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there is only one Options
#1 Posted : 12/24/2011 7:02:32 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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I know that I am. I am therefore we are.

Live plants. Sustainable, ethically sourced, native American owned.
#2 Posted : 12/24/2011 7:23:54 PM

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Welcome to the board.

I am singular. I am god

Personally, I disagree. Maybe I just don't like the way this statement is phrased....The admins might not love it either.

To me, it makes sense to say "everything in the world seems to be conscious on some level, and perhaps consciousness is the fundamental state of matter/energy" or something like that. Furthermore, one could make a similiar pronouncement that "everything seems to reflect all other things and to somehow contain everything else". Animism and Indras net, respectively. Both make sense to me, especially when spoken with "seems to me" or "I percieve". But this "everything is ONE" has never made much sense to me.

Really, the "all one" talk and the god when used in the singular sense...to me, seems dogmatic. The tone of the OP seems borderline fascist even (somehow, idk).

No offense intended tho, just my honest reaction.

"Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods." Albert Einstein

I appreciate your perspective.

#3 Posted : 12/24/2011 8:02:08 PM


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Yea I think the image is a bit elementary and obsolete but that's just my opinion- everyone's entitled to their own.

P.S. Seeing that Alex Grey piece on LSD in person was remarkable.
#4 Posted : 12/24/2011 8:21:38 PM
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Bedazzle wrote:
No offense intended tho, just my honest reaction.

That's all anyone could ask for.

To me (me, my, I, ego), it is indisputable. It's the waves being part of the ocean metaphor.
I know that I am. I am therefore we are.
#5 Posted : 12/24/2011 9:27:51 PM

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Well, you still have my attention. Care to elaborate more?

I am god.

I= true self, in this case, I take it? Rather than mere ego? Do you truly know your true self? Your true will? Momentary contact with one's higher self....a fleeting occurrance, for the best of us.

Am. Ever read Korzybski? Me niether, but a lot of Rob Wilson. Look up E-prime on wiki. Basically, forms of "be" create a linguistic fallacy, an error of permanance. All is transitory...right? "Be" likewise creates an illussion of having apprehended an actual reality. Samsara, Maya, Choronzon, the Abyss of Hallucinations. keep peeling away layers of illussion. Unity with all, endless white light, GOD consciousness. Just another illussion baby. Or not. Maybe. The terms "maybe" or "seems" both seem safer than "am" "are" and "be". Still, it's a fairly common theme amongst mystics that you should not ascibe "ultimate" reality to any of your revelations. Words and syntax seem to very muchly to shape a persons reality--such is a concept widely recognised amongst mystics of many ilks. Looking around, I seem to see only proccesses, some fast, some slow--but no eternal, static objects.

God. Sure, every man and every woman *is* a star. Or better yet, we can liken an individual to a wave, as you say, a part of a larger whole. Fractaline self similiarity.

Still, "all is one" as a statement, not impressive. Or have I just fallen too far from the light? If so, how about a little help please.

"Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods." Albert Einstein

I appreciate your perspective.

The Chr0nn01553ur
#6 Posted : 12/24/2011 11:20:47 PM

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Bedazzle wrote:
Well, you still have my attention. Care to elaborate more?

I am god.

I= true self, in this case, I take it? Rather than mere ego? Do you truly know your true self? Your true will? Momentary contact with one's higher self....a fleeting occurrance, for the best of us.

Am. Ever read Korzybski? Me niether, but a lot of Rob Wilson. Look up E-prime on wiki. Basically, forms of "be" create a linguistic fallacy, an error of permanance. All is transitory...right? "Be" likewise creates an illussion of having apprehended an actual reality. Samsara, Maya, Choronzon, the Abyss of Hallucinations. keep peeling away layers of illussion. Unity with all, endless white light, GOD consciousness. Just another illussion baby. Or not. Maybe. The terms "maybe" or "seems" both seem safer than "am" "are" and "be". Still, it's a fairly common theme amongst mystics that you should not ascibe "ultimate" reality to any of your revelations. Words and syntax seem to very muchly to shape a persons reality--such is a concept widely recognised amongst mystics of many ilks. Looking around, I seem to see only proccesses, some fast, some slow--but no eternal, static objects.

