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#381 Posted : 9/28/2011 2:46:33 AM

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a1pha wrote:
easyrider wrote:
He views things in terms of individual rights.

Not that I doubt what you say - but can we cite sources of candidate's positions instead of this he said/she said I'm seeing all over this thread? It will allow us to discuss the points in finer detail.

Thank you.

Ron Paul wrote:
All rights are individuals. We do not get our rights because we belong to a group. Whether it's homosexuals, women, minorities, it leads us astray. You don't get your rights belonging to your group. A group can't force themselves on anybody else. So there should be no affirmative action for any group. This violates the principle on the importance of the individual, and confuses us about the importance of individual rights, which is the purpose of the Constitution. Defend our individual rights.


SnozzleBerry wrote:
The first current, which Mr. Paul appeals to, is all well and good but when implemented/appealed to with no implementation/reference to the second current (which is precisely how Mr. Paul presents it), it serves less as a model for spreading liberty/democracy and more as a way of Westernizing the globe.

Ron Paul would not advocate the collectivist approach of the second current that you stated, so of course he wouldn't appeal to it. More so, he wouldn't appeal towards the "economic subjugation" part of the stated first current, as he is championing for laissez-faire capitalism. He cares not for Westernizing the rest of the world; although, he tries to gain sympathy from those concerned with the well-being of other nations by persuading them that they will want to strive for America's model if they see how prosperous she becomes.

Ron Paul wrote:
Once government believes it has an obligation to improve or protect the people physically it will then claim it can protect them economically and intellectually. It leads to a regimented society, hostile to individuals who cling to the notion that their lives and liberty are their own. Conservatives certainly must be reminded that "civil" liberty is the same as economic liberty, and present-day liberals must be told that economic liberty deserves the same protection that the written and spoken word under the First Amendment. Preemptive regulations of either literary commercial activity, for any reason, are prohibited in a free society.

"'Most men will not swιm before they are able to.' Is not that witty? Naturally, they won't swιm! They are born for the solid earth, not for the water. And naturally they won't think. They are made for life, not for thought. Yes, and he who thinks, what's more, he who makes thought his business, he may go far in it, but he has bartered the solid earth for the water all the same, and one day he will drown."

— Hermann Hesse

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#382 Posted : 9/28/2011 1:30:06 PM

omnia sunt communia!

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easyrider wrote:
Ron Paul would not advocate the collectivist approach of the second current that you stated, so of course he wouldn't appeal to it. More so, he wouldn't appeal towards the "economic subjugation" part of the stated first current, as he is championing for laissez-faire capitalism.

The appeal to the first current without the appeal to the second current is PRECISELY my point, this is how human rights are stripped away under the guise of "protecting human rights." And as far as him championing "laissez-faire capitalism"...what a crock. He has supported numerous subsidies (and yes, "tax-credits" are subsidies) and nanny-state protectionism for business. That is NOT "laissez-faire capitalism". Thus he is as down with "economic subjugation" as his peers...sure, he's not as far along the spectrum as Perry, but who cares? The "free market" or "laissez-faire" economics do not exist with regards to American political approaches. Yes, he has opposed many subsidies, but he has also supported others...that does not make him a free market advocate, imo, not by a long shot.
The NexianNexus ResearchThe OHT
In New York, we wrote the legal number on our arms in marker...To call a lawyer if we were arrested.
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River of Thoughts
#383 Posted : 1/3/2012 7:52:06 PM

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Hey guys!
Today is a really important day for America. Its the first caucus in Iowa. If you want more liberty and freedom to put what you want in your body please help by supporting on-line polls for Ron Paul today. This will also make a statement that you want to vote NO for the NDAA (glorified martial) law bill that was passed. I hope this is not considered spam moderators. I hope you are able to make an exception to this thread. Many Thanks! Apologies in advance if its not acceptable.
http://www.politico.com/index.html (bottom right hand corner)
On top of the page: http://www.drudgereport.com/ Drudge Caucuses
#384 Posted : 1/3/2012 8:11:58 PM
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I´ve heard he wants to isolate america from the rest of the world. While i don´t think america should play the 'world police' all the time, i don´t think that a total isolation would be a very good thing either.

