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#1 Posted : 1/3/2012 10:07:28 AM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 2
Joined: 03-Jan-2012
Last visit: 05-Jan-2012
Location: Alaska
Well, my name is Melissa. I'm from Alaska, and I enjoy spreading knowledge wherever I go. Being informed is one of the greatest gifts there is (: well, I suppose "wise" would be a better word than "informed."

I believe that expanding your mind through the gateways of psychedelics is the best way to achieve spiritual enlightenment, and inner peace. Which go hand in hand.

The first psychedelic that I tried was mescaline (peyote cactus) I stomached 45 mg.of the dirt with some red bull and Gatorade. (; the high started about 2 hours later, and lasted for quite a while. Its hard to sum up an experience like that.. my perception on simple things like rain and trees became so much more insightful. I felt a closeness to the earth, and all that inhabits it. I felt less scared of the future. More focused on inner happiness than external gain. After this day, I have tried many many forms of psychedelics. Mushrooms, LSD, and a few RC's. I have never had a negative "trip" but I have gone through intense moments of realization that have forever changed me. I'm sure that these drugs are killing brain cells, yet they are broadening my consciousness in the most amazing way. I would choose to be wise over being "book smart" anyday.

I do not recommend any drug, even psychedelics, to anyone ON A REGULAR BASIS, but I do strongly encourage those who wish to be more conscious/aware of the world to partake in these drugs. You will be surprised at the things you never knew that you already knew....karma, ying and Yang, fractiles! It is all apart of our spiritual being. Using your spirit consciously in your every day life will give you a huuge advantage over your closed-minded peers (:

Happy tripping,

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 1/3/2012 8:13:42 PM


Senior Member

Posts: 6739
Joined: 13-Apr-2009
Last visit: 10-Apr-2022
Welcome to the DMT-Nexus mescalissa from Alaska,

Psychedelics don't kill brain cells. If anything they've been shown to do the complete opposite of that.

Thanks for writing up your introduction essay. Have you tried DMT yet? If not there's lots of good info in the FAQ, Wiki [listed above] and the Visual DMT diagram [listed below]

Looking forward to hearing more from you. Peace + Hyperpsace.

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