member for the trees
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| Phalaris aquatica AQ1 was purchased 2 months ago from a supplier by a friend, and has gone from one 4cm tub to five 15cm pots in that time..having grown a few varieties of aquatica, i can attest that AQ1 is one of the more vigorous strains, given a little would be easy to grow up a kilo of grass clippings ( = 10 grams DMT) in a few months starting with one small root friend will be test extracting it in a couple of months.. be good to work out endlessness' mystery caffine finding..i don't understand where the contamination could have come from.. a couple of other Phalaris species from the mediterranean and north africa i thought worth mentioning are: Phalaris canariensis - i read somewhere (J. Appleseed perhaps) that the seeds were high in tryptamines..there was an E.R. reference to "psychedelic birdseed" mentioning it..Festi & Samorini (1994) found in the plant DMT as the major alkaloid, with 5meoDMT and trace bufotenine.. Phalaris coerulensis - while Festi and Samorini found DMT as the major alkaloid with trace bufotenine, others found 2-methyl-THBC, 2-methyl- pinoline, DMT, coerulescine (a new oxindole) and horsfiline (an oxindole seen in Horsfieldia spp. ) [see S. Voogelbreinder 2009; Anderton et al 1986] i thought it would be good to take these other (very interesting) alkaloids into account when doing GCMS or TLC on unknown strains.. . P. canariensis seed is commonly sold as birdseed, and P. cooerulensis is known as Blue Canary Grass.. nen888 attached the following image(s):  P. canariensis.jpg (102kb) downloaded 1,509 time(s). Phalaris canariensis.jpg (55kb) downloaded 1,502 time(s). blue-canary-5.jpg (87kb) downloaded 1,498 time(s). Phalaris_coerulescens_______07_05_2003_1.jpg (93kb) downloaded 1,499 time(s).
 Faustian Phytochem Investigator
Posts: 194 Joined: 31-Oct-2011 Last visit: 14-Sep-2023 Location: Oaxaca
If you do a google scholar search, there is a paper that shows that P. Canariensis is cultivated (IE domesticated) form of P. Brachystachys. This one definately needs looked into.
 DMT-Nexus member

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Very interesting, nen! Im attaching the paper you mentioned. Ill keep it in mind when doing more Phalaris analysis!
 DMT-Nexus member

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More interesting news: Limonene pulls and vinegar saltings are very selective to DMT and do NOT pull hordenine nor gramine (they do pull gramine but only in trace amounts) The Yugo red phalaris, which previously with pure methanol soak showed to have a ratio of 2.1: 90.3: 65.2 of DMT:Hordenine:Gramine, when done an acqueous basic solution with sodium carb, pulled with limonene, salted with vinegar and made paste of acetates with sodium carb (and pulled with alcohol to analyze), showed to instead, have a ratio of 67:0(undetected):1 of DMT:Hordenine:Gramine. Here's the comparison of both TIC:  When doing the same kind of limo extract from Big Medicine, which had a significant amount of hordenine (though no gramine), again it only showed with mostly DMT but no hordenine at all, so hordenine is even less soluble in limo. In any case early next year I should be getting some gramine and hordenine standards to check with pure substances for solubility. By the way, I re-ran the yugo red sample to check for that supposed caffeine contamination, and it still showed the same substance (though in different ratios than before, quite smaller amount! So it was not contamination from my part at least, either there is caffeine in phalaris, which would be absurd, or it has some substance of similar structure, or dreamer was brewing coffee together with his phalaris growth and it contaminated the plant samples before he sent me or something)
DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 473 Joined: 07-Aug-2011 Last visit: 10-Jan-2014
Awesome stuff end, looks like the gramine worries have been defeated  . I'm sure a recrystalization would lower that peak even more-so. Now let's see some crystals!
 No.. that can't be...