God. Sure, every man and every woman *is* a star. Or better yet, we can liken an individual to a wave, as you say, a part of a larger whole. Fractaline self similiarity.

Still, "all is one" as a statement, not impressive. Or have I just fallen too far from the light? If so, how about a little help please.

I think you're thinking about this a little too hard...

It's suppose to be an expression that simplifies what in my opinion is somewhat impossible to truly comprehend or understand.

In my opinion we are all God and there is no separation between you, me, and the rest of the world. The separation is only an illusion. God is everything you see, and more. It's everywhere, and is inside of all of us at all times. This simple revelation whether literally true or not (though without a doubt it has some validity) can often significantly change the way someone looks at the world for the better, thus altering their experience for the better, and can also be a powerful incentive to ponder further. And the beautiful part is all it takes is for some people who might not otherwise stumble across such a positive outlook in life to contemplate such notions as "Am I God?" and "Is all One?" to gain intuitive insights into the nature of reality that they had never realized before, thus allowing them more flexibility, control, and therefore happiness and etc in this reality.

I mean we may all be really different, but in the end we are more alike. To me it seems that we are one consciousness expressing itself infinitely. The reason it all has to be one is because we are so obviously connected at a fundamental level. I mean I don't even think the world is real at all. It's an illusion. A dream. I mean there is clearly a whole lot more going on around here than it SEEMS, because psychic events such as synchronicity aren't really able to be explained by modern science, and I don't think they ever will because when you really get down to it, it's all magic. And for our reality to be able to be so flexible and free to create as it wishes, it would have to be One. I can't explain why, but for all of it to function properly, energy would have to flow freely, so all systems would have to be open, even if they seem separate! We are all connected. What affects one directly affects all indirectly. That's a fact in my opinion, and that fact alone suggests there is a larger system at work here than all the visible systems appear at first to have...

Idk, that's just my $0.02... Thoughts?
Life is art.

Row row row your boat, gently down the stream... Merrily merrily merrily merrily...............


#7 Posted : 12/25/2011 12:31:56 AM

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Here's a nice simple way of wording it:

God is Self in its wholeness.
#8 Posted : 12/25/2011 12:44:13 AM
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I am both wave and particle
#9 Posted : 12/25/2011 12:52:56 AM

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on a mushroom trip earlier this year i had a real deep experience and saw a being incredibly similar to that fella.... felt as if he was observing my nature, and as i progressed in my thoughts and realisations he would nodd in recognition of my understanding.. was pretty interesting

i've always found alex greys art very accurate of the psychedelic space.. theres a few artists who really take me there.. pablo amaringo being another one as well as larry carlson. and phil lewis who somebody posted up is absolutely amazing! his fox and chameleon pieces are gnarly
#10 Posted : 12/25/2011 1:03:54 AM

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gods like the universe experiencing itself from lots of different perspectives
and perhaps we are vessels to look out from and see the universe in unique and exciting ways


perhaps next time i am in hyperspace at the hands of an all knowing entity il inquire further Razz
#11 Posted : 12/25/2011 9:24:47 AM


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Ive been feeling this a lot recently too. We are all connected on a level of consciousness that we no longer feel we are a part of due to the I, me, my ego. We are individual parts of the bigger whole experiencing it subjectively. Perhaps objectively. I feel we are all experiencing life through God and God through life. It feels infinite, we are all here, alive, to experience it, wherever it may lead, but we do have the choice to create a world we can imagine, which is the dilemma we find ourselves in. Action needs to be taken to wake others up, the human experience is amazing, and that's just the surface.
"That which I avoid I will become a slave to, that which I confront I will master."
#12 Posted : 12/25/2011 9:57:10 AM

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forms of "be" create a linguistic fallacy, an error of permanence

But isn't using e-prime just political correctness, an attempt to correct something which we are not able to correct on a neurophysiological level? If we want to act in this world, we need to send unambiguous signals to the various controlling systems in our CNS. In order to do that, we MUST collapse the wave function, otherwise there would be no will (however mistaken it is) to drive the system forward.
#13 Posted : 12/25/2011 10:19:22 AM

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#14 Posted : 12/25/2011 12:23:43 PM

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From The Cracking Tower, by Jim DeKorne:

"What better way for God to know himself than to divide his awareness so that he can observe objectively as creator and subjectively as creation?"

