Thanks for the welcome guys, I haven't read McKenna yet but I've heard excerpts of speaches form him (on Youtube and whatnot), and I'm quite taken aback by his insights. The "operating system" metaphore, that I'm sure everyone here is familiar with, is an idea that I'm very receptive to.
Needless to say I'm up to the gills in evolutionary theories right now and some of them are quite compelling, but I'd love to give McKenna's take some consideration. Right now I'm reading about an idea that human-style cognition evolved under runaway sexual selection, similar to the peacock tail. Most of these ideas are impossible to prove, though, for various reasons. But I guess the premise of this forum is that other avenues of cognative exploration are available, isn't it?
I do have one noob-ish intro question that I'll run by you guys if you don't mind. I'm reading through the position of this community, and I understand full well that particulars about buying/selling are not ok to talk about. This is standard on every forum I've ever visited. But, I'm under the impression that manufacture would fall into the same legal category. I guess the big question here is why is this not targeted by law enforcement?
I have some guesses, but could you guys help me to understand this better?
"Now, here, you see, it takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place." -The Red Queen