I have also heard that he wants to shut-down the federal reserve bank. While i´m not an economist, that doesn´t sound like a smart idea to me either. I suppose that you americans don´t want to end up in the same situation as we in the eurozone are, or have different currency´s for each state?
River of Thoughts
#385 Posted : 1/3/2012 8:30:05 PM

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polytrip wrote:
I´ve heard he wants to isolate america from the rest of the world. While i don´t think america should play the 'world police' all the time, i don´t think that a total isolation would be a very good thing either.

I have also heard that he wants to shut-down the federal reserve bank. While i´m not an economist, that doesn´t sound like a smart idea to me either. I suppose that you americans don´t want to end up in the same situation as we in the eurozone are, or have different currency´s for each state?

Isolationist tag is a sham! You are listening to MSM bs propaganda. He wants to have free trade with all countries in the world there's nothing Isolationist about following the constitution of America. He wants to spend money on defence rather than spending the money overseas on military bases. The federal reserve is destroying our economy. Please refer to this video and get informed a bit on what the federal reserve has done to america:

Also these videos will give you some perspective on Ron Pauls views:

River of Thoughts
#386 Posted : 1/3/2012 9:45:56 PM

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//***VOTE FOR RON PAUL: GO GO! Share and Repost!\\***
**MSN**: http://on-msn.com/onTSkP (Bottom Right)
**YAHOO**: http://www.yahoo.com/ (Middle Right
**NBC**: http://on.msnbc.com/wtwPYl
**FOX**: http://tiny.cc/mmhjn
**THE STATE COLUMN**: http://tiny.cc/mn10j
**DRUDGE**: http://bit.ly/zUUdn6 (Top Left)
**POLITICO**: http://politi.co/zbfRjU (Bottom Right)
**Politico FaceBook**: http://on.fb.me/Ajc4eA
**WJLA**: http://wj.la/xtPRLy
**MORGAN**: http://on.fb.me/ygym1m

#387 Posted : 1/4/2012 3:17:49 PM

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Looks like Santorum gathered up the Christian populace; there's no other explanation for how a person who has been dwindling for months got 2nd place in the Iowa caucus.
"'Most men will not swιm before they are able to.' Is not that witty? Naturally, they won't swιm! They are born for the solid earth, not for the water. And naturally they won't think. They are made for life, not for thought. Yes, and he who thinks, what's more, he who makes thought his business, he may go far in it, but he has bartered the solid earth for the water all the same, and one day he will drown."

— Hermann Hesse
#388 Posted : 1/5/2012 7:28:03 AM

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lol @ the end about twitter
#389 Posted : 1/5/2012 3:09:29 PM

omnia sunt communia!

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what a nutjob Rolling eyes

Paul wrote about sexual harassment in the workplace, “Why don’t they quit once the so-called harassment starts? Obviously the morals of the harasser cannot be defended, but how can the harassee escape some responsibility for the problem?’’

In another passage, Paul wrote, “The individual suffering from AIDS certainly is a victim - frequently a victim of his own lifestyle - but this same individual victimizes innocent citizens by forcing them to pay for his care.”

Oh yea...and he's a racist...and he's a misogynist...just who I want at the forefront of my country Laughing
The NexianNexus ResearchThe OHT
In New York, we wrote the legal number on our arms in marker...To call a lawyer if we were arrested.
In Istanbul, People wrote their blood types on their arms. I hear in Egypt, They just write Their names.
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#390 Posted : 1/5/2012 5:50:13 PM

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He disavowed those racial statements in the newsletters. Plus, he believes that the drug war is prejudiced against minorities. What makes him a misogynist, though? Sexual harassment can go both ways in the workplace. Also, HIV is primarily sexually transmitted, so lifestyle does play into this.
"'Most men will not swιm before they are able to.' Is not that witty? Naturally, they won't swιm! They are born for the solid earth, not for the water. And naturally they won't think. They are made for life, not for thought. Yes, and he who thinks, what's more, he who makes thought his business, he may go far in it, but he has bartered the solid earth for the water all the same, and one day he will drown."

— Hermann Hesse
River of Thoughts
#391 Posted : 1/5/2012 8:06:14 PM

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SnozzleBerry wrote:
what a nutjob Rolling eyes

Paul wrote about sexual harassment in the workplace, “Why don’t they quit once the so-called harassment starts? Obviously the morals of the harasser cannot be defended, but how can the harassee escape some responsibility for the problem?’’

