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Tabernaemontana Sananho (Uchu Sanango) Options
#1 Posted : 6/8/2008 10:41:53 PM
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The plant is said to be an Ayahuasca Additive, per Ott, and also to contain Ibogaine. I've done tons of searching, but am unable to find much information on this plant, other than a warning:

From Schultes (1979) :

Taberneamontana sanango has been for many years a panacea in the uppermost Amazon. In fact, the name sanango in Peru signifies an almost all-purpose medicinal plant.
In the area of Leticia, where Colombian, PEruvian, Brazilian and Tikuna influences converge, this shrub is employed as a febrifuge, an emetic, a diuretic, a calmative and for a series of other minor ailments. The species deserves a thorough phytochemical and pharmacological ivestigation with modern, sophisticated scientific methods. The plant is very strongly alkaloidal."

From Barbira-Freedman, personnal communication :
"Used as an admixture plant to ayahuasca. It can be a great teacher, but it is extremely dangerous -it may cause death- and only the strongest vegetalistas can prepare it".

This plant is not for beginners.

Irie !

However...let's not let that stop us!

my new favorite shop, heavenly-products, has this plant stocked, which is where i first came across it. Described as:

Uchu Sanango Super Rare Ayahuasca Plant!!

T. sananho hails from the Amazon Basin. This close relative of Gardenias has a powerful fragrance which is many times stronger than Gardenias and other Tabernaemontanas. A single open flower will scent a large commercial greenhouse and will overpower any other fragrance present. One placed outside could be smelled well over 100 yards away! The fragrance is absolutely intoxicating! This tropical beauty has large, attractive, glossy leaves that can be 6-10 inches long and 3-5 inches wide. The flowers are white with a touch of yellow in the center. They have a deep nectar tube with 5 long petals which spiral from the center like ribbons! In it’s native environment T. sananho is used medicinally by several tribes with various usages. Many tribes consider the plant sacred and shamans often plant it in their gardens. The leaves are used as an Ayahuasca admixture and also as an ingredient in arrow poisons. No serious ethnobotanical collection should be without this beautiful and rare plant!

Plants are 4" to 8" Rooted Cuttings

Small quantities available sporadically. Contact for waiting list...

Whatever the case may be, I'm likely to end up owning one very soon.

Any ideas, guys?
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#2 Posted : 6/8/2008 11:09:31 PM

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Sounds like a really cool plant - I'd be damn careful about ingesting it though, especially if an MAOI were involved. From what I've read, the iboga family is generally stimulative which could get nasty.
#3 Posted : 6/18/2008 2:09:30 AM
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its interesting how similar the leafs and flowers look compared to brugmansia...

so obogaine is an additive to aya? that sounds like a crazy experience. would the MAOI prolong the ibogaine?? lol go from a 48 hour experience to like a week. I heard that indole alkaloids like ibogaine and lsd don't mix well with MAOIs. is this true?
magic clown
#4 Posted : 6/18/2008 4:02:15 AM

aka Slap Stick Sam

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A good friend of mine did an Iboga cerammony and since then has never been able to break through with the spice. In his words "DMT is now piontless". I am pretty happy experiamenting with all sorts of things but because of my friends experiance, I've decided not to play with Ibogaine. I am curious to know what they smell like. Im my imagination I smell tomatoe plants. It looks like a lovely plant.
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#5 Posted : 6/18/2008 3:21:02 PM

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magic clown wrote:
A good friend of mine did an Iboga cerammony and since then has never been able to break through with the spice. In his words "DMT is now piontless". I am pretty happy experiamenting with all sorts of things but becuase of my friends experiance, I've decided not to play with Ibogaine. I am curious to know what they smell like. Im my imagination I smell tomatoe plants. It looks like a lovely plant.
I believe Iboga and Ibogaine are two differnt things
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#6 Posted : 6/18/2008 4:02:35 PM

aka Slap Stick Sam

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Well differant in that Iboga is the plant and Ibogaine is the main active alkaloid contained in that plant, so not really. I think I was making sence.
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#7 Posted : 6/19/2008 3:17:52 PM

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magic clown wrote:
Well differant in that Iboga is the plant and Ibogaine is the main active alkaloid contained in that plant, so not really. I think I was making sence.