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Endlessness, That looks like good news: Easy separation of DMT without the gramine or hordenine by simply using limonene. It looks like you are on your way to helping me make use of my back yard full of weeds (some is phalaris) for something good. Rivea Everything mentioned herein has been deemed by our staff of expert psychiatrists to be the delusional rantings of a madman who has been treated with Thorazine who is hospitalized within the confines of our locked facility. This patient sometimes requires the application of 6 point leather restraints and electrodes at the temples to break his delusions. Therefore, take everything mentioned above with a grain of salt...
 Faustian Phytochem Investigator
Posts: 194 Joined: 31-Oct-2011 Last visit: 14-Sep-2023 Location: Oaxaca
This is indeed good news. Any info on the beta-carboline in 'Big-Medicine'? It would be really nice if it were also non-selective for these compounds as well.
 DMT-Nexus member

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Thanks, glad to help Dozuki, the problem with the big medicine is that I only had a small amount of it left, it ended up being too diluted so the resolution on the GC-MS is very poor, I cant really see if the 2MTHBC is there (I guess thats the one you mean right?) The issue is that I am wondering if this 2MTHBC might be an artefact from analyzing DMT in general because it's showed up at least in trace amounts in basically all the DMT samples i've analyzed so far.... Would be good to have a DMT standard, and a 2MTHBC standard, but this will not be happening so soon, got other priorities (and 2MTHBC is very expensive to buy, only available from few suppliers that do not have it in stock, have to synth after you order). Anyways Ill keep posting any further developments of this, once I get the gramine/hordenine standards or if other phalaris extracts are tested. By the way in case you wondered, the other peaks in the limo extract are fatty acids. Oh and one correction, at first it was not sodium carb paste and then limo pull, it was an acqueous extraction with limonene, using sodium carb as a base. I didnt measure the pH but I used a lot of sodium carb, I would guess near saturating the solution. InMotion, I agree, a simple recrystallization or re-a/b would most likely significantly diminish that peak from small amount (around 1%) to insignificant.
 DMT-Nexus member
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endlessness wrote: an acqueous basic solution with sodium carb, pulled with limonene, salted with vinegar and made paste of acetates with sodium carb (and pulled with alcohol to analyze), showed to instead, have a ratio of 67:0(undetected):1 of DMT:Hordenine:Gramine. WOW my guess too is you probably did it you found the solution (=limo solution) well done in advance  “The most important thing in illness is never to lose heart.” -Nikolai Lenin
I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
 Not I