In another passage, Paul wrote, “The individual suffering from AIDS certainly is a victim - frequently a victim of his own lifestyle - but this same individual victimizes innocent citizens by forcing them to pay for his care.”

Oh yea...and he's a racist...and he's a misogynist...just who I want at the forefront of my country Laughing

Try to get some information from some unbiased media and not msm:

#392 Posted : 1/6/2012 3:04:56 PM

omnia sunt communia!

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Did you really just tell me to get unbiased news and then present me with a link to Fox News???

Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing

easyrider, the vast preponderance of harassment cases are brought against men by women, I'll gladly get you the US statistics if you so require. As to AIDS, coming from Washington DC, where the HIV/AIDS rate is 3% (yes, that's three times the percentage to be considered an epidemic) in large part as a result of the government blocking programs that would end this (if you want evidence again, just let me know, this is old news where I come from...we live under the heel of congressional riders). I take serious offense at your remark as to it being the result of lifestyle choice...people don't choose to live in systemic poverty and ignorance, it's inherent to the system...you're getting awful close to victim blaming.

Finally, as to disavowing the racial remarks, he's given various stories as to his relation to those comments over the past two decades, so let's pretend like it's so cut and dry when it's clearly not...in at least one news conference he expressed awareness of said comments but claimed they were merely "taken out of context" Rolling eyes

Look at his campaign finances, look at his rhetoric...this man is a hypocritical crackpot...sure he's got some good ideas, you just have to sort through his entire loony bin to get to them. If you'd like to talk about the horrors of slashing government before slashing big business, in the vein of his "libertarian values", I'd be glad to discuss this as well and explain why it's utter insanity (just look at the way even medium sized corporations push around state legislatures if you want to get an inkling of the type of absurdity we would see on a national scale).
The NexianNexus ResearchThe OHT
In New York, we wrote the legal number on our arms in marker...To call a lawyer if we were arrested.
In Istanbul, People wrote their blood types on their arms. I hear in Egypt, They just write Their names.
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#393 Posted : 1/6/2012 4:05:22 PM
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I think we have to be realistic here.

Many health problems like smoking, obesity, HIV, meth-addiction, etc. are also a lifestyle issue. There is a huge group of people who´re just incapable of taking any responsibility. They will never get a job because most of them isn´t even capable of filling in a simple form or showing-up on time and unfortunately many of these people also get pregnant at 15 and thus these problems pass on from one generation to the next.

Society has failed here. Both the left and the right have failed to help these people and thus society. Both democrats and republicans don´t have an answer.

Not giving wellfare does make things worse, because people then will resort to crime. Just giving wellfare does not work either because these problems then simply pass on from one generation to the next.

Only a broad spectrum of measures taken simultaneously, will work: organise good public eductation and make attending it obligatory...if people don´t sent their childeren to school, and let them hang on the streets, dealing or smoking crack, their childeren should be taken from them and send to foster homes. There has to be a good social security safety-net, but at the same time there should be a sufficiant police force on the street and people should face tough sentences if they repeatedly commit serious offences...etc.

These are all things, both left and right wing politicians don´t want because it doesn´t fit their conservative or liberal ideology. But with just being tough or just being very liberal and friendly, you don´t solve these problems. These problems need to be seriously dealth with and there needs to be tough measures as well as good social programs. A one-sided aproach will always fail, because of how deeply rooted these problems are.
#394 Posted : 1/6/2012 4:38:55 PM

omnia sunt communia!

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polytrip wrote:
Many health problems like smoking, obesity, HIV, meth-addiction, etc. are also a lifestyle issue. There is a huge group of people who´re just incapable of taking any responsibility. They will never get a job because most of them isn´t even capable of filling in a simple form or showing-up on time and unfortunately many of these people also get pregnant at 15 and thus these problems pass on from one generation to the next.

We can be realistic...we should be realistic...

The reality is, the system in which we live dictates these so-called "lifestyle choices" through a number of different venues. We can say "those poor black people won't stop smoking crack so they deserve what they get." Except, when we look at the stats, we see that blacks and whites use drugs at about the same rate and yet, black people are incarcerated at insanely higher levels than whites. We can say that those underage kids choosing to have unprotected sex are choosing to engage in risky activities, but when their school offers either no sex-ed due to funding or abstinence only sex-ed due to politics, the children are clearly not to blame.