The author also talks about how many esoteric philosophies refer to "us" as being thoughts in the Mind of God- "objects" that "Consciousness-Without-An-Object" has been imagining for eons:

"One of the first things we learn is that emanation consists of a hierarchy of awareness. The Kabbalah explains that the Ein-Sof (Logos, Brahman, whatever) made ten emanations called Sephiroth, vessels to contain the light (consciousness) pouring into them from Consciousness-Without-An-Object's imagination. These vessels weren't able to contain this outpouring, and in what Kabbalists describe as a "cosmic catastrophe", the vessels shattered in into innumerable pieces and scattered throughout the realms of hyperspace, each fragment containing a spark of divine light (that's us). The main task of every Kabbalist is to "raise the sparks" of his or her own separated consciousness to reunite with the Ein-Sof that emanated them."

"Every sentient entity in the multiverse is both an observer and an object of perception, and the source from which they emanate is the Primary Observer, which is unadulterated Consciousness itself. Before emanation, perception can not take place because perception involves both an observer and that which is observed."


"[The universe is apparently] constructed (and thus in such as way as to be able) to see itself. But in order to do so, evidently it must first cut itself up itso at least one state which sees, and at least one other state which is seen. In this severed and multilated condition, whatever it sees is only partially itself...But, in any attempt to see itself as an object, it must, equally undoubtedly, act so as to make itself distinct from, and therefore, false to, itself. In this condition it will always partially elude itself." (55)

"Thus consciousness is prior to observation. Combine this logical necessity with emanation and we see that whatever the Cosmic Mind imagines cannot be separated from its source. It follows then, that as the matter-energy created within this explosive act of imagination expands and fragments, becoming ever more complex, each emerging monad of fresh awareness perceives as a subjective fractal of the objective One Mind in whatever dimension it finds itself. Hence universe becomes Multiverse."

obliguhl wrote:
I am the one who repeats.

I like this. Very fractal.

Good stuff, guys. To the OP- be sure to check out this relevant thread too:


#15 Posted : 12/25/2011 3:35:33 PM
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Bedazzle wrote:

Still, "all is one" as a statement, not impressive. Or have I just fallen too far from the light? If so, how about a little help please.

You, we, I are/am already aware. It could be described in one word or infinite words, yet words are meaningless. Words are what create this fallacy of different views, religions. Words are a bi-product of the ego. Such as evil. Not to say words, or anything for that matter, are inherently evil.

Everything stems from this singularity. Everything IS this singularity. The only way to truly know is to experience. Once your mind is open, it's undeniable.
I know that I am. I am therefore we are.
The Traveler
#16 Posted : 12/25/2011 3:52:42 PM

"No, seriously"

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You might have missed this but please check the attitude page:
Attitude wrote:
The DMT-Nexus is no place for preaching, and imposing an idea on others. Respect to different world views is imperative! If you have an opinion about something, respectfully state it, but please do not talk in absolutes about Right and Wrong or disrespectfully disregard other world views.

I would like it when you would not state something as absolute truth when there is clearly no consensus about it. Also the preachy tone in your posts worries me, so please find another way to present your opinion.

Kind regards,

The Traveler
#17 Posted : 12/25/2011 4:38:06 PM

Not I

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Wall paper you will find many on the nexus to be very bristly about spiritual matters.

Many of us here do associate dmt with our spirituality, but it makes many here very uneasy.
Often to the point that they lash out as hard core materialists at times.

The trav is right in that you gotta respect all world views here.... but don't expect that it will be extended back to
you if you express any belief outside of science in the non spiritual forums. It seems some people are so limited that they
Can't or won't allow themselves to think outside the scientific box. We at the nexus have to separate the spiritualists and materialist because they literally go on and on and on for page after page without ever considering the other view point. It basically clogs up the board.

Lastly... My advice is use the nexus for the amazing scientific site that it is.
You can learn a hell of lot about the science of extraction, neurochemsitry and
quite a few other broad scientific conversations, If however you want to talk spiritual matters either keep the post in one of the forums for that specific purpouse or find another board where the focus is on the meaning and speculation of the experience.

Btw we are one is literally the most obvious statement in the world. From nothing we came....to not we shall return.

The only thing philosophically that I disagree with is claiming that you are. Every observation I make leads to the direct conclusion that we are not.