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Personally I already consider the gramine peak to be "in the grass" and negligible. As far as I'm concerned if this is repeated it's a done deal and we have a aorking extraction tek for phalaris. Good job to everyone that spend time working on this! If your religion, faith, devotion, or self proclaimed spirituality is not directly leading to an increase in kindness, empathy, compassion and tolerance for others then you have been misled.
 Faustian Phytochem Investigator
Posts: 194 Joined: 31-Oct-2011 Last visit: 14-Sep-2023 Location: Oaxaca
endlessness wrote:I cant really see if the 2MTHBC is there (I guess thats the one you mean right?) Yup, that is the one. I will be interested to see if they come through on future extractions (beta-carbolines) as they are definitely a component of P. arundinecea. I've been looking around and found some interesting stuff regarding: "The Pictet-Spengler reaction has been established as a general and reliable method for the conversion of tryptamines to 1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-beta-carbolines." If this reaction does indeed work on DMT and 5-MeO (scant information tends to lean that way) it might be a less expensive route to 2-Me-THBC and 6-MeO-THBC as standards if needed. Seems that one of the methods of this reaction uses formaldehyde with an acid catalyst to accomplish the ring closure. Also can you give a quick rundown on the extraction process that you used from the top? Curious if the material was dry, defats, etc. Thanks, -D.
 Synaptic cleft explorer
Posts: 299 Joined: 10-Dec-2010 Last visit: 13-Feb-2014 Location: good question
Dozuki wrote: "The Pictet-Spengler reaction has been established as a general and reliable method for the conversion of tryptamines to 1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-beta-carbolines."
If this reaction does indeed work on DMT and 5-MeO (scant information tends to lean that way) it might be a less expensive route to 2-Me-THBC and 6-MeO-THBC as standards if needed. Seems that one of the methods of this reaction uses formaldehyde with an acid catalyst to accomplish the ring closure.
Picket-Spengler ring closure is more likely on a primary amine like tryptamine, it will not occur with a tertiary amine like dmt or 5-MeO. With tertiary amines the nitrogen atom is already saturated with two methyl groups, so there is no position for the formaldhyde to condense with the amine and thus an imine is not formed. It is the imine which actually undergoes cyclization. There is a paper on the subject, I'll try and dig it up and post it. VERY EXCITING WORKS GUYS!!! Yahoo - you should be very proud.
 Faustian Phytochem Investigator
Posts: 194 Joined: 31-Oct-2011 Last visit: 14-Sep-2023 Location: Oaxaca
Thanks for the info Dr_Sister, would love to see that paper.
From the info that I've gathered these seems to be the pathways:
Tryptamine -> THBC MMT -> 2MeTHBC DMT -> DMT Oxide -> MMT -> 2MeTHBC
The 6MeOBC's follow similar pathways starting with the 5MeO tryptamines, with the MeO group in the same place, different numbering schemes for the BCs and the tryptamines.
 Synaptic cleft explorer
Posts: 299 Joined: 10-Dec-2010 Last visit: 13-Feb-2014 Location: good question
Dozuki wrote:Thanks for the info Dr_Sister, would love to see that paper. et voila! I've posted them in the beta carboline thread right here
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way of the juicer not the future.... "Keep your friends close and your enemies dismembered." Lowjackal original quote
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I have a bag of brachystachys seeds.. got a couple years ago, dont know of they are still viable, but will be sowing them soon and may be able to test out an extraction later this year. Thanks for all the research people! Great stuff. balaganist is a fictional character who loves playing the game of infinite existence. he amuses himself by posting stories about his made up life in our plane of physical reality. his origins are in other dimensions... he merely comes here to play.
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bookmarked.. Toadfreak!
Travel like a king Listen to the inner voice A higher wisdom is at work for you Conquering the stumbling blocks come easier When the conqueror is in tune with the infinite Every ending is a new beginning Life is an endless unfoldment Change your mind, and you change your relation to time Free your mind and the rest will follow
 DMT-Nexus member
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I have an wild arundinacea extraction I sent to someone to be sometime soon there should be results out from that as well.. Long live the unwoke.
member for the trees
Posts: 4003 Joined: 28-Jun-2011 Last visit: 27-May-2024
..look forward to the report friend's AQ1 ready for first pruning..they will collect a few re-growth clippings and combine.. ..i thought the following paper (if you can get the full text) might be helpful for your work endlessnessPhytochemistry Volume 16, Issue 6, 1977, Pages 749–752 " Further characterization and quantitative determination of 5-methoxy-N-methyltryptamine in Phalaris arundinacea" Walter Majaka, Robert J. Boseb Abstract Quote:The 100 MHz PMR spectrum of 5-methoxy-N-methyltryptamine (5MMT) isolated from Phalaris arundinacea is elucidated, acid-induced fluorescence characteristics of 5-methoxy- and 5-hydroxytryptamine alkaloids on Avicel and silica gel TLC are described, and the concentration of 5MMT in P. arundinacea is determined by fluorometric TLC scanning.
member for the trees
Posts: 4003 Joined: 28-Jun-2011 Last visit: 27-May-2024
.. endlessness wrote [#144]: Quote:Limonene pulls and vinegar saltings are very selective to DMT and do NOT pull hordenine nor gramine (they do pull gramine but only in trace amounts) ..i'm wondering if you could write up the details of the method here, or as a tech? this seems to be the most solid Phalaris DMT-tek we have so far..thanks's your GCMS again.. nen888 attached the following image(s):  Yugoredlimovsmethanol.JPG (169kb) downloaded 1,189 time(s).