So many things i'd like to say,but I am not one to express my thoughts through words often so bare with me on my ramble...
About me:Instead of the typical introduction (which i consider of no use at this point) id like to just say what i think is important about generally a close person,mostly keeping to my thoughts...i find socializing difficult many times because to be honest i find my peers (or have until now) too uneducated and/or bellow my intelligence.It sounds pretty horrible,but i want to be honest here.I am not anti-social in the concept of being rude or disrespectful,but i just can't stand stupidity in any form...
As for what makes me happy...well generally the persuit of knowledge and enlightment,in any form it might be.Thats why i have been researching psychedelics for some time now,though i havent done any and i probably wont in the near future,even though id want to,mainly because where i'm from "drugs" (and i put huge emphasis on the " ) are a tabboo subject and therefor i cannot find anyone to experiment with me.Apart from that,im interested in any form of science,be it sociology,medicine,biology,history and the list goes on...
I bet many of you have pictured some evil scientist in a cave by now,but thats not really the case...i like socializing and having fun with people,but im not particulary fond of western society and its materialistic/mass brainwashing policies and therefore feel out of place and have trouble connecting with people that indulge to those sort of urges...
Thats me in a nutshell.I found this place by randomly googling and after reading some threads i decided to give it a try...the people seem nice enough and the whole site feels thanks for having me i guess
The character Indoril_Nerevar is an artistic work of fiction, and thus all his claims and ideas are works of falsehood and fiction and should be treated likewise. There is no relation between Indoril_Nerevar and any real living or dead person, and any existing similarity or seeming relation is purerly coincidental.