Peace and welcome to the nexus.
If your religion, faith, devotion, or self proclaimed spirituality is not directly leading to an increase in kindness, empathy, compassion and tolerance for others then you have been misled.
#18 Posted : 12/25/2011 6:13:42 PM
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Has anybody read Tryptamine Palace by J Oroc? It's a fascinating read, and touches on this subject quite a few times...
#19 Posted : 12/25/2011 6:37:42 PM

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Just put "I think" before every statement you decide to share. If you want to add shock value for the materialists who aren't completely aware of all the internet acronyms, you can type what you want, but just add an "IMO" at the end of your sentence.
Rising Spirit
#20 Posted : 12/26/2011 9:20:15 PM

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Welcome aboard wallpaper.

wallpaper wrote:
If god is consciousness, is there more to god than consciousness?

From my perspective, as God is Omniscient, the Sacred is both consciousness and far, far more than we who experience consciousness subjectively, can ever describe in written or spoken words. This is an area of much philosophical debate and I feel we each can learn from one other, despite any differences in style of delivery or vantage point.

wallpaper wrote:
The ego is the human filter.

I can see the validity of this assessment. For the human ego is the interface and the translator of many bits of information, which our senses receive and our mind cognizes into symbolic meaning and content. It also cements these into a working, cohesive whole. Creating it's own gravitational field of sorts. Sadly, when the ego has complete control over our awareness... a soul is certainly limited by the compression. I find that when I experience a temporary ego-death, my mind is able to SEE things hitherto impossible to directly perceive.

wallpaper wrote:
This dimension is consciousness

Yes, I do believe you are on to something pertinent and true. Likewise, I speculate that all dimensions are consciousness, in one variation of form or another. It surely appears that all the billions of separate spokes, within the Universal Wheel, are conjoined in a central hub. Interesting thing about wheels of any and all kinds... they are completely empty in the very center.

wallpaper wrote:
i am consciousness. i am singular. i am god.

What you have said is echoed in most of the World's scriptures. Not just within non-dualistic theologies like Advaita, Buddhism and Taoism... but within pantheistic systems of monotheistic belief, as well. Paradoxically, as Bedazzle cleverly points out, is that the "i" in your insightful statements, seems to wear two hats. That is, "i" is a subjective reference to being a central vortex or fulcrum of reception (through the senses and the mind) and also seems to suggest an unbound identity in the eternal?

The personal pronoun I reveals itself as a fixed reference point within the infinite possibilities of existential being. It implies individuality of self, as with I-me-mine. So, if God is consciousness and I am also consciousness... does not said "consciousness" have a dual role in these statements? I mean, do not the conceptual ideals of oneself and the Self, represent opposite extremes in polarity (for the sake of this hypothesis)? :idea:

Sages like Sri Ramana Maharshi would emphatically disagree with this simplification, that self is other than Self. His message to the world was that while the isolated individual self (ego-self) is ultimately unreal, like unto a dream, as exists oblivious of the light of the Godhead... it is rooted in the Divine and remains unbroken in Spirit. His premise was centered in the belief that All being is Self, therefore, there is nothing which is not God. Sound familiar?

In light of such a conception, you are most correct to claim that you are God. Ironically, if it is only the higher Self which is awake and aware of being Divine and that Self is wholly Indivisible... ego-self is also theoretically Divine, regardless of it's fixed relatively and mindset.

The mirage of separateness is said to be a dream. Moses had the same scenario when he attempted to put into human terms, his spiritual visions. He proclaimed that The Lord spoke and said, "I am that I am." So, it seems like an age-old wrinkle in the impossibility of speaking of THAT which is beyond words. I guessing that to Moses' way of thinking, God was the supreme Omniself? Or rather, an Interconnected dimension of all selves?

wallpaper wrote:
To me (me, my, I, ego), it is indisputable. It's the waves being part of the ocean metaphor.

Me too... but am I the only being in existence, that my vision could even remotely be THE vision of the whole universal core? I must question my perceptions, every step of the journey. My only concern for such enthusiastic characters as you and I, is that is may come across as blatantly preaching, my friend.

