Quote:and all of a sudden someone shouted my name loud and the voice was so clear I jumped out of my dream to answer....nobody?? I live alone and my GF was at her house. My windows were closed. The person was familiar,female and commanding. They also use my full first name witch no one does unless I'm in troubleSad. I told people about it an got the usual reply your over tired, oh maybe it was a ghost...blah, so I put it down to a crazy dream.
This sort of thing just happened to me last night. I couldn't sleep and so went to my basement to sleep on the couch and listen to coast to coast am, which usually puts me right to sleep. In falling asleep I got a strong feeling of being watched. I had a feeling it was a house sprite, or whatever name you'd give to it, my wife and I half believe lives here. (I have pictures of an egg I found once balanced on end.)
I felt he was going to play tricks on me when I fell asleep, but was too tired to care. I dreamed I was watching coast to coast on TV, slowly the dream world and real world merged so that I felt my leg was asleep. I moved it and opened my eyes. I actually opened them in the real world but stayed dreaming. I saw a huge spider crawling right at my face. I jumped up and tried to kill it, but it was gone. I looked all over for where it had gone till I realized the spider was too big to have been real and the things that had happened just prior didn't make sense either so must have been a dream.
I went back to sleep and had normal kind of dreams. It was the type of dreams where I'm just observing, like I was watching a TV show. Then a woman in the dream turns right at me and says out loud, like really out loud so I could hear it, not dream telepathy, "You KNOW me." She said it like someone who was kind of hurt I forgot who she was and was trying to make me remember her. She completely broke dream continuity. Like she was tired of the charade and just wanted me to remember her again. I have no idea who she was but I got up and was awake because I really heard her voice. At that point I noticed the computer I was using to play the radio was in the process of rebooting itself for no apparent reason.
It's kind of left me a little unsettled.