When congress overrides DC's voter-approved and voter-raised funding for needle-exchange programs to staunch the AIDS rate and subsidies for abortions for low-income would-be mothers, it's not the users, the mothers or the voters at fault, it's the system, specifically congress, stripping the people of their rights, their voices and their power. This is what systemic abuse looks like. The victims of systemic problems may carry some of the weight of their actions, but it can hardly be said to be their responsibility...to put the full onus of these problems on them is not only ignorant and shortsighted, it prevents ever actually addressing the systemic root causes.
The NexianNexus ResearchThe OHT
In New York, we wrote the legal number on our arms in marker...To call a lawyer if we were arrested.
In Istanbul, People wrote their blood types on their arms. I hear in Egypt, They just write Their names.
גם זה יעבור
River of Thoughts
#395 Posted : 1/6/2012 5:58:51 PM

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The racist newsletters put to rest, enough said.
#396 Posted : 1/6/2012 6:09:24 PM

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You can say it's put to rest all you want...that doesn't make it so.

My point was not whether or not that he wrote them, but that he supported them and gave his name to the newsletters in which they appeared. If I call something the Snozz Post and someone writes racist articles for it, it's on me to make sure that racist or other unwanted and inappropriate stuff doesn't appear there. If it does appear there, I assume that as my name is on the publication, I will be held accountable for whatever is present in said newsletter. This is like when you own a building; just because someone else brings drugs into a building you own, doesn't mean they will be held responsible for the drugs if LEO finds them in your building. In fact, according to the letter of the law, you are responsible for them, as it's your property.

When pressed about the passages, Paul didn't say they were disgusting or inappropriate...he said they "were taken out of context"...that's called being a racist.

Finally, this video claims that the racist passages aren't "racist per se, but could be interpreted as racist"...in other words, the people giving this presentation are apologists for racists and that of and by itself makes their position not only untenable, but also despicable.

Regardless, even if we pretend like his name isn't in the title of the documents and he has no ties to racism, you've ignored the numerous other salient points I've raised with this clown that make him entirely unsuitable for office.
The NexianNexus ResearchThe OHT
In New York, we wrote the legal number on our arms in marker...To call a lawyer if we were arrested.
In Istanbul, People wrote their blood types on their arms. I hear in Egypt, They just write Their names.
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River of Thoughts
#397 Posted : 1/6/2012 6:23:16 PM

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SnozzleBerry wrote:
You can say it's put to rest all you want...that doesn't make it so.

My point was not whether or not that he wrote them, but that he supported them and gave his name to the newsletters in which they appeared. If I call something the Snozz Post and someone writes racist articles for it, it's on me to make sure that racist or other unwanted and inappropriate stuff doesn't appear there. If it does appear there, I assume that as my name is on the publication, I will be held accountable for whatever is present in said newsletter. This is like when you own a building; just because someone else brings drugs into a building you own, doesn't mean they will be held responsible for the drugs if LEO finds them in your building. In fact, according to the letter of the law, you are responsible for them, as it's your property.

When pressed about the passages, Paul didn't say they were disgusting or inappropriate...he said they "were taken out of context"...that's called being a racist.

Finally, this video claims that the racist passages aren't "racist per se, but could be interpreted as racist"...in other words, the people giving this presentation are apologists for racists and that of and by itself makes their position not only untenable, but also despicable.

Regardless, even if we pretend like his name isn't in the title of the documents and he has no ties to racism, you've ignored the numerous other salient points I've raised with this clown that make him entirely unsuitable for office.

Please show me where he said it was taken out of context. I think what you are referring to is his book about another subject and not racism. please show me this "taken out of context" statement. Racism is bombing a country without declaration of war. Racism is massacring thousands of people without thought and provocation. THAT IS despicable! Supporting any other candidate is a crime against humanity. You have voted for death of thousands if not millions of innocent people. We can not have another pro-war president. No politician is perfect, no human is perfect. At least he is not promoting death. Ron Paul 2012! Thx
#398 Posted : 1/6/2012 6:45:21 PM
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SnozzleBerry wrote:
polytrip wrote:
Many health problems like smoking, obesity, HIV, meth-addiction, etc. are also a lifestyle issue. There is a huge group of people who´re just incapable of taking any responsibility. They will never get a job because most of them isn´t even capable of filling in a simple form or showing-up on time and unfortunately many of these people also get pregnant at 15 and thus these problems pass on from one generation to the next.