I have found that, "me, my, I, ego", is an echo of thought from this side of the eclipsing within The Spirit, as with Samadhi/Satori/Divine Rapture. We obviously are operating within the construct of duality. Our egos relay the impression of merging within the Omniself but are the two states the same? This does not allow for the same state of thoughtlessness, necessary to have an ego-death experience. I find that without emptiness in the mental field, the degree of concentration needed to break-through into the Godhead is impossible. Well, that's my experience of this process and I sincerely believe that I am gradually attuning my intuition to such a reoccurring eclipsing, when all thought is effectively stilled and awareness blossoms exponentially.

Honestly, were we still fully entranced, operating this keypad would be utterly impossible! Right? In other words, we are back from the epiphany and we are individuated ego-selves, speaking of a greater singularity of non ego-self. The transcendent moment has dissipated and we are undeniably, human beings expressing our beliefs and are best off expounding them, as such. Thus, our beliefs interact with all of the other myriad of individuated human beliefs.

I do not say this to chastise you for coming "down from the mountain", since that is the entheogenic roller coaster, in a nutshell. Neither am I singling you out, as I have to watch myself, continuously, in such regards. I personally do not feel that we should keep quiet about something so moving and inspiring as having a good long glance at the Unified Energy Field. It's just a matter of proper presentation and consciously tailoring the message for a more positive and copacetic degree of overall acceptance. Wink

That being said, despite how certain we are of our spiritual realizations, we must understand how this impacts the collective sensibilities as a whole. That is, if one chooses harmony in preference to inevitable discord, a concerted effort much be made to indicate that any of our beliefs are based on our subjectivity of the enlightened headset.

wallpaper wrote:
It could be described in one word or infinite words, yet words are meaningless. Words are what create this fallacy of different views, religions. Words are a bi-product of the ego. Such as evil. Not to say words, or anything for that matter, are inherently evil.

Everything stems from this singularity. Everything IS this singularity. The only way to truly know is to experience. Once your mind is open, it's undeniable.

Paradoxically, for those of us who have had immersions into states of mind, which burn a profound message of cosmic unity and indivisibility... we find that we are confronted to temper this from becoming a seeming, dogmatic declaration. Such absolutism rarely bears fruit, unless presented to an equally convinced audience.

The Nexus is primarily a scientific format, whose forum structure DOES actually have room for meaningful spiritual discussion as it relates to DMT and other entheogens). Unfortunately, until you, as a newer member, reach the specific subforums intended for such discussion, issues arise from overtly dogmatic assertions of your sublime vision of Oneness.

"When in Rome, do as the Romans do" can be applied to this potential conflict in ideologies. It's really no so far to bend, to qualify our most cherished beliefs about the Divine, with the simple admission that all of our thoughts about The Spirit are born from our personal and undeniably subjective impressions, even gleaned from our most inspired states of realization.

Keeping this in mind, we can express our Sacred revelations more tactfully. It's often about HOW we phrase these ideas that causes the wrinkle. I remind myself of this fact, time and time again. We are guests here and must learn to navigate within this community harmoniously or seek discussions elsewhere. I encourage you to make a few small linguistic adjustments within your expressive convictions... and we'll all be on the same page. Cool

So it really isn't too much to ask, if we are more careful getting across our message, in a manner more palatable to the majority. After all, you wouldn't walk into a church or temple and boldly preach the value of the psychedelic experience, as a vehicle for true religious awakening... now would you? You certainly could give it a shot but it would likely be ill received, as the use of entheogens is not viable route towards religious conformity.

By simply qualifying our epiphanies as translated through our own subjective viewpoint, ideas, opinions, cherished beliefs, deepest feelings, etc... we are expressing our EXPERIENCE and not coming off as preaching or doing the ole John The Baptist thingy, stirring up an unpleasant reaction.

Again, welcome to this forum! Please consider leaning towards the side of harmonious understanding, and phrase you ideas with more delicacy, because the old debate can go on and on forevermore... and that's just a game of circular logic. It also takes up a lot of time and space, that would be best left available for another subforum.

Be patient, friend. Before you know it, you will be allowed to post in any subforum on the Nexus and for subjects like the one your raise here, in the new Spirituality & Mysticism subforum. OK? "Patience is a virtue." Laughing

I speculate that the whole of existence is but an Omniscient singularity of Being, IMO.

There is no self to which I cling, for I am one with everything.
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