CAAPI or what have you. More importantly, there are a so many MAOI's out there and a blanket statement like "you can get effects of like drunkeness from JUST taking an MAOI" can be somewhat misdirecting, while true, there are also very real dangers. Someone who may not really know what they are doing, may consider it a natural high and not really take into account the risks and end up taking a potentially lethal dose... perhaps of an online purchase of a concentrated extract or tincture ...."while legal in the U.S. (where harmine and harmaline are currently unscheduled), it is illegal in Canada where harmine and harmaline are Schedule III. These are extremely potent alkaloids. Misuse of them can result in serious, even fatal, consequences."



There is a very real danger in interfering with the protective function of
MAO. The harmala alkaloids like other inhibitors, are non-specific. They
prevent the metabolic inactivation of many other drugs and biogenic amines
in addition to the neurotranamitters,
For example, MAO normally detoxifies barbiturates, alcohol and narcotic
analgesics. MAO inhibitors prevent their inactivation and can prolong and
intensify their central depressant effect to a potentially lethal,
life-threatening level.
MAO inhibitors also potentiate the action of many amphetamine-like
compounds. They are synergistic with most amphetamines, ephedrine,
norepinephrine, epinephrine, methyldopa and phenylpropanolamine,
sometimes precipitating a hypertensive crisis. Often associated with
sweating, pallor, nausea, vomitting and fright, a hypertensive crisis in a
high blood pressure headache which can lead to cranial hemmorrhage.
A hypertensive crisis can also result from the ingestion of foodstuffs that
contain amino acids normally metabolized by MAO. The well-known tyramine
cheese reaction illustrates this danger. Tyramine is formed as a
fermentation by-product In many foods. It is a naturally occuring amine
normally metabolized by MAO. In the presence of an MAO inhibitor, the
resulting high levels of tyramine can produce dangerous increases in blood
Anyone experimenting with MAO Inhibitors should be aware of the potential
for hypertensive crisis. Avoid all foods or liquids with high amine content.
Do not mix MAO inhibitors (i.e. the harmala alkaloids) with any of the
following: cheese, especially aged cheese, beer, mine, pickled herrings,
snails, chicken livers, yeast products, figs, raisans, pickles, sauerkraut,
coffee, chocolate soy sauce, cream or yogurt.

.... oh and because Terence said so Very happy

Joking aside, yeah.. chances are, drinking a CAAPI tea, or smoking some Rue isn't going to put you six feet under, but there are risks and they get far more serious in higher doses, which is usually the case when taking them in of themselves to get "high"

All i'm saying is be careful and know what you're taking and mixing it with before you put something in your body that may have adverse effects.. even if it's just puking your guts out, let alone coma or dying.

Safety first... right? Smile

You can't do anything about yesterday, but you can do everything with tomorrow.

Everything I write on this forum is pure gibberish and fanciful nonsense!
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