We can be realistic...we should be realistic...

The reality is, the system in which we live dictates these so-called "lifestyle choices" through a number of different venues. We can say "those poor black people won't stop smoking crack so they deserve what they get." Except, when we look at the stats, we see that blacks and whites use drugs at about the same rate and yet, black people are incarcerated at insanely higher levels than whites. We can say that those underage kids choosing to have unprotected sex are choosing to engage in risky activities, but when their school offers either no sex-ed due to funding or abstinence only sex-ed due to politics, the children are clearly not to blame.

When congress overrides DC's voter-approved and voter-raised funding for needle-exchange programs to staunch the AIDS rate and subsidies for abortions for low-income would-be mothers, it's not the users, the mothers or the voters at fault, it's the system, specifically congress, stripping the people of their rights, their voices and their power. This is what systemic abuse looks like. The victims of systemic problems may carry some of the weight of their actions, but it can hardly be said to be their responsibility...to put the full onus of these problems on them is not only ignorant and shortsighted, it prevents ever actually addressing the systemic root causes.

I think there should be more attention to childeren in problematic situations. If childeren who´re basically just being neglected by their parents...wich is probably the most occuring form of child abuse, would be either taken away from their parents and send to foster homes or guided by a group of social workers (with the threat that they´d be taken away and send to foster homes if the parents don´t coõperate). If parents would get serious penalties if they don´t send their childeren to school, etc. Then i´m convinced that many problems like meth-addiction and HIV would simply diminish radically.

There are whole generations of people at the bottom of society who´re just basically lost, but when society starts taking care of the next generations, maybe in a few decades time, a lot of these problems will eventually vanish for the most part.

True, it won´t get anybody re-elected...because it takes more than 4 years to solve.

But a lot of these problems have been effectively dealth with in the past, in many society´s. In 19th century europe and america, these problems where actually a lot worse. It was 'dickens' everywhere.

So the circle where problems are passed from one generation to the other, cán be broken.
#399 Posted : 1/6/2012 7:12:25 PM

omnia sunt communia!

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I hear you poly...part of the reason it used to be worse was because of the working conditions/hours that existed. Many children of poverty are left alone because their parents make up the "working poor" or people who work multiple jobs and still ive in poverty. There are children who are left at home and neglected not because their parents want to neglect them, but because that's the only way they can attempt to secure the three essentials:


No one needs a job...they just need these three things...everything else is icing on the cake. We live in a society that does not, on the whole, make sure that these things are available to everyone to a reasonably comparable degree. In fact, I would posit the very nature of capitalism makes sure these things are not available to everyone to a comparable degree. This is why, imo, no matter how we can tweak or work within the system, real change will not come until we move beyond this system.

Post-capitalism party ftw
The NexianNexus ResearchThe OHT
In New York, we wrote the legal number on our arms in marker...To call a lawyer if we were arrested.
In Istanbul, People wrote their blood types on their arms. I hear in Egypt, They just write Their names.
גם זה יעבור
#400 Posted : 1/6/2012 7:22:14 PM

omnia sunt communia!

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River of Thoughts wrote:
Please show me where he said it was taken out of context. I think what you are referring to is his book about another subject and not racism. please show me this "taken out of context" statement.

"Morris also accused Paul of authoring questionable statements in past newsletters, some of which were characterized as racially charged. Paul's congressional campaign countered the statements were taken out of context"...article

River of Thoughts wrote:
Supporting any other candidate is a crime against humanity. You have voted for death of thousands if not millions of innocent people.

You do realize that Ron Paul takes in thousands upon thousands of dollars from GE (among other military and non-military related corporations), right? Know how many deaths they've caused? So much for that moral highground. Laughing Newsflash...all of our politicians are complicit in mass-slaughter and exploitation...you're deluding yourself if you really believe that somehow Ron Paul is the exception.

So now that it's been shown that he did claim those statements were taken out of context and that he's just as complicit in American atrocities as any other politician...I think we can all say:

Death to Capitalism
Long live the People
Post-Capitalism Party 2012
The NexianNexus ResearchThe OHT
In New York, we wrote the legal number on our arms in marker...To call a lawyer if we were arrested.
In Istanbul, People wrote their blood types on their arms. I hear in Egypt, They just write Their names.
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