Yup, Iboga is the plant, and ibogaine is one of many alkaloids in the plant. Made sense to me.
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#8 Posted : 6/19/2008 4:07:44 PM

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acolon_5 wrote:
magic clown wrote:
Well differant in that Iboga is the plant and Ibogaine is the main active alkaloid contained in that plant, so not really. I think I was making sence.

Yup, Iboga is the plant, and ibogaine is one of many alkaloids in the plant. Made sense to me.
Sorry about that I was watching a youtube ofDennis Mckenna at the psychedelic forum and they were taling about it like it was two different things
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#9 Posted : 6/20/2008 2:06:04 AM

aka Slap Stick Sam

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Did anyone else hear about Ibogaine affectting the ability to break through? The guy I mentioned, is the only one I know personaly, with any experiance of Ibogaine. It put me off a bit.
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#10 Posted : 1/30/2011 8:12:27 PM

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I know this post is old and all, but iboga doesn't prevent me from being able to breakthrough on DMT, and I have done iboga 3 times, in flood dose amounts, and numerous times, even for a week in a row, on low doses.
#11 Posted : 1/30/2011 9:49:50 PM

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GratefulDad wrote:
I know this post is old and all, but iboga doesn't prevent me from being able to breakthrough on DMT, and I have done iboga 3 times, in flood dose amounts, and numerous times, even for a week in a row, on low doses.

I neither have any problems breaking through with DMT after my Iboga experience. Quite the opposite actually...
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#12 Posted : 1/30/2011 11:26:44 PM
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This sounds like it's simply another name for shiric sanango...I think they don't use a DMT plant in brews containing this plant. I would be extremely cautious when combining this plant with caapi. I guess they use either microdoses of this plant when it's taken with caapi, or microdoses of caapi, taken with large quantities of this plant. But both in large doses toghether is a potentially lethal combination.
Shiric sanango is hugely respected by shamans for it's power. Not to be messed with.
#13 Posted : 12/29/2011 8:49:09 PM
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It's not another name for shiric sanango. Different genus and species and they look nothing alike from what I can tell. Although Maya Ethnobotanicals seems to mix them up.

Here's a vendor selling Shiric Sanango (Brumfelsia grandiflora): http://www.kiwiboancaya....roduct&product_id=54

And here's one selling Uchu Sanango (Tabernaemontana sananho): https://www.heavenly-pro...nango-rooted-p-1286.html

Notice the flowers on each.
#14 Posted : 12/29/2011 9:15:37 PM

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^ no..uchu sananho is also known throughout the amazon as shiric sanango. Both Plants are called shiric sanango, but only tabernaemontana sananho is also known as uchu sananho or uchu sanango.

To be sure, always make sure what you have is tabernaemontana, as "sanango" refers to a handful of plants used in the amazon.
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#15 Posted : 12/30/2011 6:49:23 PM


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There is other tabernaemontanas, such as t. undulata, of which the bark or the leaves can be consumed.

It also is supposed to contain ibogaine, with less amounts of less desirable alkaloids than the other tabermontana's. (such as voacognine, a somewhat toxic precurser or similiar alkaloid to ibogaine.

There is almost no information on its usage however, and no experience reports by forum runners like us. Just says in wikipedia that the natives put it in there eyes, to increase awareness and sensitivity for days or weeks.

Would be interesting to hear more about this tabermontana, voaconga stuff, and even better if someone got hold of some and started to test it out!
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#16 Posted : 1/24/2012 3:28:11 PM

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Ive just ordered a small amountof this plant from Ma.ya to analyze it.. Hopefully some new interesting information to come.

Also im attaching a paper on Tabernaemontana species and it says that T. sananho has been found with the following alkaloids:

Coronaridine, Heyneanine, 3-Hydroxycoronaridine, Ibogamine and Voacangine
#17 Posted : 1/24/2012 3:30:10 PM

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That's good news endless, I too have some sitting here and will work woith it soon. Although I dunno if the wood is that convenient to work with.
Smell like tea n,n spirit !

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#18 Posted : 11/7/2012 7:05:57 PM


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From "Pharmacotheon" Johnathon OTT,
re Sananho a tabernaemontana species - p372....

- called "tsicta" amongst Equadorian ethnobotanists
- Intriguing use in hunting majic,
heightens the senses after initial unpleasant effects.
- Used as tea made from the bark.
- Used in at least 3 versions of ayah...
- tonic for the elderley in Brazil....
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