Hi, this is just a short introduction, im in my mid 20's and am in search of anything natural plants that produce mind/body altering effects, and as such have been buying up different quantities of plants for extractions to see what interesting things are growing on this beautiful little blue ball at this time. I also would like to add that i have never had OEVS beyond massive enhancement of color/light and a 3d kind of pop-up effect noticed from smoked dried changa leaves.
I currently am working with Cebil/Chaliponga/syrian rue, taking extractions using ethanol (151 proof 'everclear'
, but have had some nice successes with raw plant material if used properly, but only to get mild visual effects and a cannalike buzz.
----As far as what i can contribute as new member, i can say with relative certainty (from much personal experience) that if you want to use cebil, it needs dried at a low temp (i use 300-320F max, which is slow but produces great results with much patience). Each drying removes large portions of the chemicals responsible increase Body Load, feeling excessively hot no matter what temp, dizziness, and nausea.
Heres my method:
1 Dry at 300-320F for around 2 hours or until seeds pop and virtually all change color.
2 Remove shells and break apart the semi-dry seed hearts (im yet to do squat with the shell casings)
3 Dry for 2 more hours at 300-320F and break up as finely as possible for further drying (seriously).
4 Crush dried seed-hearts as finely as possible and dry yet again for another 2 hours.
5 Crush EVEN FURTHER and dry for YET ANOTHER 2 hours at 300-320F.
6 Repeat step 5 and try not to get impatient (the negative effects of not enough drying can be pretty unpleasant).
The quadruple-dried product is now ready for smoking, but before consuming cebil DEFINITELY go to your supermarket and find the extract/flavoring isle, and purchase a container of Lemon Oil Extract (Natural) and Peppermint Extraction (Natural).
Before smoking/consuming cebil it is very wise to get a few good drops of the Lemon Oil/Peppermint Oil in your mouth and wait 5 minutes, if you have any doubts, do this twice
With all of that said, this produces a giggly, relaxed, euphoric, and visually vivid experience that makes colors and textures come alive which lasts for 1.5-3 hours (from my experiences), but doesnt blast you off (ive had several people try this finished product and tell me it could be a pretty good alternative to Cannabis or drinking).
NOTE: if something goes wrong, the negative effects are Body Load, Feeling moderately overheated, minor dizziness/nausea, and constriction of the veins which is mostly noticed in the chest/shoulder areas. these effects go away after 15-20 minutes unless ingested nasally, in which case I have seen the bad effects last for 30-60 minutes max. OFTEN THIS IS FIXABLE VERY QUICKLY WITH A FEW DROPS OF LEMON OIL/PEPPERMINT OIL IN THE MOUTH.
Could you imagine feelin all calm-then all of a sudden your fingers get numb-things start freezing-what is the season-where we at and why we leavin? -Lil Wyte