I talk a lot about my entity contact on these forums.
I relate to Felnik on the issue that it's the same for me almost every time. As I peak, I become aware that I can leave my body through the back of head. Sometimes I can't control it and it just happens, other times I can hold back, but at some point I get sucked up through this tunnel (it's not a tunnel but it's the best word I can use) at an amazing speed. Then I enter into this place, which is like looking at an Alex Grey painting of the inside of a human face, and my 'friend' shows up whom I call Teo and he alwaaaays says 'Who you are, cannot be described! It doesn't translate well, does it? I always agree with him on that.
After that Teo takes me on an adventure of some kind and this is usually the part of the trip I can't remember once I'm back down. One time however, he took me to this HUGE green rotating sphere thing made of a green ephermeral substance. Teo presented me before four other alien entities and they had a conversation ABOUT me, but not to me which went something like this:
Four Beings: Is he ready to come with us?
Teo: No, he's not through playing his game.
After that Teo escorted me back to my reality, back to my physical body and informed me that I was the 'all that there is' (and by 'I', I mean the 'not I' of hyperspace, not the human typing this message).
My intuition about Teo is he is my future perfect self, helping me in the past so that way I can one day evolve into who or what he is. This has already been completed on another level, but being bound by time and space I can't understand it and it seems impossible to my rational mind. However that's the way it comes across. Teo is intimately connected to me because he IS me on another level. At this stage in the game though he acts like my big hyperspace brother, showing me the ropes, taking me through my 'baby steps' as he calls them, all for some future purpose that I don't understand right now.
As far as how he looks, he doesn't always show up in my field of vision most of the time I can just feel him and 'hear' him in my mind and I know it's him. Other times, he shows up in front of me and resembles the faint image of heat coming off of really hot pavement. He is almost gaseous in his appearance, very much like a ghost but not at all scary. He also has no discernable facial features, just a general 'head' area which sort of warps if I try to get a good look at him.
All posts are from the fictional perspective of The Legendary Tek: the formless, hyperspace exploring apprentice to the mushroom god Teo. Tek, the lord of Eureeka's Castle, is the chosen one who has surfed the rainbow wave and who resides underneath the matter dome. All posts are fictitious in nature and are meant for entertainment purposes only.