Hi all,
In the past the DMT-nexus looked already pretty good on the new smartphones. However, when you looked at a thread via the modern mobile browsers it always showed you the text of the posts while you could not see who made those posts without having to scroll to the left, not very handy to say the least.
I now made a mobile view where the userbox with the member avatar is hidden. That way you can scroll through the posts and see who made the posts at the same time.
The options for the mobile view are quite diverse. Not only can you force the forum to show you the mobile view, you can also let the forum auto-detect if you are on a mobile device and show you the best possible view. That is very handy for people who both have a normal desktop and a mobile device.
You can set the following options via
edit your profile:
Autodetect Mobile ViewThis switches on the automatic detection of mobile devices.
It works pretty good and it should detect all modern mobile devices. If however your device is not detected as a mobile device then check
this page with your MOBILE DEVICE(!) and PM me the text you see on that page. That way I can probably include your device as a mobile device to detect.
Force Mobile ViewThis overrides the [Autodetect Mobile View] setting and will show you the mobile view regardless if you are detected as a mobile device or not.
Use low bandwidth setting when in Mobile ViewThis option is meant to spare you some data traffic. The following measures are taken if you switch on this option:
* The logo banner at the top will show a special low bandwidth version (less beautiful but still functional).
* All ATTACHED images are now max 400pixels wide (normally they are 800pixels wide).
Show no Signatures when in Mobile ViewWhen switched on, it will not show the signatures while in mobile view. This will safe bandwidth and valuable screen area.
I hope you all enjoy this new functionality.
Kind regards,
The Traveler