Dear Nexus,
I have been reverting to browsing the forum over the past years and enjoying your fascinating posts. I have now however a question which has been bugging me lately and after looking for information, both online and offline, I found nothing; therefore I thought that here might be a good place to share the topic which is on my mind.
I don't know if this topic has been discussed already from the angle which interests me. If it has, I would be grateful if you could point me to useful articles.
What I want to say is going to sound probably out of context, because it is: Over the past years I have been creating my own view of the world and what lays beyond. Whilst I usually just keep to myself, I find every now and then, new information from external sources which helps me patch together my ideas.
I share in the speculations of other thinkers, that our race of homo sapiens has been artificially, genetically engineered by another race, by blending their genes with the genes of whichever most advanced animal was present on Earth at the time, probably the Neanderthal man or something similar. Although the WHYs, HOWs, WHENs and WHEREs of this are off topic, I believe that these aliens, as advanced as they might have been or not, had severe trouble with creating the hybrid that resulted in us.
Therefore, we are very rough, but working models of what they might have wished for, and as time goes by, by learning and thinking and meditating we are self improving and sandpapering our rough edges. Spiritual journeys, as facilitated by the fruits of the land which are talked about in this forum, would play a key role.
On the subject of the mind, I believe that there are a few components at play ~ two major parts: the non-dualistic consciousness/soul/awareness that is outside our universe and channels within our world and is anchored by the second part which is the deterministic (newtonic, turing machine) brain. This later part gives birth to Freud's ego and super ego constructs to which we are slaves, some more than others.
As counter intuitive as the following might sound at first (and it makes sense when understood from the angle I say it), I believe that the core problem of the mass of people out there is that they think too fast (not too slow). When I first started my experiences with the magical substances, I acknowledged eventually that there was a fundamental difference in the method one thinks when normal vs under the influence. Not a difference in speed or quality, but a more fundamental difference, like if one would wake up one morning and have four arms and somehow you just know how to use them, only to loose the ability the next day, but still have the feeling of how it was.
The difference is so profound that I lacked the vocabulary to describe it for many years and now I can approximate it under the term of 'timeless thinking', where one's thoughts just exist, and changes instantaneously to whatever is wished. And this is impressively different from the linear and time based, clock based normal thinking.
As the experiences were wearing out, the inevitable struggle was beginning of having to decide, and choose which feelings, thoughts, information I should keep, and each time I'm trying to stuff as much as possible into the brain before I forget again all the info, and the brain seems not only to not be large enough, but also seems to lack something fundamentally and would never be able to capture the finer details, in the way it is not possible to capture a rainbow into a carton box.
As time went by I deepened the feeling of the separation between consciousness and the physical brain, that could and should work like friends together (yin-yang) but in our species the two seem to be in contradiction. The physical brain spawns the ego and super ego and the stronger these two get, and the faster they operate, the more automatic the people become, the person becomes more and more zombified, where they seem to just be living their lives on auto-pilot and not actually being present.
Thus my conclusion that people simply think too fast, referring to the deterministic part ~ the brain ~ the egos working too fast and not allowing breathing space in between the thoughts for the consciousness to say something. The opposite would be for people to just be calm for ONE minute and this would allow them to gain perspective on their perception of the world. The calmer one is, the more one sees; the more agitated one is, the narrower the perspective gets.
So what happens on an experience like with mushrooms? Does the consciousness get faster and is able to keep up with the ego? That wouldn't make any sense because in my definition, the consciousness is outside our world, and furthermore has already ultimate power. How about, perhaps, it is able to channel more? I don't know. Or maybe it is the ego itself which is getting temporarily disrupted and one is forced to be free (the irony!).
All this seems that the substances themselves are merely a catalyst that allows the mind to do this or that. So why can't we just learn what is happening and to remain like that, and not come back to normal? It seems very cruel to be able to get to that state, see more, just to revert back to a very crude stage.
However, my question is of a slightly different nature. What would happen if the deterministic brain would be able to function even faster, the egos to be even faster and even stronger than they are now? We can barely seem to be keeping ourselves together as it is: the majority of the population being full of logical contradictions, zombified, and what I can only describe as clinically insane. If anything, it sounds like a good idea, if we could, to slow down and dumb down in order to gain calmness and peace of mind. But this implies the existence of the other direction, where we would allow the brains to go faster, much faster.
I am speculating that the aliens that created us, might have put a mental block of sorts intentionally, not as a bug or with malevolent intent to keep us stupid, but as a feature to help us and prevent us going insane and to keep a decent level of functionality.
Are our magical substances, temporarily removing this potential barrier? Is this something that we want to remove permanently? Is it something that can cause the end of our species? Is there a minority which would be able to handle it, and benefit from the removal of the barrier? Would this feel like being ultimately high all the time? Can we envision what life like that would be like? Wouldn't we just break down mentally or maybe poetically spontaneously combust from trying to download too much? Is this the next big leap in our evolution that we are working towards, or something to be avoided at all cost? Should this be done on an individual basis which will polarize our specie into two groups, or done as a whole and risk global insanity and annihilation? Is this barrier even removable at all, or is it too hardcoded into our structure and we are stuck with these artificially created hybrid vessels which have as many bugs as they have positive things?
Any thoughts and opinions on the subject would be appreciated. Kind Regards,