OK So more pics as promised
After crystals were left in freezer for 24 hours, naptha was carefully poured out leaving crystals behind. Naptha poured through coffee filter then added back to mhrb juice jugs. SWIM found the collected spice on coffee filters to be the whitest of the first batch.
Saturated crystals damp with naptha, left to dry out a little before going back into freezer.
Crystals after being in freezer for a few hours.
Scraped out hardened crystals, this was the hardest part for me. In fact, in the future I will change this step, but more on that later**
This brown waxier stuff was all from the collection jars.
This, on the other hand, was all from the coffee filters
SWIM smoking trial
SWIM pharmahuasca
Only completed one pull so far, approx .5g extracted.
I did not soak the bark in vinegar beforehand, i mixed the vinegar in with the lye water before adding the bark. Next time i will definitely try soaking with just vinegar first
**about that change in my procedure: ok so after crystals form in freezer, you take out, pour out naptha through coffee filter, and let naptha evap a little. then i stuck it back in the freezer. Next time NO STICKING JARS BACK INTO FREEZER A SECOND TIME. The crystals were stuck on pretty damn good and it was very difficult to scrape it all out. Instead, I will simply pour out naptha through filter, and let naptha evaporate a little. This way, the crystals will still be a little sludgy, and with a spatula remove them from the jar easily and add to the coffee filter collection or place on different coffee filter. It would have saved me about an hour of going at it with a metal spoon just scraping and scraping and resticking back to the inside of the jug. uuuuuuuggggghhhhhhh lol
Thank you all for your comments and positive vibes. I am totally new at this extraction stuff, any tips comments criticisms, I'd love to hear it all